Chapter 345 Undercurrent

Demon Realm, Industry City, Demon Hall!

The magic hall is located in the northeast corner of Yecheng. It doesn't look majestic, and it's a little small, but in fact, everyone knows that the magic hall is rich and has many industries in the city. It just blackmails the merchants every year. The money you get is a horrible word count.

And in the main hall of the demon hall, many people gathered here at this moment. The current master of the demon hall, Bai Kaixin, is at the top, with a gloomy face, and there is a plaque with the words "loyalty and bravery" hanging on his head. Of course, nowadays How can anyone take those two words seriously?

Suddenly, Bai Kai stood up and swept the tea bowl and teapot on the coffee table to the ground.

The surroundings were suddenly silent, and everyone could feel Bai Kaixin's anger.

"Idiots, a group of idiots!" Bai Kaixin roared angrily, pointing at the surroundings: "There are thirteen people in total, a total of thirteen people from the magic hall were killed in the street in public, and they just walked away. A kind of provocation, but also an insult, in this industry city, when will someone dare to do this to the Demon Hall? And such a bold person, you don’t even know who it is, you don’t even know the name, what use is it for me to support you? A bunch of trash!”

One member of the magic hall hesitated for a moment, stood up obediently and said: "Actually, it's not completely unclear, that person seems to have something to do with Ruyi Restaurant."

Bai Kaixin showed a bit of confusion and said, "Ruyi Restaurant?"

The magic hall said: "It's the one in the south of the city. The owner is Ye Xuan. His craftsmanship is quite good. He is very famous in Yecheng. When Long Yuxuan opened a few months ago, we wanted to recruit him to be a cook. In the end, that person called Ye Xuan didn't know how to flatter, so he directly rejected it."

"I remembered." Bai Kaixin snorted coldly and said, "In Yecheng, no one feels that we have rejected our magic hall, so, how is this matter going? As I said, he must go to Long Yuxuan to do it for me." A table of dishes, kowtow to me obediently, begging me to let him work as a cook at Long Yuxuan."

The magic hall said: "Well, there is almost no business in the Ruyi restaurant now, but he still guards the Ruyi restaurant, but I believe he can't last long."

"Hmph!" Bai Kaixin sneered and said, "That's not necessarily the case. Don't they have helpers? It seems that they are capable of killing so many masters in our magic hall by themselves."


While talking, Bai Kaixin slapped the table fiercely.

"Originally, the cook at the Ruyi restaurant was interesting. If he is obedient and obedient, he can help us earn a lot of money. I don't want his life, but since he is so ignorant, you can't blame me. " Bai Kaixin said coldly: "Tomorrow, you will flatten the Ruyi Restaurant for me, and tear down that dilapidated restaurant for me, killing everything from top to bottom."

"Hey, don't make such a fuss." A black-faced man who looked sideways at Bai Kaixin smiled and said, "Isn't it just that a kid who doesn't know how to be tall and thick came out of nowhere? I'll just go there tomorrow. In front of the person named Ye Xuan, I killed that kid. I think he will be sensible, and obediently go to Long Yuxuan to work for us. Speaking of which, I have eaten the food in that restaurant a few times, and it is really delicious. .”

Bai Kaixin raised his eyebrows, laughed and said, "Liang Heize, then I will leave this matter to you?"

"It's a small matter." The man named Liang Heize waved his hands casually and said, "I'll just go there tomorrow, what a big deal."


Demon Realm, Industry City, City Lord's Mansion.

If there are any forces in Ye City, then obviously there are only two, one is the Demon Hall headed by Bai Kaixin, and the other is the City Owner Party, headed by the City Lord Sikong Nan.

Sikong Nan is a man in his forties. On the way of cultivation, Sikong Nan's talent is not very good. He only broke through to the Demon King Realm five years ago, but after five years, Sikong Nan has not improved at all.

This is due to the busy political affairs, and also because Sikong Nan's talent is nothing more than that, and it may be difficult to break through the Demon King Realm in this lifetime.

However, among the 132 cities in the seven prefectures of the Dagan Dynasty, the scale of Yecheng is very small, just a small town on the border. At the earliest time, it was just a military town established for the convenience of front-line communication. After decades, It gradually became a city, but its scale was not as large as that of a county in many big cities.

Therefore, Sikong Nan is already considered a top expert in this one-third of an acre of land, and the only one who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Sikong Nan in Yecheng is the hall master of the Demon Hall, Bai Happy.

"Happy white..."

Sikong Nan was sitting in the courtyard having a drink. Thinking of Bai Kaixin, his mood suddenly became less pleasant, and he even seemed extremely irritable. Bai Kaixin was his biggest stumbling block in Yecheng.

But also at this time...

"If you want to get rid of him, I can help!"

A faint voice sounded, startling Sikong Nan.

Sikong Nan stood up abruptly, looked around and said, "Who, who is there, come out for me!"

Sikong Nan looked around quickly, and then cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He actually...

Nothing found!

The small courtyard is deep and secluded, apart from myself, there are no other figures!

Not to mention that Sikong Nan's own cultivation is not weak, this city lord's mansion is not a place where he can enter or leave whenever he wants, there are three hundred guards in the mansion, and the strangers recruited by Sikong Nan are all good hands, there are also three Forty people, being able to enter the City Lord's Mansion so easily, and even get close to him, means that the opponent's strength is extraordinary, at least not weaker than Sikong Nan.

"Don't be so nervous!"

As the wind blew, black smoke slowly emerged around Sikong Nan. The next moment, Qiao Ye walked out of the hazy black smoke with his hands behind his back.

The moment Sikong Nan saw Qiao Ye, his first reaction was...

very young!

Sikong Nan believed that it was absolutely impossible for someone who could approach him quietly to be so weak, so he was naturally very surprised when he saw Qiao Ye's age. For a young man who looked like twenty years old, his son might even be younger than him. If you want to be big, your cultivation base is not inferior to yourself?

"Let me introduce myself first!" Qiao Ye looked at Sikong Nan and said, "You don't need to know my name, all you need to know is that I killed the dozen or so people from the Demon Hall who died on the street today!"

Sikong Nan's eyes froze, and he said, "The Devil's Hall eats from officials, and killing officials without permission is a felony!"

Qiao Ye laughed and said, "Why say these things against your will? In your eyes, you and I know what the Devil's Hall is like. When you know that the Devil's Hall is dead, you're just afraid to applaud it." It’s too late, so I’m here to ask just one question.”

Sikong Nan was silent for a while, and then said: "What do you want to ask?"

Qiao Ye said: "If I kill Bai Kaixin, do you dare to uproot the Demon Hall?"


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