Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 351 Jiang Liuxue is gone

Chapter 351 Jiang Liuxue, gone

In the early morning, Qiao Ye was holding the deep-fried dough sticks and the bean juice, like an old man on the street, taking a bite of the deep-fried dough sticks and sipping the bean juice, looking very uncomfortable.


Qiao Ye waited for two people!

The first person is from the magic hall.

This time, the other party did not make trouble, but sent a post to Qiao Ye, inviting Qiao Ye to go to the magic hall for a talk.

The other party looked at Qiao Ye coldly and said: "My hall master said, if you have the courage, follow me to the magic hall. There are some things that should be talked about, and some accounts should be settled."

Just thinking about it, Qiao Ye knew that Bai Kaixin was furious at the moment, not only a group of people died, but even the deputy hall master died. It is a pity that the magic hall is probably used to domineering in Yecheng. The guy who posted it had an arrogant look on his face.


He was thrown out by Qiao Ye!

"Go back and tell your Hall Master!" Qiao Ye leaned against the door and said, "When I am free, I will visit the Demon Hall!"

The member of the magic hall got up from the ground angrily and said: "Boy, do you know that something happened to me..."

The member of the magic hall didn't continue talking because...

At that moment, Qiao Ye reached out and wiped the Thousand Spirit Sword, and countless phantom swords appeared, forming a continuous circle, directly surrounding the people in the center, and the demon hall members naturally swallowed back the words In just the blink of an eye, Qiao Ye can make sword holes all over him.

"I'll say it again, when I am free, I will visit the Demon Hall." Qiao Ye said, "Do you understand?"

The member of the magic hall twitched his Adam's apple, and finally nodded honestly.

Qiao Ye said: "If that's the case, why don't you get out?"

Where did the opponent dare to linger, he got out of the gap of the phantom sword in a hurry, and ran away without a trace.

In the evening, Qiao Ye was the one who welcomed Sikong Nan.

The person who came was a guard commander in Sikong Nan's mansion, called Huang Shanjun, who came rather sneaky, or rather cautious, and walked directly into the back hall through the back door to avoid being discovered by the people of the magic hall.

"Sir, my city lord asked me to come to you."

Huang Shanjun bowed his hands to Qiao Ye, and then took out a waist card to prove his identity.

Qiao Ye was not surprised when Sikong Nan found him. After all, he was the lord of Yecheng, so such a small matter could be done. What's more, he just killed Liang Heize yesterday, and he was right at the entrance of Ruyi Restaurant. If you still can't find yourself, then you are really incompetent.

Qiao Ye waved his hand casually and said, "Go, let's go into the room and talk!"

Qiao Ye led Huang Shanjun into the house, and after he sat down, Huang Shanjun said: "Sir, the city lord asked me to tell you that the person you are looking for has been found, but he has not been found."

Qiao Ye looked puzzled and said, "What do you mean you found it, but you didn't find it?"

"Two days ago, the person you were looking for appeared at Jingshan Pass, and now he has left the pass. Even the city lord can't do anything about it. There is a vast expanse outside the pass, and no one can find him." Huang Shanjun took out some documents and said: "This is The other party's customs clearance document."

Qiao Ye opened the customs clearance documents and took a look. There are two customs clearance documents at the border, one for customs clearance and one for entry. Guan documents, if the documents do not match, it is impossible to enter and exit. After all, the border of the Daqian Dynasty is not peaceful.

Qiao Ye looked at the name...

Jiang Liuxue!

It's really called this again!

From Qiao Ye's point of view, Jiang Liuxue is not only full of problems, but even his name is difficult to say, but he still uses this name as always.

Qiao Ye suddenly asked: "The other party is a sergeant?"

It is impossible for the document to have only one name, and some details of the other party's identity. Although it will not be written in detail, it is stamped, and this document is stamped with a military seal.

Huang Shanjun nodded, and then said helplessly: "But it doesn't mean that the other party is a sergeant. The current court is very chaotic. As long as you have money and connections, you can buy anything. Therefore, the identity of this sergeant may not be true. Yes, it can only mean that the other party has a way to get the customs clearance documents of the sergeants."

Qiao Ye raised his forehead, so there is no way to check his identity?

Jiang Liuxue is no longer in Yecheng, which is a bit troublesome. After leaving the customs, the sky is big and the earth is big, where do I go to find someone? Not to mention that they couldn't find it, indeed Sikong Nan couldn't do anything about it, even calling the emperor of the Dagan Dynasty directly. The outside of the pass is not even the territory of the Dagan Dynasty, and the outside of the Yecheng Pass is the territory of the northern Yemo people. .

Seeing that Qiao Ye's expression was not good, Mr. Huang Shan hurriedly said: "After learning about this matter, the Lord City Lord has already sent a team of people out of the customs. Maybe they can be arrested."

This is obviously a polite remark. I only know that he has left the customs, what direction he is going, and where he is going. How can I find someone? Sikong Nan was purely expressing his attitude. Although this matter could not be done, he would try his best to do it. At first glance, he looked like an old man in the officialdom.

Huang Shanjun continued: "My Lord City Lord also said that if you need anything, you can just ask."

Qiao Ye dragged her chin and pondered for a while.

Jiang Liuxue can do this matter, no, it should be said that it can't be done, and there is no way to find it after leaving Yecheng, especially after all, this is a demon realm, Qiao Ye and Lin Ziyi have no power and power, and they are not familiar with the place ...

However, the good news is that this is the Demon Realm. Even if Jiang Liuxue wants to harm the Demon Realm, at least it has nothing to do with the Martial Realm right now. As for Sikong Nan, it is obvious that things have not been done, and Sikong Nan is not very relieved. , in this case, I can make some other requirements.

For example, I can ask for a batch of spiritual materials to be brought back to Wuyu. In addition, I can also ask Sikong Nan to find two death row prisoners from the cell and let me bring them back to Wuyu. It is more convincing to bring two people from the Demon Realm back. I believe Sikong Nan will not refuse. Anyway, Qiao Ye only wants two death row prisoners. Won.

Qiao Ye thought about it, and decided to do it this way. Don't think about Jiang Liuxue's matter. It's useless to think about it anyway. Some things are just like this. If you miss it, you will miss it.

But at this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly felt something, looked up and said, "Did you hear anything?"

Huang Shanjun was stunned for a moment, then listened carefully, and finally looked up to the roof and said: "It seems that there is some sound..."

Suddenly, before Mr. Huang Shan could speak, there was a loud bang, and a piece of the roof collapsed directly, and countless rubble fell down.


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