Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 333 The Void Aspect of the Spiritual God

Chapter 333

Boom, boom!

The Void Demonic Figure raged again, raised its foot, and stomped down fiercely towards the front. The ground trembled crazily again, rocks shot up through the air, and countless broken stones surged.


The wings on the back of the Void Demon Aspect spread out, and countless black feathers fell downward.

This time, the black feathers didn't just fall down unconsciously. With the wings of the Void Demonic Aspect flapping, the strong wind swept the dust around, pushing those black feathers.

The black feathers were like sharp arrows one after another, falling down one after another, shooting continuously.

Boom, boom, boom!

The black feather fell to the ground, continuously smashing the ground, and at the same time, continuously piercing through the bodies of those spirit realm people.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator of the third level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 12,500 points."

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the fourth level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 14,000 points."

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the third level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 13,000 points."


at the same time……

Qiao Ye's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, looking in the direction of the spiritual temple!


There is a mysterious power flowing out of that ancient temple at this moment, it is indescribable, invisible, but it really exists, and it can be easily felt by people!

Suddenly, the spiritual temple began to shine brightly!

Layers of hazy green light shrouded the surroundings of the spiritual temple, like a light green transparent mist, covering the spiritual temple.

Qiao Ye is no stranger to that green glow, which is...

Spiritual charm!

The green radiance is exactly the same as the aura of the spirit god that appeared in the statue of the spirit god before, with the same aura and feeling, even, perhaps because of absorbing the aura of the spirit god, Qiao Ye has an inexplicable intimacy with that radiance .

However, Qiao Ye is very clear that the intimacy is due to the power of the spirit god in his body right now. This time, the spirit spirit spirit charm is absolutely impossible to be so friendly!

Sure enough, after the aura of the spirit god enveloped the mausoleum, a majestic aura suddenly appeared.

next moment...

A huge beam of light rushed out from the spiritual temple, soaring straight into the sky, piercing a hole in the sky.

"The demons are raging!"

A majestic voice suddenly appeared, as if it was coming from all directions, making it difficult to tell where it came from.

"Spiritual decree, subdue demons!"

In the green beam of light, a decree emitting green light suddenly appeared, continuously floating in the air, and ancient and obscure characters appeared on the decree one by one.

In the next moment, a magnificent breath appeared.

The spiritual light floating in the sky suddenly turned into a big hand, and it came down fiercely towards the demonic form of the sky.

The demon raised his head in phantom, and the bird and beast's pupils emitted a red light.

Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes, this is the real enemy!

"But what about the spirit?" Qiao Ye growled, "It's wishful thinking to subdue me!"

As soon as Qiao Ye stretched out his hand towards the front, the Void Demon Form moved, the wings on his back spread out, and countless black feathers flew into the air.

Boom, boom, boom!

The black feather kept soaring into the sky, colliding with the huge palm, constantly colliding, and roaring, and then the huge palm was continuously crushed by the black feather, and in the blink of an eye, there appeared on the palm Countless potholes, densely packed together, made the giant palm formed by the aura look dilapidated.

The first blow, resist down!

Even, Qiao Ye's demonic form had the upper hand.

But, it's not over yet!

The spiritual light covering the spiritual temple flickered again, and a new spiritual light rose into the sky, like a huge light curtain. The decree of the spirit god shone brightly, and the second huge spiritual light was transformed into a giant palm, which continued to press down fall.

With the force of both hands, the flying black feather was crushed to pieces.

Qiao Ye clenched her teeth and said in a low voice, "Chop off those two palms!"

Behind Qiao Ye, the ghost of the demon spread its wings again, bent its legs, and flew into the sky, flying out towards the sky.


The body of the phantom demon was surrounded by layers of black smoke, which drifted away, filled with a strange feeling, and then ruthlessly collided with the aura palm.


The moment the phantom of the demon collided with the palm of the aura, a huge explosion sounded, and the surrounding space seemed to be in a static state at this moment.

Everything dies at this moment...

In the next moment, the surrounding static state suddenly disappeared, and a circle of terrifying fluctuations appeared, which suddenly blocked the surrounding area.

Click, click...

The ripples swept around, and a mountain top on the side was cut off directly, and the mountain body tilted directly and began to collapse!


When Qiao Ye raised his head, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Looking up into the air, the second aura palm was also shattered by the demonic form, and it became dilapidated. However, a wing of the demonic form was also torn off by the huge palm.

the most important is……

It's not over yet!

In the beam of light, the spiritual decree floating in the air emitted a bright light again, and the light was hazy, spreading towards the surroundings like a mist.

The next moment, a giant suddenly stepped out of the brilliance.

Humanoid, however, has no face!

That face was a hazy mist!

It is exactly the same as the statue of the spirit god in the spiritual temple!

Spiritual illusion!

This should be the strongest blow of the spirit god's decree. After all, the spirit god has already fallen for many years, and it is absolutely impossible to reappear in the world. However, just the remnant ghost of the spirit god is enough It's scary.

Qiao Ye gritted her teeth tightly, the ghost lamp kept floating around Qiao Ye, and the three ghost fires turned into "t_t", obviously trying their best to instill spiritual power into Qiao Ye's body.

That day, the demon ghost moved again, and stretched out his hand to press out the palm of the spirit god ghost.


The spirit and god stretched out their finger towards the front, and when the finger pointed out, a piece of spiritual light overflowed and spread towards the surroundings.

Because of the collision of the two phantoms, the terrifying fluctuations reappeared, constantly pushing away towards the surroundings, even if they stood a little closer, they would be directly affected.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator of the third level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 12,000 points."

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator of the fourth level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 13,500 points."

The bodies of the two Lingyu people suddenly split apart at the moment the wave passed by, turned into two pieces, and fell to the ground. They were cut in half on the spot in just an instant!


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