Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 349 Fifteen breaths, take your life

Chapter 349 Fifteen breaths, take your life

With the improvement of the martial soul, some new abilities will appear.

And why Wuhun is rated according to rarity, or what is the meaning of this rarity rating, is actually here.

Ordinary Rank, Rare World, Imperial Dao, Diming, Tianxuan, Wushuang, and Realm have seven ranks.

A mortal martial soul is the most common martial soul, it is difficult to have a second ability, and there is no chance, it is almost impossible to reach the sixth grade or above, and the same is true for the rare ones, the sixth grade is almost the limit, but usually the probability of new abilities is high Some.

And the Martial Soul of Emperor Dao level can be classified into the ranks of talented people, it is no longer considered as an ordinary Martial Soul, the upper limit is generally three grades, and generally two grades can produce a new ability. , and generally one of the second rank can appear, but the difference is that the lower limit is the third rank martial soul.

As for Tianxuan, it is definitely regarded as the best talent among masters, not only the lower limit is the third rank, but also, there is a high probability that every time one ranks up, one can get a new martial soul ability.

Going up, those who can possess the Wushuang martial soul are all dragons and phoenixes among the people. A new ability of the first rank is inevitable, and there is a certain probability that the Wushuang martial soul can raise the upper limit of the martial soul to the first rank!

Of course, whether it can reach the upper limit is another matter.

As for boundary-level martial souls, it doesn't matter if you don't mention it, anyway, since the three realms and nine domains were broken, there has never been a boundary-level martial spirit.

In fact, according to historical documents, even in the ancient times when the Three Realms and Nine Domains were one, there were pitifully few realm-level martial souls, so the realms were always just legends.

The demonization of the Demon Realm is obviously the same. Unlike the Martial Soul, the demonization of the Demon Realm focuses on the change of the form of the demonization. The more forms that can be changed, the rarer it is and the greater the potential it has. .

Liang Heize's demonized form is obviously not low-level, but in the form of the Canglong King, Liang Heize's ability is...


With a sweep of the transformed dragon's tail, there was a rush of wind around him, and then, Liang Heize jumped forward, the speed was obviously several times faster, and, rather than jumping, it was better to say he was riding the wind and sticking to the ground. He arrived in front of Qiao Ye almost in the blink of an eye.

At the moment when Liang Heize approached...

There was a "rumbling" sound from the ground in front of Qiao Ye, and immediately after, a stone wall rose up in front of Qiao Ye.

"The Elephant of the Demon Dragon!" Liang Heize shouted, and changed his form again: "Li Dragon King!"

The dragon scales on Liang Heize's body continued to grow longer and turned into spikes, covering his body. After he punched out, the stone wall suddenly shattered.

"Boy, your ability is really weird, and it's hard to guard against, but it's only to this extent." Liang Heize sneered, "If you have no other tricks, just die!"

While talking, Liang Heize jumped up and punched Qiao Ye down.

Qiao Ye's figure turned sharply and floated backwards. The next moment, Liang Heize's fist hit the ground.

The change of the dragon scales, as well as the form of the Dragon King Li, obviously made Liang Heize's physical body stronger, and his strength was extremely terrifying. When the punch hit the ground, the ground that was hit by it was immediately shattered.


Boom, boom, boom!

Liang Heize not only smashed the ground with one punch, but even pushed back and forth a layer of waves, the street burst open, layer after layer of gravel kept flying up, ten meters back and forth, under Liang Heize's punch , All of them were destroyed, and there were rocks flying everywhere.

Even the buildings on both sides were affected to a considerable extent. Under the tremors, stone chips continued to fall, and even large cracks appeared on the walls.

Liang Heize slowly got up from the ground, looked at Qiao Ye and sneered, "How many punches can you dodge? With one punch, I can break your bones!"

Qiao Ye looked at Liang Heize and suddenly sighed!

Sure enough, my state has not recovered yet, even after a few days of rest, it has only recovered to 60% or 70% of the state. It is enough to deal with guys like Jiao Yu and Liao Huang, but it is indeed a little bit close to killing Liang Heize mean.

"Then we can only be more serious." Qiao Ye looked at Liang Heize coldly and said, "In fifteen breaths, take your life!"

"Hmph, you're still blowing it when you're dying!" Liang Heize sneered and said, "When I smash all your bones into pieces, I hope you can still say such things!"


Liang Heize's words fell, and he clicked his feet again, and switched his state of the dragon image to the state of the Canglong King. Liang Heize's speed was improved again, and when the wind blew, Liang Heize's body floated forward He came out and approached Qiao Ye.

at the same time……

"Martial Soul!" Qiao Ye whispered, "The Heavenly Demon Dazzling!"

Almost the moment Liang Heize rushed to his face, a large cloud of black smoke rushed out from Qiao Ye's feet, completely covering Liang Heize in the blink of an eye.

The reason why Qiao Ye didn't use the Martial Soul was naturally because it affected his recovery. Qiao Ye was conceiving and nurturing the Martial Soul right now, so if he used it, it would be more or less wasted.

However, it is true that Liang Heize cannot be defeated by only relying on the Ten Thousand Magic Spirit Chart. It is not that the Ten Thousand Magic Spirit Chart is not strong enough, but Qiao Ye's understanding of the ability to produce spirits in the spiritual realm is not deep enough. The use of the Ten Thousand Magic Spirit Chart still needs further research. This kind of thing takes time to accumulate, which is the so-called combat experience.

And the sudden appearance of the black smoke also made Liang Heize's figure stagnate. The black smoke came so abruptly that it almost covered Liang Heize's vision for an instant, making Liang Heize unable to see where Qiao Ye was.


When Liang Heize saw Qiao Ye, Qiao Ye had already come to Liang Heize.

Jumping out of the black smoke, Qiao Ye's body was already covered with black armor, surrounded by black smoke, he rushed to Liang Heize, spread his hands fiercely, and directly grabbed Liang Heize's head, and then...


Qiao Ye leaned over, half-kneeled on the ground, and smashed Liang Heize's head to the ground.

With a bang, the ground was torn apart, and Liang Heize's head was directly embedded in the ground.

next moment...

Qiao Ye got up quickly, keeping her hands on Liang Heize's head, and kept running forward. Liang Heize's body was just pressed to the ground and dragged continuously.

After more than ten meters, Qiao Ye suddenly stopped, lifted Liang Heize's body, and threw it directly into the air.


The sound of thunder suddenly sounded, and everything was in motion. A dry sky thunder appeared out of thin air, fell from the sky, and slammed on Liang Heize's body, knocking Liang Heize down from the sky.


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