Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 344 If begging for mercy is useful...

Chapter 344 If begging for mercy is useful...

The fresh blood floated in the air, and suddenly spread out in all directions, turning into blood lines, passing through the demon hall members, criss-crossing and criss-crossing, like a cage, locking the demon hall members inside, When they wanted to retreat, the surrounding area was densely covered with blood lines, and there was no way to retreat.

The next moment, Qiao Ye's fingertips hooked lightly...

Puff puff……

Those blood lines tightened suddenly, wrapped around the bodies of those demon hall members, and then...

Blood mist filled the air!

In just a split second, the bodies of the dozen or so members of the demon hall were cut open, and they fell to the ground in unison, like mowing grass.

"You defeated a Demon Transformer of the seventh level of the Demon Sect Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 20,000 points."

"You defeated a Demon Transformer of the seventh level of the Demon Sect Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 20,000 points."

"You defeated a Demon Transformer of the eighth level of the Demon Sect Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 21,000 points."


The bright red blood flowed to the surroundings, and the whole street was stained bloody and sticky. When Qiao Ye raised his foot and walked forward, streaks of blood were drawn from the soles of Qiao Ye's shoes.

Qiao Ye came to Liao Huang. This guy didn't come forward because he had a broken arm, but he became the only one who was still alive.

Qiao Ye said, "I've already given you a chance, right?"

Liao Huang trembled all over his body, his feet went limp, and he knelt down, begging for mercy: "I was wrong, I know I was wrong, give me another chance, I promise there will be no next time, and I will never show up again ..."


Qiao Ye didn't wait for Liao Huang to finish speaking, and casually reached out to wipe it. The surrounding ice and snow suddenly came and wiped Liao Huang's throat, and Liao Huang's head fell straight down.

"If begging for mercy is useful..." Qiao Ye glanced at Liao Huang's corpse and said, "Will there still be dead people in this world?"

After stepping over the corpse, Qiao Ye left quickly.

Although it is almost impossible to catch up with Jiang Liuxue after knowing the people who solved the magic hall, Qiao Ye still hurried to the end of the street to try his luck. Unfortunately, as expected, Jiang Liuxue Long gone.

Qiao Ye was also helpless, after thinking about it for a while, she decided to turn around and go back to Ruyi Restaurant first.

When he returned to Ruyi Restaurant, Ye Xuan was standing at the door of the shop, holding a food box in his hand, apologizing to a boy in Tsing Yi.

"Boss Ye, our master said that if you do things like this, he won't come to visit you again in the future."

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "Sorry, it was my fault, I will make a new one now, please take it back to Mr. Huang."

"No need." The boy in Tsing Yi shook his head and said, "My master says it's fine, I hope you can take care of yourself."

Qiao Ye thought he was here to make trouble, and was about to step forward, but was pulled aside by Lin Ziyi.

Lin Ziyi said: "This is not here to make trouble."

Qiao Ye said, "That's it?"

Lin Ziyi said: "Ye Xuan still has some regular customers. Due to the evil reputation of the magic hall, he dare not come to Ruyi Restaurant to eat again, but people will come to buy them secretly, but..."

Seeing that Ye Xuan had finished talking with the boy, Lin Ziyi took the food box in Ye Xuan's hand and handed it to Qiao Ye, motioning for Qiao Ye to take a bite.

Qiao Ye opened the lid of the box, and the first layer was a plate of sliced ​​green pepper meat, which looked pretty good, but after taking a bite...

"Bah!" Qiao Ye spit it out straight away, cursing, "Is this something people eat?"

The meat slices were so salty that they seemed to have been soaked in salt.

Lin Ziyi said: "Do you think Ye Xuan's craftsmanship can make this stuff?"

Qiao Ye said: "It was dropped."

"That's right." Lin Ziyi spread his hands and said, "They used this method to keep Ruyi Restaurant out of business. By the way, how did you find out?"

Qiao Ye's expression turned serious, and he lowered his voice and said, "Things are a bit weird, I saw Jiang Liuxue."

Lin Ziyi was stunned and said, "Which Jiang Liuxue?"

Qiao Ye said: "Of course it's the one we saw in Ningbei Snowfield!"

Lin Ziyi was surprised: "Isn't he dead?"

"Huh?" Qiao Ye said, "Don't you know the follow-up?"

Lin Ziyi shook his head and said, "After Ningbei Snowfield was closed, I went back to Linglan Academy, then went back to Tang Country, and then went to Moye City."

Qiao Ye nodded, and then told about Jiang Liuxue.

Lin Ziyi felt as if she was listening to a book from heaven, and her expression was a little confused. It took a long time before she said: "So, there are a lot of Jiang Liuxue?"

Qiao Ye said: "I don't know if there are any repeats, but the one we encountered must be one. I killed him, and the other was put under house arrest by Tianwu Academy. That one is probably the real Jiang Liuxue. It is said that Tianwu Academy moved a little bit." method, but did not get any information, that Jiang Liuxue didn’t know anything, and then the one from Jianmen Land and Moye City ran away, and I don’t know if this one from Moyu is the same person.”

Lin Ziyi said: "Want to arrest?"

Qiao Ye sighed and said, "A few disruptors caused me to let them go. Now it's not about arresting them, but how to find them out."

Lin Ziyi thought for a while, and then said helplessly: "This is the Demon Realm, not the Martial Realm. Both of us are unfamiliar with the place, so how can we find someone? The only person I know from the Demon Realm is Ye Xuan, and he doesn't have such abilities, right?" ?”

"Then it's just luck." Qiao Ye said, "By the way, I also inquired about the Ruyi Restaurant. The Magic Hall didn't take advantage of it to make trouble. Long Yuxuan is the property of the Magic Hall. Ye Xuan rejected the Devil Hall’s request to let him work as a cook at Long Yuxuan, and that’s why he was targeted, and Ye Xuan himself should know this, so he didn’t tell us that the Devil Hall has great influence in Yecheng.”

Lin Ziyi said: "So, to solve Ye Xuan's troubles, we have to deal with the Demon Hall?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Yes!"

Lin Ziyi said: "The Demon Hall is still very famous in Ye City. I have heard about it. It is not easy to deal with the Demon Hall. There are only two of us."

"It's not completely out of ideas." Qiao Ye pouted and said, "The Demon Hall and the Lord of Ye City, Sikong Nan, are very wrong. Originally, the Demon Hall was officially established by the Daqian Dynasty to check and balance the Lord of the City. In the past few years, the power of the Dagan Dynasty has gradually weakened, and the city lords and demon halls in various places can no longer suppress it. This is especially the case in Yecheng, where the Emperor Shan Gao is far away. Therefore, Sikong Nan and the demon hall relationship became worse."

Lin Ziyi nodded, this is a matter of course.

If Sikong Nan is a good city lord, then the Demon Hall will be tyrannical in Yecheng, and he will definitely look down on him. If Sikong Nan is not a good city lord, he also has selfish intentions, so if he wants to dominate the family in Yecheng, the Demon Hall will not be able to avoid it threshold.

Lin Ziyi said: "So, you want to start with Sikong Nan?"


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