Chapter 332 I Live, You Live

A million gaps...

Qiao Ye is now counting on the effect of twin lives in one realm, and he definitely can't absorb twin lives in one realm, and absorbing twin lives in one realm is not enough!

Of the things left on hand, the Martial God Iron Book can easily absorb enough Martial Soul Points. Even, let alone breaking through to the Martial King Realm, even if it only absorbs a corner, it can raise Qiao Ye to two or three ranks .

the question is that……

Absorbing the Martial God Iron Book may have sequelae. It has already happened when absorbing the Martial God Iron Book. Now that the absorption of the Martial God Iron Book is the same as last time, then there is no need for these people in the spiritual realm to take action. Qiao Ye may send himself to see him ancestors.


Of course the Duan Kong pestle cannot just be absorbed!

Then, only the Thousand Spirit Sword and the Gorefiend will wring their fingers!

Qiao Ye quickly made up his mind!

"You have absorbed the Gorefiend's Wrench Finger, absorbing martial soul value: 1,150,000 points"

The blood demon wrench is actually very useful, whether it is attack or defense, it is very powerful in attack and strong in defense. However, it can only be hit once at a time. It is commonly known as one shot into the soul. , which makes the value of the Bloodfiend's finger not so great.

And after absorbing the Gorefiend's finger, Qiao Ye finally got enough martial soul points!

"Your cultivation has been raised to the first level of Martial King Realm!"

The duration of the martial soul is closely related to the cultivation base. It can be understood that with the support of the cultivation base, the consumption of all aspects will become less. It can also be understood that the higher the cultivation base, the more powerful the aura. The qi and blood are stronger, and the mental power is more majestic, so it can last longer.

It doesn't matter what kind of explanation it is, one thing is for sure, although a breakthrough in cultivation level cannot help Qiao Ye recover, but improving his cultivation level can make Qiao Ye's state last a little longer!

for example……

Heavenly Demon Illusion!

Phantom of the Heavenly Demon: Attract the power of the Heavenly Demon from the void, and form the Phantom of the Heavenly Demon to appear in front of people and fight.

Qiao Ye has never used the phantom of the demon, not because she doesn't want to use it, but because she can't use it!

After his cultivation level broke through the realm of the Grandmaster, and he was promoted to the first level of the Martial King Realm, and then cooperated with the ghost to welcome the lamp, Qiao Ye finally summoned the ghost of that day.

The black smoke surrounding it burst out suddenly, rushed up, pulled up, condensed, and finally turned into a door that was 20 to 30 meters high and formed by the condensed smoke!

Hoo, hoo...

Behind the huge smoke door, there was a heavy panting sound, revealing a low and oppressive feeling, as well as a strong sense of gloom.

The next moment, a giant dark purple hand appeared and grabbed onto the door frame.

The huge demon stepped out from the door step by step.

The devil is coming!

On that day, the head of a demon with a body and a bird was about five or six meters high. It had dark purple skin with black lines on it, drawing strange lines, and a pair of huge black wings on its back. After opening, countless black feathers It drifted around.

Everyone around felt their hearts tremble!

The moment the Heavenly Demon walked out from behind the door, everyone felt an extremely heavy sense of oppression, as if something was stuck in their chest, making it difficult to breathe.

Qiao Ye was also taken aback for a moment. When the demon phantom in front of him was fighting with the land of Jianmen, the ghost phantom that appeared was obviously different. Could it be that different types of phantom ghosts appeared randomly? Maybe it's because his cultivation has improved? Therefore, a stronger demonic form can appear.

Qiao Ye himself didn't understand that there was no indication of the virtual form of the demon in the light curtain.

But, no matter what, the appearance of the demonic form is enough!

While Qiao Ye was thinking, the demon's wings spread out, and the scattered black feathers had already fallen below.


Puff puff!

The sound of slashing, mixed with screams, kept ringing out at this moment, each piece of the black feathers was as sharp as a knife,

A black feather flew over the neck of a person from the spiritual domain, and immediately after, a bloody mouth appeared on the neck of the other person, and bright red blood splashed out directly, spreading all over the ground.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the fourth level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 14,500 points."


The second person, the third person...

The black feather was sharp and unparalleled, and the moment it passed by, bloody mouths appeared on the bodies of the people in the surrounding spiritual realm. Although it was not fatal, it was easy to do.

Everyone turned pale with fright in an instant, they didn't dare to stand around the phantom of the demon, and fled towards the surroundings one after another.

But also at this moment...

That day, the demon emptied his palm and slapped it down!


The giant palm landed, and there was a loud roar, and the ground instantly collapsed. The ground where the giant palm fell was even directly crushed into powder. With the square in front of the spiritual temple as the center, the surrounding hills shook violently. .

The earth is shaking, the sky is falling apart!

Even, a huge crack appeared from both sides of the palm, continuously spreading towards the surroundings, with a length of more than ten meters, as if the ground had been cut open with a single blow.

After a while, Tianmo Xuxiang slowly raised his palm, and the ground was sunken, and a huge palm print appeared!

The cultivation base of the first level of the Martial King Realm, the fifth-rank martial soul!

Qiao Ye is confident that he can overwhelm everyone here, provided that his state is still at its peak.

Of course, even in the current situation, as long as the ghost of the demon can last for a while, Qiao Ye will have enough time to activate the twin lives!

However, after breaking through to the Martial King Realm, the trouble Qiao Ye had to face was not those people from the Spiritual Realm, but...

Ling Temple!

The reason why Lingwu sacrifices to heaven are limited to those under the age of 21, and the cultivation level must not exceed Wu Zongjing, is not just because the age and cultivation level of the early spirit priests in the temple were selected according to this standard.

Also because...

If such conditions are not met, the spiritual temple will not allow entry at all. Therefore, Lin Jiexu didn't follow, but stayed at the foot of the mountain. It's not that he didn't want to follow, but he didn't come up at all. .

Therefore, if Qiao Ye was at the Martial King Realm, he would not be able to participate in the Lingwu Festival, because Qiao Ye would also not be able to enter the Ling Temple.

So, what will happen after breaking through to the Martial King Realm in the Spirit Temple?

According to Yan Chiyong, if you have completed three years of hard work, over the age of 21, or your cultivation has broken through to the king realm, you will be sent away, even if you want to stay, the temple will not allow it .

This is the rule of the Ling Temple, but...

Qiao Ye can't leave!

If Qiao Ye left, the number of people in the spiritual domain at the foot of the mountain would be dozens of times more than those who participated in the Lingwu sacrifice in front of the spiritual temple. Moreover, those people were not only in the spiritual realm.

Spirit King Realm, Spirit Emperor Realm, or even Spirit Emperor Realm...

Many of these extremely powerful men in the spiritual domain have come to observe the spirit martial arts and sacrifice to the heavens. Qiao Ye might be torn to pieces if he leaves the spiritual temple.


Qiao Ye couldn't leave Lin Ziyi behind!

Before she died, Lin Ziyi couldn't die.


This is what I promised!

Qiao Ye looked at Lin Ziyi, raised her hand suddenly, stroked Lin Ziyi's forehead with her fingertips, and brushed Lin Ziyi's hair behind her ears.

"I live, you live!" Qiao Ye looked at Lin Ziyi and said, "If you die, I will die!"


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