Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 348 The Elephant of the Dragon Devil

Chapter 348 The Elephant of the Dragon Demon

Liang Heize let out a low whimper-like growl from his throat. He stretched his hands to the sides, and he could see dense dragon scales appearing on Liang Heize's arms, purple-black, covering the surface of Liang Heize's body.

Immediately after...

After a flash of light and shadow, Liang Heize's hands turned into a pair of dragon claws, a dragon's tail transformed from behind Liang Heize, and two horns grew out of his forehead, and Liang Heize seemed to have turned into a human-shaped dragon.

Liang Heize raised his head, looked at Qiao Ye, his voice became hoarse, and he said viciously: "People who have seen my dragon and demon image will either die or be disabled, and you will be no exception. Please die obediently!"

While talking, Liang Heize rushed towards Qiao Ye with strides, and the dragon claw struck forward and fell.

Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes, and Liang Heize's strength and speed had improved, obviously much more fierce than before. After dodging, Liang Heize slapped the wall with one claw, instantly smashing a piece of the wall.

Qiao Ye frowned, this way of playing, don't bother with the magic hall, Ye Xuan's wishful restaurant will be turned into ruins within a quarter of an hour.

As soon as Qiao Ye's figure floated, he broke through the window decisively and came to the street!

Liang Heize pursued him closely, soaring straight into the sky, leaping out from the broken roof, and then smashing towards Qiao Ye like a cannonball.


When Liang Heize landed on the ground, there was a loud noise and the ground was smashed into pieces.

The people on the street looked at the shattered ground, they scattered like birds and beasts almost instantly, and quickly fled in the blink of an eye.

Liang Heize smiled ferociously, and regardless of whether there were people around, he curled his legs fiercely, and then rushed forward.

The moment Liang Heize jumped out, the ground under his feet was shattered again, and a wave of air swayed towards the surroundings, directly throwing the surrounding people out.

In the blink of an eye, Liang Heize came to Qiao Ye, and with both hands, he hit Qiao Ye's face directly.

Seeing that he was about to catch him, Qiao Ye suddenly tapped his toes to the ground.

Climb to Heaven, Nine Palaces Flying Stars!

Qiao Ye's figure moved around and stuck to Liang Heize's body. After half-twisting her body, Qiao Ye came directly to Liang Heize's side, raised her palm like a knife, and cut directly towards the back of Liang Heize's neck.


Liang Heize fell to the ground, crushing a piece of the ground, but only for a moment. Liang Heize put his hands on the ground, and the whole body quickly bounced up again, kicking his legs towards the back.

While dodging the attack, Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows. Although she didn't take it seriously, the knife cut Liang Heize's back.

The nape of the neck is the fatal position!

"Because of the scales?"

Qiao Ye quickly discovered the key point. The scales covering Liang Heize's body, like armor, were unimaginably strong.

Seeing Liang Heize pounced again, Qiao Ye frowned and said, "Then seriously play with you!"

Out of the spirit, the magic map!

Behind Qiao Ye, a radiant light appeared and spread out towards the surroundings, forming a spiritual picture, following behind Qiao Ye, the next moment, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand directly to the front!


Liang Heize had just jumped in front of Qiao Ye when an invisible wall appeared in front of him, and with a bang, Liang Heize was knocked down hard.


Qiao Ye spread his hands, and the moment his fingers interlaced, countless arcs of lightning appeared on Qiao Ye's fingertips.

One finger at the sky can strike thunder!

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and waved forward, the arc of lightning shot forward, and the arc of lightning surrounding Qiao Ye's fingertips directly turned into five thick thunderbolts, moving forward.

Boom, boom, boom!

The sound of explosions sounded continuously, and the ground was directly shattered.

Liang Heize's eyes were red, facing the oncoming thunder, he did not dodge or dodge, and used his body to resist the blow!


At the moment when the five thunderbolts converged, an even more terrifying sound of explosion appeared, smashing the ground into pieces, splashing rocks into the air, and the ground collapsed.

And when the rolled up smoke dispersed, Liang Heize stood there, his whole body was scorched black, emitting blue smoke, but...

The body is not hurt at all!

Qiao Ye raised the corners of his eyebrows, this guy is really tough!

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye was not dissatisfied with the movements of his hands, and swung forward again.


The surrounding ground trembled in an instant, and the surrounding ground continued to crack one after another. It was very miraculous that the cracks on the ground did not appear to be cracked, but turned into pieces like being cut by a knife. cube.

The true meaning of Wanfa Lingtu is that all things in time have spirits, and all things with spirits can be manipulated by Wanfa Lingtu.

One by one, the stones were pulled out, and then those cubic stones rammed towards Liang Heize.

Liang Heize was very fierce. He directly punched the cubic stone and smashed it to pieces. However, Liang Heize just shattered a cubic stone, and with a bang, A new stone fell from the top of his head, directly smashing Liang Heize to the ground.

Bang, bang, bang!

One piece, two pieces, three pieces...

After a successful blow, the stones fell down one after another, pressing Liang Heize firmly underneath.

Liang Heize clenched his teeth, kept roaring, and pushed up the stone bit by bit, but at this moment...

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand again and waved forward. The stone softened and turned into mud. It all fell on Liang Heize's body, entangled Liang Heize tightly, and no matter how hard Liang Heize tried, he couldn't get rid of the mud on his body. Get rid of it.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand again and pressed, the ground in front of Liang Heize also squirmed, and suddenly, thorns rose one after another, and then hit Liang Heize's chest.


Bang, bang, bang!

The ground thorn hit Liang Heize's body continuously, and then shattered, unable to break through the defense of Liang Heize's body.

Liang Heize laughed loudly, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "You want to kill me? Stop daydreaming!"

While talking, Liang Heize struggled, stretching the mud wrapped around his body, trying to break free again.

"The elephant of the dragon demon!" Liang Heize roared, "The Canglong King!"

Liang Heize's body radiated brilliance again, and then the shape of the dragon man changed again, the scales on his body gradually turned blue, barbs like hooks appeared on his back, and the dragon horns on his forehead It became even bigger, and at the same time, forks began to appear, turning into a big dragon horn, with six small dragon horns on each side.

The next moment, Liang Heize raised his head and roared!

Accompanied by Liang Heize's roar, a large area of ​​wind appeared around him and turned into wind blades, cutting all the mud wrapped around Liang Heize's body.


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