Chapter 356

Soon, there were more corpses around Qiao Ye.

During the wind and rain, Qiao Ye kept moving forward with his halberd, and the tip of the halberd dragged across the ground, making tinkling sounds. The smell of blood wafting around was obviously much stronger.

Bai Kaixin looked at the corpses that kept appearing around him, and finally couldn't help it, and suddenly jumped forward.

In Bai Kaixin's hands, his palms crossed, and then, a pure white crystal flower appeared in Bai Kaixin's hands. It was obviously a treasure, and the dangerous aura was quite strong, it should not be lower than Six products!

"Six rounds of flowers bloom!"

Bai Xin let out a soft drink, and then the surrounding area was full of white light, and the crystal flower bloomed. After the surrounding light shone, each ray of light would condense into a crystal pillar, which would continuously fall towards Qiao Ye.

Boom, boom, boom!

The crystal pillar kept falling to the ground, smashing the ground to pieces. At the same time, the moment the crystal pillar broke, it would form a second attack. The broken chips would be ejected in all directions, and each piece was as sharp as a knife.

Qiao Ye narrowed her eyes, and the Wan Fang Spiritual Plan behind her was shining brightly.


The moment those flying chips came to Qiao Ye, they were enveloped by an invisible force, and then hung around Qiao Ye.

A palm of heaven and earth can summon the wind!

Around Qiao Ye, a gust of wind swirled and pushed away, those chips were blown out, and directly attacked those people who rushed towards Qiao Ye. However, they kept cutting wounds on the bodies of the demon hall members.

"You defeated a Demon Transformer of the seventh level of the Demon Sect Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 20,000 points."

"You defeated a Demon Transformer of the sixth level of the Demon Sect Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 19,000 points."

"You defeated a Demon Transformer of the seventh level of the Demon Sect Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 21,000 points."


But also at this moment...

A figure flashed past, and suddenly came to Qiao Ye, but Bai Kaixin made a move.

Seeing Bai Kaixin's sudden attack, Qiao Ye couldn't help but raise his eyebrows!

The level of King Realm!

As the master of the demon hall, Bai Kaixin possesses the first-level cultivation base of the Demon King Realm. When he makes a move, it is thunderous. The moment he rushes forward, the rain falling in the sky is instantly broken through.


When he came to Qiao Ye, Bai Kaixin punched it directly on Qiao Ye's halberd, making a loud noise, forcing Qiao Ye to take half a step back.

"Boy, you've been complacent for too long!" Bai Kaixin roared, "Give me your head!"

While talking, Bai Kaixin punched forward continuously, but was blocked by Qiao Ye's halberd continuously, making "boom bang" sounds.

"I want my head!" Qiao Ye snorted coldly, "See if you have the ability to get it!"

Qiao Ye waved the black halberd horizontally in his hand, and a cloud of black smoke swirled past.

At this moment, Bai Kaixin felt extremely dangerous, and for a moment, Bai Kaixin even felt the threat of death.

With a fierce kick of his legs, Bai Kaixin jumped away quickly!

At the moment when Bai Xinxin avoided it, the black smoke moved forward, continuously expanded, and became huge, and finally turned into a crescent-shaped black smoke blade.


The black smoke blade slashed at the collapsed ruins, and immediately after a roar, the ruins were directly blasted into pieces, from bottom to top, and the middle part was cut open by a single blow.

Bai Kaixin's expression darkened slightly, and at the same time, he was also a little worried. If he didn't escape in time, then the end could be imagined.

This kid is hard to deal with, so kill him with all your might!

In Bai Kaixin's head, this thought could not help but appear, and then Bai Kaixin's eyes became blood red.

"Demonization!" Bai Kaixin yelled in a low voice, "Go to hell!"

Almost instantly, an extremely terrifying aura erupted from Bai Kaixin's body, and an extremely heavy coercion appeared, and the surrounding demon halls showed pain, obviously also bearing the extremely terrifying oppression.

Chosen grade!

Qiao Ye couldn't help squinting his eyes. Although demonization and martial spirit cannot be completely equated, they are of the same origin after all. To be able to possess this level is definitely an existence of the selected level, and the rank is not low, at least Six products!

The demonized state of Tianxuan level, the sixth rank, a white ghost!

No wonder Sikong Nan didn't dare to attack the Demon Hall, there was no chance of winning, it should be more straightforward, Sikong Nan couldn't beat Bai Kaixin at all.

Although they are all at the first level of Demon King Realm, but...

In the sixth-grade demonized state of Tianxuan level, Sikong Nan is afraid that he will be crushed to death!

at the same time……

Bai Kaixin entered into a state of demonization, and his already tall body swelled up again. He was over 1.9 meters tall, and all the muscles in his body were swollen. A piece of white hair continued to grow from the surface of Bai Kaixin's skin. It was full of Bai Kaixin's fist, and in the center of his forehead, a single red horn pierced out. It was half a meter long and looked very ferocious.


Bai Kaixin opened his mouth slightly, and let out a deep roar like the whimpering of a wild animal. On both sides of the corner of his mouth, two fangs grew out slowly, with a grayish white light!

"Boy, do you know what I mean now?" Bai Kaixin's voice became harsh, hoarse, as if something was rubbing against it, and then he pointed at Qiao Ye and said, "It means that you can kneel Beg for mercy, of course, I will not agree!"

Qiao Ye looked at Bai Kaixin indifferently and said, "You can try it, if you have the ability!"

"Hmph, it seems you don't believe it!" Bai Kaixin sneered, stepped forward and said, "Then let you see it!"

While talking, Bai Kaixin stretched his hand forward and pressed it hard.

"Ghost pressure!"

Bai Kaixin's voice was extremely deep, as if it came from the depths of hell, and then...


Qiao Ye's complexion changed slightly, and the ground under his feet suddenly shattered, and it sank down suddenly.

At this moment, Qiao Ye felt as if a mountain had appeared on her body, pressing heavily on her body, and the huge weight made her legs curl up involuntarily.

Qiao Ye gritted her teeth and raised her head, looked at Bai Kaixin and said, "Gravity?"

"Hahahahahaha..." Bai Kai laughed loudly and said, "No one can stand in front of me and kneel down!"

While Bai Kaixin was speaking, the gravity increased again, and Qiao Ye could feel the force on his body increasing, constantly oppressing himself, trying to make himself bend down and succumb to Bai Kaixin.

"It's useless!" Bai Kaixin said with contempt on his face: "Many people are trying to struggle like you, but in the end they can't resist me, and neither can you!"


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