Chapter 352

Qiao Ye's reaction was extremely quick, and he jumped out of the room sideways.

Huang Shanjun, as Sikong Nan's guard, and also the captain of the guard, is naturally not bad, so he jumped directly, smashed through the window and went outside.

The two stood in the yard, looked up towards the rear, and then showed astonishment on their faces.

In the evening, there is still afterglow in the sky.

At the back of the Ruyi Pavilion, there stood a huge giant made of rocks, five or six meters high, with its huge fists raised, and then fiercely smashed down.


The cracking sound reappeared, the punch fell, the roof was overturned directly, and the wall on the side continued to shatter and collapsed downward.

At this time, Lin Ziyi and Ye Xuan felt the tremor of the ground, and they also ran from the front hall to the yard, and then saw the rock giant lift a huge stone and smash it forward.


The roof of the front room had just been repaired by Qiao Ye, a hole was smashed out, and a huge rock fell, smashing the tables and chairs in the room.

Ye Xuanru was struck by lightning, his legs gave way and he fell to the ground.

My own wishful restaurant...


Huang Shanjun looked at Qiao Ye and said, "It's Yan Yunhe!"

Qiao Ye frowned and said, "Who?"

"Yan Yunhe!" Huang Shanjun said: "One of the two deputy hall masters of the Demon Hall, the cultivation base of the ninth level of the Demon Sect Realm, the rock giant is Yan Yunhe's demonized state, the Demon Rock Giant!"


At this time, a hoarse voice sounded, and on the shoulders of the magic rock giant, the rock squirmed like mud, and after a crack was opened, a man about 30 years old slowly rose from the body of the magic rock giant .

"Boy!" Yan Yunhe looked at Qiao Ye with a sneer and said, "You don't have to drink a toast. Our hall master has already given you face by inviting you to the magic hall. Since you don't want face, then I can only do it myself." I'm here to invite you!"

While Yan Yunhe was talking, the magic rock giant raised his hand again and punched forward. The dilapidated house was shattered this time, and the four walls collapsed directly, stacked together, and became A pile of rubble!

Yan Yunhe looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Shame on your face, first tear down your restaurant, and then tear down your bones. This is the end of going against the Demon Hall."

Qiao Ye glanced at the ruins around him, and then at Ye Xuan, whose face was ashen. His face was so gloomy that water dripped out. He pointed at Yan Yunhe and said, "You're finished!"

Yan Yunhe looked at Qiao Ye coldly and said, "Come and let me see, how did you kill me!"

The moment Yan Yunhe's words fell, the magic rock giant raised his foot directly, and was about to step down towards the front room.

Qiao Ye snorted coldly, and slapped forward with a palm.

The three forms of Tianwu, breaking the palm of the sky, and the big mudra!

Accompanied by Qiao Ye's palm print, there was a crackling sound in the air, and then, a huge handprint that seemed to be invisible appeared, and directly hit the sole of the magic rock giant's feet.


The handprint collided with the giant's giant foot, and after a loud noise, the giant staggered and was forced to take two steps backward.

The next moment, Qiao Ye stepped out!

The first step, the spiritual map suddenly appeared!

Out of the spirit, the magic map!

Boom, boom, boom!

The Ten Thousand Laws Spiritual Diagram appeared, and the sound of thunder immediately sounded all around. The wind and rain came suddenly, and the wind was strong. Countless raindrops fell from the sky, constantly hitting everything around, making crackling noises.

Manic and tyrannical, just like Qiao Ye's mood at the moment, the wind and rain carried deep anger.

Qiao Ye stretched his fingers forward, and in the sky, one after another thunderbolts pierced through the sky, continuously falling from the sky, slashing and slashing at the Demon Rock Giant's body, one after another, continuously roaring There was a loud noise, and the stone fragments from the split body of the magic rock giant flew.

Yan Yunhe's face showed panic. He swore to Bai Kaixin that he would be able to do what Liang Heize couldn't do, and when he would bring back Qiao Ye's head, he never expected that Qiao Ye would do that. fierce.

Seeing another thunderbolt piercing the sky, it fell in his direction, and, hitting his direction, Yan Yunhe quickly shrank his body, the rock under his feet softened again, turning into mud, swinging around Ripples, and then Yan Yunhe hid back in the body of the magic rock giant.


The thunderbolt fell and hit the shoulder where Yan Yunhe was just standing, and directly split the shoulder of the magic rock giant into a crack, and then, the entire arm of the rock giant fell down, smashing hard on the ground. on the ground.

Yan Yunhe hid in the rock demon giant's body, and he still had lingering fears. If he ran a little slower, and the lightning struck him directly, he might already be cold!

However, after hiding in the body of the magic rock giant, Yan Yunhe's expression became ferocious again, his own magic rock giant cannot be destroyed so easily!

The broken arm turned into mud under the washing of the rain, and then flowed to the feet of the magic rock giant, and re-entered the body of the magic rock giant, and then the severed arm reappeared. grow out.

The next moment, the magic rock giant raised his arm, and fell towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye stood with his hands behind his back, with no intention of dodging at all. He glanced at Lin Ziyi and Huang Shanjun and said, "Take Ye Xuan with you, stay away!"

The two nodded, Huang Shanjun carried Ye Xuan on his shoulders, and then ran away into the distance.

At this moment...

The huge fist of the magic rock giant had already come to Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye looked forward coldly.



In front of Qiao Ye, it was as if an invisible wall had risen. The huge fist was suspended about one meter in front of Qiao Ye, and it was stopped directly, with ripples and ripples constantly swinging towards the surroundings.

Because of the excessive force, the entire arm of the Demon Rock Giant was trembling, but he still couldn't make an inch, and couldn't hit Qiao Ye at all.

next moment...

Qiao Ye stepped forward!

The falling rainwater suddenly began to flow backwards, and the rainwater began to flow backwards into the air. The surrounding wind still continued, and the roar of thunder continued to resound through the sky, shaking the entire Yecheng. At the same time, under Qiao Ye's feet, large black smoke continued It gushed out and spread out in all directions, like a black lotus.

Martial Soul, Heavenly Demon Dazzling!

Qiao Ye's eyes were slightly cold, and after he stretched out his hand towards the front, a wisp of black smoke continued to surround Qiao Ye's hand, and then gradually condensed and transformed into a black halberd!

As soon as Qiao Ye stretched out his hand, he firmly held the black halberd in his hand!


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