Chapter 347 Liang Heize

After one night, when the sun first appeared, the whole city of Ye became lively again, only...

Ruyi Restaurant is still deserted!

Judging from the current situation, if the magic hall does not fall, Ruyi House is hopeless.

In fact, Qiao Ye was also quite curious, why did Ye Xuan stick to such a small restaurant? If he was willing to compromise, with the magic hall as the backstage, he should have a good life. Anyway, where is cooking?

When everyone has their own ideas and pursuits, these are not simply measurable by money.

"I'm going out!" Qiao Ye greeted Lin Ziyi, "Go to the teahouse and see if you can find anything."

Lin Ziyi nodded and smiled, "Go!"

The teahouse is indeed a good place, just by listening casually, you can learn a lot of information you need, but Qiao Ye didn't gain much today.

Because, the teahouse is full of talk about the magic hall, to be precise, it is the matter of a dozen masters of the magic hall being killed in the street.

Qiao Ye changed her clothes and made some simple outfits. Moreover, when the fight broke out, the people on the street were all driven away by the people from the magic hall, so not many people recognized Qiao Ye, but this matter To Qiao Ye, there was really nothing nice to hear. Qiao Ye killed people.

So, after wandering for a while without any results, Qiao Ye saw that it was almost noon, so he simply strolled back to Ruyi Restaurant for dinner, let alone Ye Xuan's craftsmanship, which made people linger.

After returning to Ruyi Restaurant, Qiao Ye had just entered the door, and was taken aback for a moment. There were still customers today.

A black-faced man was sitting by the window, and there were many dishes on the table, almost filling the table.

When Qiao Ye looked over, the other party also looked over, and then smiled and said, "Brother, do you want to sit down and have something together?"

Qiao Ye narrowed her eyes and looked at the other party firmly. The focus was not on the other party's table of dishes, but...

Ye Xuan is at the opponent's feet!

Ye Xuan obviously looked as if he had been beaten, he was thrown there with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and the black-faced man raised one foot and placed it directly on Ye Xuan's body, looking at ease.

Qiao Ye said coldly: "I think, no need!"

"I think..." The black-faced man suddenly shot the wine glass in front of him: "Let's have some together!"

The finger popped out, and the wine glass on the table quickly spun up, and then flew out in the direction of Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye's reaction was extremely quick, and she turned sideways abruptly.

The swirling wine glass brushed Qiao Ye's cheek and flew out, hitting the wall behind. The wine glass was not broken, but the wall was cracked, and the whole wine glass was embedded in the wall.

"My name is Liang Heize, one of the two deputy hall masters of the Demon Hall." Liang Heize raised his eyebrows and said, "I am very kind, so I want you to have a good meal before you die. Let me think about it. Come on? By the way, beheaded meal!"

Liang Heize, one of the vice-masters of the Demon Hall, the ninth-level peak of the Demon Sect Realm, can be said to be one of the two people with the highest cultivation in the Demon Hall besides Bai Kaixin, because the Demon Hall has two deputy masters.

Qiao Ye's eyes gradually became gloomy, and she sat down in front of Liang Heize, looked at the table and said, "It seems that you have eaten a lot?"

Liang Heize said: "There are quite a few, and the food here is quite delicious."

"I'm also very kind. If I let him go, I can make your death easier." Qiao Ye said, "Besides, you're full and just on your way, right?"

"Do you want to kill me?" Liang Heize laughed loudly, pointed at Qiao Ye and said, "This is the funniest joke I've heard this year. Congratulations, you have successfully amuse me!"

The moment Liang Heize finished speaking, he suddenly reached out to sweep the table, and then the sound of strong wind suddenly appeared, and Liang Heize swept the chopsticks on the table directly, shooting towards Qiao Ye's eyes.

Qiao Ye directly reached out to wipe the two chopsticks in front of her eyes, and then patted them on the table.

Liang Heize raised his eyebrows, grabbed the edge of the table with one hand and was about to lift the table, but at this moment, Qiao Ye slapped it hard, and pushed the table back abruptly.

One of the two lifted the table, and the other reached out to push the table down, and fell into wrestling.

"Boy, it's not easy for monks from outside to recite sutras!" Liang Heize sneered and said, "I'm not afraid to tell you that on one-third of an acre of land in Yecheng, our magic hall has the final say. If you dare to kill people from our magic hall in Yecheng, Then there is only one dead end!"


Liang Heize suddenly raised his leg and kicked the bottom of the table. Immediately, the table was torn apart, and the bowls and bowls on the table were also scattered and fell everywhere.

Qiao Ye bent down fiercely, helped Ye Xuan take a look, he just passed out, there was no danger of his life, and then he pushed Ye Xuan to the side so as not to be affected.

Liang Heize sneered at Qiao Ye and said, "I've already given you a chance. Since you don't know how to praise, don't blame me. I will take your head off and hang it directly on the tower of Yecheng, so that everyone Everyone knows that this is the fate of offending our magic hall!"

Qiao Ye said lazy nonsense, and hooked his fingers directly at Liang Heize.


Liang Heize snorted coldly, and after a low shout, he hooked his toes and kicked a stool beside him towards Qiao Ye.

In the next moment, the two jumped out at the same time, and punched a heavy punch in front of them.

With a crash, when the fists of the two hit the stool, the stool instantly fell apart, and then the fists of the two hit each other on the chest of the other.

Bang, bang!

The muffled sound of punches to the flesh.

After Liang Heize's face changed, he took a few steps back and fought his body, but he was not Qiao Ye's opponent.

"That's it?" Qiao Ye said with his hands behind his back: "If you only have this little ability and want to take my head, I'm afraid there is no way!"

"Boy, what are you so proud of!" Liang Heize stomped his feet and said, "Demonization, the image of a dragon demon!"


A dragon chant suddenly appeared, and the tables and chairs in the Ruyi restaurant were blown aside in an instant, and even the roof tiles were lifted up.

Liang Heize's body was overflowing with black light, enveloping his whole body, circling round and round, exuding an evil and tyrannical feeling.

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows involuntarily.

Liang Heize sneered and said, "I'm not the same as those trash you killed yesterday!"

Liang Heize's magic product is really not low!

Qiao Ye pondered for a moment in his heart. If the aura is a martial spirit, it must be at least at the Earth Ming level, and the rank should not be below the sixth rank, that is to say, at least the sixth rank!

at the same time……

With the appearance of the black light, Liang Heize's body slowly elongated, and his physical body began to change continuously, entering a demonized state!


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