Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 355 In the cold wind and drizzle, I screamed from the halberd to the sky

Chapter 355 In the cold wind and drizzle, I screamed from the halberd to the sky

As the rain continued to fall, puddles formed on the ground, but the water was bright red.

Blood soaked the rain!

Qiao Ye kept moving forward, stepping over corpses one by one. In front of Qiao Ye, all the demon hall members had fallen down and turned into corpses one by one.

The only thing left is the shopkeeper of Long Yuxuan.

The shopkeeper had a look of fear on his face, but seeing Qiao Ye walking slowly, he gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

The shopkeeper's face was ferocious, and after a low drink, he came like a ghost, carrying the wind and rain, and approached Qiao Ye's body. He stretched out his hands, drew two short blades from his cuffs, and stabbed at Qiao Ye. .

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows. The shopkeeper's cultivation is not weak, and he is stronger than other demon hall members.

"So, is this why you dare to attack me?" Qiao Ye also showed a fierce look on his face, looking at the other party and said, "It's meaningless!"


The moment the shopkeeper came in front of him, Qiao Ye suddenly took a step forward, and there was a loud noise, and the ground in front of him was crushed by Qiao Ye, and a large cobweb crack appeared.

Qiao Ye held the black halberd tightly, and swung it forward vigorously!

The overlord dances the halberd!

Without any hold back, Qiao Ye just came...


There is a fine line between life and death!


In the next moment, the clear and crisp weapon chimes sounded.

The faint glow brought out by the tip of the halberd, the crescent-shaped blade of the halberd shone with silver light, and the light converged in the air.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still, only the brilliance of the weapons colliding remained, which was extraordinarily dazzling under the rainy night.

After a while, Qiao Ye passed the shopkeeper.

Time seemed to be back on track at this moment, the shopkeeper looked down, looked at the double blade in his hand, and then...


The two double blades split suddenly, broke into two pieces, and fell to the ground with a clang. At this moment, a line of blood appeared in the throat of the shopkeeper, and a bright red color gradually appeared.

The shopkeeper turned his body resentfully, facing Qiao Ye's direction, as if he wanted to speak, but he couldn't say anything.

That blow cut his throat and killed him.

"You defeated a Demon Transformer of the eighth level of the Demon Sect Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 23,000 points."

After beheading the shopkeeper, Qiao Ye looked at Long Yuxuan, there were still some waiters, chefs and handymen standing at the door.

These people are not from the magic hall, they are just recruited to work.

Qiao Ye glanced at the crowd and said, "So, what are you all doing here? Do you want to die with them?"

Those people looked at each other, although they were afraid of the Demon Hall and didn't dare to run away, but if they didn't run away at this moment, they would be dead!

I don't know who took the lead, ran out of the restaurant, soon the second, the third...

In the blink of an eye, that Long Yuxuan was empty!

Qiao Ye didn't talk nonsense, and directly pointed to the sky.

Boom, boom, boom!

Thunderbolts fell from the sky one after another, and struck Long Yuxuan continuously, until the restaurant was completely smashed into ruins.

Qiao Ye walked up to the ruins, sat down on the top, and put the black halberd aside.

Tonight has just begun!


Demon Realm, Industry City, Demon Hall!

Bai Kaixin was in a very bad mood, very bad. When he left the magic hall, he flipped a table and kicked down the door of the magic hall. From this, it can be seen how bad Bai Kaixin was in a bad mood up.

Yan Yunhe died, Long Yuxuan was destroyed, so many eyes, if Bai Kaixin couldn't get the news immediately, it meant that his power in Yecheng for so many years was wasted.

Therefore, Bai Kaixin knew it immediately, and then left the magic hall with others.

When he came to Long Yuxuan, Bai Kaixin's complexion became more gloomy.

Because, only a piece of ruins came into view, and Qiao Ye was sitting there on the top of the ruins, watching Bai Kaixin and the people coming with him coldly.

Bai Kaixin stepped forward and said in a deep voice, "What did you do?"

Qiao Ye got up from the ruins, pulled out the black halberd beside him and said, "What do you think?"

"Okay, very good!" Bai Kaixin pointed at Qiao Ye and said, "I don't care why you did this, and I don't care if it's right or wrong, all I know is that if you offend our Demon Hall, you will die!"

Qiao Ye said with a smile: "The two deputy hall masters of your magic hall also said the same, and then..."

Qiao Ye looked up at the sky, the rain was slightly cool.

"Then..." Qiao Ye looked at Bai Kaixin again and said, "They're dead!"

"So, do you think you can kill so many of my brothers?" Bai Kaixin said grimly: "Boy, I think you are just passing by and not serious, otherwise you think you can live until now? I will kill you every minute Industry City!"

"It's useless to say more." Qiao Ye raised his leg, walked down the ruins and said, "Man, I killed the building, I smashed it. If you want my life, come and take it if you have the ability!"

Bai Kaixin looked cold, waved and said: "Kill him!"

Almost in an instant, around Qiao Ye, there were crowds of people, and they quickly surrounded Qiao Ye.

The rain in the sky is still falling, and the attic in the distance is dimly lit, making it look a bit lonely.

Qiao Ye looked around faintly, the rain continued to flow down from his face, making Qiao Ye's vision a little hazy.

As the rain fell across the corner of his mouth, Qiao Ye stretched out the tip of his tongue to lick it lightly.

The rain tonight is a bit fishy.

Suddenly, Qiao Ye slammed his halberd towards the back, and in the wind and rain, the head of a member of the magic hall flew up again. Qiao Ye seemed to have eyes behind him, and before the other party touched him, he had already seen expected.

"You defeated a Demon Transformer of the seventh level of the Demon Sect Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 21,500 points."

After beheading one person, Qiao Ye dropped the black halberd in his hand, and the blood dripped continuously along the tip of the halberd, continuously falling, and the puddles in the ground continuously made ripples.

The rain became heavier, no longer a patter, but a torrential rain, constantly washing over the world, making crackling noises.

Bai Kaixin came here immediately after hearing the news that Long Yuxuan was destroyed, but seeing Qiao Ye beheading himself alone, he became even angrier.

"Go, fuck me!" Bai Kaixin shouted: "Give me all of them!"

In the distant pavilion, the dim lights are flickering, and the night breeze caresses the face, bringing a slight coolness.

In the surrounding alleys, shadows appeared faintly. In the slanting wind and drizzle, those members of the magic hall slowly walked towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye didn't talk nonsense, she carried a black halberd, and jumped directly into the crowd. While screaming, Qiao Ye's ankle twisted, and her body spun rapidly like a top, bringing out circles of silver lights!

In the rainy night, there is blood splatter!

In the rainy night, someone fell to the ground clutching his throat!

In the rainy night, someone screamed and howled!

Tonight, there is wind, rain, and enemies.

In the cold wind and drizzle, I screamed at the sky!


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