Chapter 359 Go Home

Bai Kaixin couldn't easily use the form of the celestial ghost, and in contrast, Qiao Ye's phantom of the celestial demon could not be easily used.

It would be fine for Qiao Ye to use the Heavenly Demon Phantom in its full power, but it was only because of the consumption problem that it could not use it for too long.

But Qiao Ye's condition has not fully recovered, so the price to pay is...

After lying down in the guest room of Sikong Nan's City Lord's Mansion for another two days, he finally recovered!

Two days later, Qiao Ye finally recovered and met Sikong Nan in the living room.

"Mr. Qiao..." Sikong Nan's face was full of spring breeze, and he was so happy that he died. From now on, Yecheng is up to him. There is really no reason for Sikong Nan to be in a bad mood. After seeing Qiao Ye, he smiled and said: "You I have everything I need ready."

Jiang Liuxue ran away, and Qiao Ye could only give up for the time being. Then, on Sikong Nan's side, Qiao Ye could only make him bleed.

All kinds of elixir, spiritual materials, and treasures. Of course, the grades of treasures are not high. For the eighth and ninth grades, Sikong Nan can only prepare a few pieces. Even if Sikong Nan can't bring out such a good treasure, don't worry. It seems that Sikong Nan is a city lord, but after all, he is just the lord of a small border town, and he is not that rich.

And these things, Sikong Nan can actually understand, but Qiao Ye also asked Sikong Nan to give a lot of books, Sikong Nan didn't quite understand.

After all, what Qiao Ye wants is not the classics of martial arts, but chronicles, unofficial histories, anecdotes, etc. What use are these things? Only the storyteller in the teahouse collected these things, but if Qiao Ye wanted them, Sikong Nan would give them to them, since they were worthless anyway.

Sikong Nan said: "The death row prisoners are also ready, both of them are deserters."

Qiao Ye nodded. People are actually the most important thing. If you want to understand the Demon Realm, the best way is to bring people back, but even if you are a death row prisoner, those who rape and rob, Qiao Ye does not want to use this method to help these people get rid of their crimes. , Therefore, I finally chose deserters.

The border of the Daqian Dynasty in the Demon Realm has been fighting all the year round, and there are many deserters. If caught, it is a capital punishment. They may not be of bad character, maybe they are just pure cowardice and cowardice. Being a deserter is obviously contemptible, but they all just want to live in this troubled world That's all, what's wrong?

Qiao Ye said, "Where is Ruyi Restaurant?"

Sikong Nan smiled and said: "I ordered people to rebuild it. Ye Xuan's craftsmanship is very good, and I don't want to see Ruyi Restaurant just disappear."

Qiao Ye nodded, and said, "From now on, Yecheng is yours!"

With a wave of his hand, Qiao Ye threw all the things into the jade tablet, and then, surrounded by black smoke, he disappeared in front of Sikong Nan.

Sikong stared blankly at the empty room, then quickly walked outside the door, Qiao Ye had disappeared, and the two death row prisoners at the door also disappeared without a trace.

Sikong Nan couldn't help sighing, this is the master!


Yecheng, outside the city!

Qiao Ye and Lin Ziyi walked along the official road, followed by two death row prisoners.

Qiao Ye asked as he walked, "What's your name?"

The two condemned prisoners looked at each other and said, "Young Zhang Qian, and young Li Yuanli."

Qiao Ye said: "Has Sikong Nan made it clear to you?"

After the two looked at each other, Zhang Qian said: "The Lord City Master said, as long as we follow you, we don't have to die."

Qiao Ye said: "Then what do you think? I have to say in advance, follow me, you may never come back in this life, your relatives and friends, as well as your wives, daughters and parents, will never have the chance to see each other again."

Zhang Qian waved his hands indifferently and said, "I'm a young bachelor, his parents died early, and he never married a wife."

Li Yuanli sighed and said: "My little family members all died in the war. I was originally a refugee, and I was taken to serve as a soldier."

After the two finished speaking, they knelt down together and said, "I hope the adults can take it in."

Both of them have cultivation levels, but not high. Qiao Ye can tell that they are still in the stage of laying the foundation, but both of them are in their thirties, and they are laying the foundation at this age...

Therefore, neither of them had much hope, and it was better to live than to die.

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Are you all from this area?"

Zhang Qian said: "Small Yecheng people."

Li Yuanli said: "My little hometown is in the agricultural city, not far from here."

Qiao Ye said: "Tell me about the customs and customs in this area, and then take me to some places, it doesn't matter whether it is a mountain village or a city."

Lin Ziyi looked at Qiao Ye with concern and said, "You haven't fully responded yet, have you?"

Qiao Ye nodded helplessly. It was almost done. It was all due to the blind people in the Demon Hall. It's just that the old birthday star thinks he has a long life.

That being the case, you might as well take a walk and continue to experience the Demon Realm. Anyway, in Yecheng, you have seen everything you need to see and ask questions...

Because of Bai Kaixin's death, Qiao Ye reckoned that Yecheng would talk about it in the future, and there should be nothing to inquire about. This was the reason why Qiao Ye left so quickly.

For the next six or seven days, Qiao Ye and Lin Ziyi were led by Zhang Qian and Li Yuanli, and wandered around the surrounding villages and towns centered on Yecheng. The question that should be known, does not care whether the two of them will not doubt it at all, anyway, both of them are going to take them back to Wuyu.


Qiao Ye looked at Lin Ziyi and said, "It's finally time to go home!"

Qiao Ye took out the broken air pestle, and almost instantly, Qiao Ye's face turned pale.

However, this time, Qiao Ye didn't vomit blood, and the feeling of being quickly emptied was not as serious as imagined, and he was able to hold on. In about half a cup of tea, the hollow pestle glowed like water. The brilliance quickly wrapped the Duankong pestle.

Qiao Ye sighed in his heart. After this time, the Duankong Pestle would probably not be able to pass through the Nine Realms. If there were no accidents, the Duankong Pestle would completely fall into a second-grade Noble Phantasm.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye threw out the ghost lamp. Even though Duan Kongchu's grade has dropped and the consumption is not so serious, the ghost lamp is still needed to completely break open the space!

After the ghost lamp came out of the jade card, the little guy was floating in the air, and the three ghost lights kept changing, forming various expressions. It was quite happy to see the ghost lamp.

A moment later, when the radiance wrapped around the Duankong pestle reached its peak, Qiao Ye raised the Duankong pestle and slashed fiercely forward.

The space was instantly torn open by a void crack, which was not very long, barely a meter away, and barely wide enough to allow a person to pass through, similar to last time, the question is how long it can last, Qiao Ye is still not sure , can only enter it at the fastest speed.


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