Chapter 358 A Slap


Bai Kaixin's body flew out towards the rear and landed in the distance, smashing the ground into pieces.

After a while, Bai Kaixin got up from the ground, swayed his body, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Who the hell are you?"

Qiao Ye said with a smile: "Didn't you say that no matter who I am, as long as I offend your Demon Hall, I will definitely die in Karma City?"

Bai Xin gritted his teeth happily, he was indeed the one who said this, but now he...


His battle ghost form was no match for him, and Qiao Ye's elusive movements really made people palpitate.

No matter how strong it is, if you can't even catch the opponent's figure and complete an effective attack, then everything will be meaningless.

Seeing Qiao Ye approaching again, Bai Kaixin's face became ferocious, and then he roared: "You are too happy, do you really think that I have tried my best? I will let you know how powerful I am, and how dare I dare to provoke the Demon Hall!" fate!"

Bai Kaixin raised his foot fiercely, and stepped forward forcefully, crushing the ground with a bang. The aura on his body exploded again, becoming even more terrifying, and the sense of oppression emanating from his body also increased again.

Under the crushing force of gravity, the surrounding ground continuously appeared fine cracks and shattered continuously, and countless debris rose up and floated in the air.

"Hundred ghosts!" Bai Kai roared angrily, "Heavenly ghost form!"


With Bai Kaixin at the center, the ground suddenly collapsed, not smashed, but scattered directly downward.

Bai Kaixin's form changed again, his body continued to swell, and became three meters away. At this moment, the white hair on his body suddenly hardened, turning into spikes one by one, and a white scale appeared on Bai Kaixin's body. On the back, not only the elbows, but also the knees, the back of the hands, and the ankles, at the same time, white bone spurs suddenly pierced out, almost covering Bai Kaixin's whole body!

Heavenly ghost form!

This is the demonized form that Bai Kaixin obtained when he was promoted to the sixth rank by walking the ghosts. It is also Bai Kaixin's strongest demonized form, but Bai Kaixin does not dare to use it lightly.

There are also classifications for the demonization status of the Demon Realm, which are demon, ghost, dragon, beast, war and sky. Each category has its own characteristics. The white ghost walking happily is a ghost. It is quite famous and powerful in demonization.

The demonization of the ghost system is characterized by omnipotence, strong attack ability, strong defense ability, and occasionally the ability to attack mentally. There are no obvious shortcomings, but there are many points. In addition to the demon system, the demonization of the ghost system is the most powerful.

However, the shortcomings of the ghost system are also obvious. The demonization of the ghost system will consume lifespan, that is, the lifespan. Generally speaking, the demonizers of the ghost system are short-lived ghosts, and generally long-lived ones can live People in their sixties, as long as they can live for seventy years, can be called birthday stars.

Bai Kaixin's demonization is very strong, but because it is very strong, Bai Kaixin's first-level cultivation base of the Demon King Realm cannot completely control the sixth-rank demonization. Every time he enters the sky ghost form, it means that he will greatly reduce Bai Kaixin's lifespan, every time he uses it, Bai Kaixin will probably lose two or three years of his life, so the sky ghost form is the form that Bai Kaixin almost never uses!

However, Bai Kaixin can't control so much right now, he only has one thought in his head now...

Kill Qiao Ye!

"Boy, you can't continue to be arrogant!" Bai Kaixin yelled at Qiao Ye: "Kill you, I will definitely kill you!"

Bai Kaixin beat his chest repeatedly, making a "bang, bang" sound, and then that huge body rushed towards Qiao Ye crazily.

Accompanied by Bai Kaixin's charge, circles of terrifying fluctuations swayed towards the surroundings. The surrounding streets and houses were all damaged. The streets continued to be broken, and the houses began to collapse.

The sound of screams sounded, and the people who were hiding behind closed doors found that hiding was useless. Their houses were constantly shaking, and then large cracks began to appear, and they began to collapse continuously.

Just because Bai Kaixin galloped past the street.

Qiao Ye looked at the tall figure and suddenly laughed.

"That's the way it is!" Qiao Ye looked at Bai Kaixin and said, "This will make me serious!"


As Qiao Ye spoke, he raised his hands and clasped them together in front of him!

Phantom of the Heavenly Demon: Attract the power of the Heavenly Demon from the void, and form the Phantom of the Heavenly Demon to appear in front of people and fight.

Almost instantly, the black smoke surrounding Qiao Ye began to spread crazily in all directions, and behind Qiao Ye, a huge door formed by the condensed smoke suddenly appeared.

Amidst the smoke, the door opened.

The huge body sat up directly from the door that was more than ten meters long.

It has a pitch-black body in the shape of a human, with black skin all over its surface, covered with a layer of fine scales, and three pairs of huge wings on its back, with only white bones left. On that huge face, eight red Eye pupils, constantly flashing red light,

Every time the celestial demons condense and appear, the celestial demons are different, but there is one thing in common, that is, they are all extremely powerful!

Bai Kaixin felt the aura emanating from the Heavenly Demon, and looked extremely terrified. He raised his head and murmured: "This is... the magic..."


Bai Kaixin didn't even recover from the panic, the palm of the phantom demon's phantom came down directly, smashing the ground into pieces.

In a moment, fresh blood continuously flowed out from under that giant palm, and flowed in all directions, and the moment the palm was raised, Bai Kaixin's figure had disappeared, leaving only...

A ball of pureed meat!

"You defeated a first-level Demon King, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 28,000 points."

The wind stopped, the rain stopped.


I am so happy!

Qiao Ye turned her face to the side, looking at the demon hall crowd around her.

The faces of those demon hall members at this moment only had incomparable fear, and they didn't dare to speak when they saw the huge phantom of the sky demon, and they didn't even dare to make any movements.

Bai Kaixin was slapped to death, so...

where are they?

At this moment...

There was the sound of horseshoes on the street, and a cavalry team came quickly from the end of the street. When it got close, Sikong Nan got off his horse and looked at the huge phantom of the sky demon, as well as the corpses all around. Bai Kaixin, who had turned into rotten meat, was also stunned, unable to speak at all.

He brought people to support Qiao Ye, but now it seems...

You seem to be meddling in your own business?

At the same time, Qiao Ye turned around and walked past Sikong Nan, reaching out to pat Sikong Nan on the shoulder.

"The aftermath..." Qiao Ye looked at Sikong Nan and said, "It's yours!"


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