Chapter 357

Bai Kaixin walked towards Qiao Ye's direction, and every time he took a step, the gravity on Qiao Ye's body would increase.

The ground under Qiao Ye's feet naturally needs to bear the erosion of gravity, and there are constant roaring sounds. As Bai Kaixin walks forward step by step, the ground is constantly broken, and then it is overwhelmed. The cracked place directly Annihilated into ashes, turned into a large piece of stone chips.

When Bai Kaixin came to Qiao Ye, his feet had already sunk into the ground, because a deep pit nearly half a meter deep appeared under Qiao Ye's feet.

Bai Kaixin stood on the edge of the deep pit, condescending, looked down at Qiao Ye with a contemptuous expression, and said, "You are the first one who has been able to persist under the pressure of ghosts until now and has not knelt down. But, what's the matter?" What is the use? Look at how you are being slaughtered now, I can kill you with a raise of my hand, can you still be arrogant now?"

Bai Kaixin raised his arms while talking.

"Don't worry!" Bai Kaixin said grimly: "I said, even if you beg for mercy, I will not let you go!"

The moment Bai Kaixin said, the raised hand knife fell towards Qiao Ye, but it was also at this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly looked up!

The eyes of the two intertwined, and immediately after, Bai Kaixin felt a suffocation, but it was Qiao Ye who suddenly reached out and pinched Bai Kaixin's throat.

Surprised, bewildered, unbelievable...

The expression on Bai Kaixin's face became mixed and extremely complicated. He gritted his teeth and looked at Qiao Ye and said, "This is impossible, why is ghost pressure useless to you!"

Qiao Ye's body was surrounded by black smoke, and with the black smoke, Qiao Ye's body, a black armor, gradually emerged.

Why is it useless?

Qiao Ye raised his head and looked at Bai Kaixin. Gravity, as long as the strength of the physical body exceeds the influence that gravity can bring, naturally it will not have any effect. After entering the state of the blood of the demon, the so-called gravity is at best only It can be considered a burden.

next moment...


Qiao Ye didn't mean to answer Bai Kaixin, but directly threw Bai Kaixin forward with a flick of his arm.

Bai Kaixin's body flew out towards the rear, and hit the ruins formed by the collapse of Long Yuxuan. After smashing the ruins into pieces, his whole body was buried under the rubble.

Qiao Ye took a step and walked out of the deep pit.

at the same time……


There was a loud noise in the ruins, and countless rubbles flew across, but it was Bai Xin who broke through the ruins, climbed up again, and then...

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand...

"If this world really has a spirit, and I can really make it my strength, then I should be able to do this kind of thing..." Qiao Ye looked at Bai Kaixin, and said in a cold voice: "The spirit is everything! "


Almost instantly, Bai Kaixin felt a terrifying force suddenly pressing on his body, his legs softened involuntarily, and he fell to his knees directly, smashing the ground with his knees.

"Gravity..." Bai Kaixin looked at Qiao Ye with a look of disbelief: "This is impossible!"

Qiao Ye walked towards Bai Kaixin and said, "It seems that your ability is nothing special!"

As Qiao Ye approached step by step, Bai Kaixin clenched his teeth, struggled continuously, and slowly pushed his body up, half bent over, and finally stood up straight again.

"Little devil..." Bai Kaixin roared angrily, "Don't underestimate me!"

On Bai Kaixin's body, the demonized state changed. The white hairs stood up one by one, becoming like a hedgehog. A long and narrow scaly tail grew out on the back, and two and a half tails appeared at the elbows. The meter-long bone spurs looked extremely ferocious.

"Hundred ghosts!" Bai Kaixin yelled, "War ghost form!"

With a bang, something seemed to explode in the air. Qiao Ye's invisible power condensed with aura was shattered abruptly, and Bai Kaixin stood up again.

Qiao Ye had an indifferent expression on his face, as if he didn't care. Originally, after seeing Bai Kaixin's gravity ability, he just tried it casually. The Wanfa Lingtu is still under development. Qiao Ye just used this method to try to find a new way to use it. .

Seeing Bai Kaixin rushing forward, every time he took a step, the ground would be trampled to pieces. After entering the form of a war ghost, his physical body was obviously strengthened even more terrifyingly, and the coercion emanating from Bai Kaixin became even stronger .


Qiao Ye raised his halberd!


With a bang, the earth collapsed and the sky was shocked!

A large piece of black smoke spread out towards the surroundings, lingering around, and then...

The surrounding scenery changes and is covered by the Nether Demon Realm. Stone mountains covered with bones continue to rise, and huge iron chains are dragged around the stone mountains. On the iron chains, there are skeletons one by one. The head hung there, constantly colliding, making a crisp sound like a wind chime.

Qiao Ye and Bai Kaixin's feet were covered with bones in an instant.

at the same time……

Bai Kaixin noticed the changes in the surroundings, but still rushed to Qiao Ye immediately, raised his fist and slammed towards Qiao Ye fiercely.

No matter what method Qiao Ye uses, as long as it can kill Qiao Ye, then any method is meaningless.


The moment Bai Kaixin's fist blasted out, black smoke suddenly surged up around Qiao Ye, and flew past Qiao Ye's side. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye's figure disappeared without a trace, and Bai Kaixin's fist fell directly into the air.

Bai Kaixin was stunned for a moment, but before he could react, a puff of black smoke drifted past, and Qiao Ye appeared behind Bai Kaixin, sweeping away the black halberd in his hand.


A stream of blood splashed out from behind Bai Kaixin, and when the black halberd passed by, a wound was torn on Bai Kaixin's back.

Bai Kaixin let out an angry roar immediately, turned around fiercely and punched, but when the fist blasted out, it only hit a few wisps of black smoke that drifted away.

Qiao Ye appeared on Bai Kaixin's side again, slashing again with the black halberd in his hand.


The sound of flesh and blood being torn apart appeared again. This time, the black halberd directly passed through Bai Kaixin's waist and pierced directly into Bai Kaixin's body.

But also at this moment...

Blood overflowed from Bai Kaixin's mouth, but his arms immediately wrapped around Qiao Ye's black halberd.

Bai Kaixin said ferociously: "I caught you!"

Qiao Ye sneered, and let go of the black halberd in his hand, and then the black halberd turned into a puff of smoke and dissipated, leaving only Bai's happy and astonished expression.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand to hold it in the void again, and a new black halberd appeared in Qiao Ye's hand. He swept forward fiercely, and directly hit Bai Kaixin's chest, sending Bai Kaixin flying again.


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