Chapter 360 begins

The Demon Realm, the Dagan Dynasty, and the northern border.

Every winter, there will be wars on the northern border of the Dagan Dynasty, because every winter, the Night Demons will inevitably invade.

The Night Demons are very poor. They occupy a place of bitter cold and live a nomadic life. The most valuable things are scimitars and livestock. Other than that, they have nothing.

They yearn for tea bricks, silk, and even girls with fair skin in the Central Plains.

And every winter, they will be short of clothes and food. If there is heavy snow and many cattle and sheep are frozen to death, they will not be able to survive the winter at all. Then, the only way is to rob and plunder. .

In fact, they have no interest in the cities and lands of the Daqian Dynasty. Even the Night Demons once built a city but abandoned it. All they want is supplies. In the lives of the Night Demons, food is the most important thing. .

Therefore, after another winter, the northern border became chaotic again, and both sides got used to it, anyway, as always.

Xiancheng, the frontline city on the northern border.

On the city wall, the soldiers had already taken up their weapons. In front of Xiancheng, there were eight thousand night demon cavalry. They were already close at hand. The number of soldiers was more than double that of Xiancheng. Not good at siege, even double the enemy is not invincible.

And just when the war was about to break out...

In the middle of the battlefield, a person suddenly appeared!

Out of thin air, without knowing what method to use, it just appeared in the center of the battlefield, causing the generals on both sides to fall into doubt.

Jiang Liuxue paced slowly, glanced at the densely packed cavalry, and at the Xiancheng wall not far away, suddenly...

Above Jiang Liuxue's head, a crackling sound suddenly appeared.

The still clear sky suddenly turned into a dense mass of darkness, a black crack slowly split from the sky, like a giant beast, opened its bloody mouth!

A crack in the void appeared so suddenly and continued to expand, ten meters, hundreds of meters, kilometers...

Cover the sky!

Jiang Liuxue smiled softly, "It's started!"


Wu Yu, Blood Sea Academy!

In the Martial Arts Field of Blood Sea Academy, a group of third-class disciples gathered.

It is another semi-annual assessment. For the third-class students, this is an extremely important critical moment. After becoming a second-class student, they can temporarily leave the Blood Sea Academy for external training. In contrast, this is already the second class of this year. The second and third-class students have passed the assessment. If they still fail to pass, they will have to wait for next year. Among them, the remaining old students are even more worried. They have already participated twice last year. service……

Several instructors from Ji Wuyuan got together and were placing their bets to see how many people could pass the assessment this time, but at this time...

"Look, what is that!"

A student shouted loudly, attracting everyone's attention and looking into the air.

A rift in the void suddenly appeared. Those students looked puzzled and didn't know what it was, but the instructors were shocked. The rift in the void can only appear in the boundary, why did it appear here? Could it be that something happened to the broken boundary again!

At this moment...

Several figures suddenly fell out of the cracks in the void, and smashed hard to the ground.

Ji Wuyuan reacted the fastest, and immediately stepped forward, first drove away the surrounding students, then came to the front to take a look, and suddenly said in astonishment: "Qiao Ye?"

"Ji Jiaoxi!" Qiao Ye smiled wryly, "Can you give me a hand, I'm exhausted!"

Ji Wuyuan glanced at Qiao Ye's pale face, bloodless, and his limbs were limp, so he knew that Qiao Ye was exhausted, so he immediately picked up Qiao Ye, but when he was about to leave, he found that the It wasn't just Qiao Ye who fell from the sky.

Lin Ziyi immediately took out his identity token and said, "I'm Lin Ziyi from Linglan, Ji Jiaoxi, we've met before, you should still know me, right?"

Ji Wuyuan nodded, Jianmen Land was led by Ji Wuyuan, how could he not recognize Lin Ziyi? However, Ji Wuyuan really didn't recognize two other people with terrified faces.

Lin Ziyi glanced at Qiao Ye and said, "He needs to rest now. Ji Jiaoxi can take him there first, and I'll wait here. For specific matters, you can ask me later."

Ji Wuyuan thought for a while, then nodded, and ordered the other instructors to take care of Lin Ziyi and the other three, then sent Qiao Ye to the attic where the students lived.


Qiao Ye is cold again!

Before Ji Wuyuan sent Qiao Ye into the house, Qiao Ye fell into a coma, and when he woke up, it was three days later, and he woke up abruptly from hunger.

Sometimes, it gets used to it when it gets colder. Qiao Ye is not alarmed now. Of course, she secretly swears in her heart that before her cultivation reaches a higher level, don’t use high-quality treasures. It’s really possible to use it forcibly. Will lose his life, Duan Kongchu, a fake first-grade treasure, every time he uses it, it is like wandering before the gate of hell. What if it is a real first-grade treasure?

Well, there is a high probability that it will not be used at all.

Getting up from the bed, Qiao Ye washed up briefly, then burned a piece of spiritual paper for Ji Wuyuan, and then went directly to the cafeteria. It has been a long time since I ate the food in Xuehai Academy!

Halfway through eating, Ji Wuyuan sat down in front of Qiao Ye, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Boy, what the hell are you doing?"

Qiao Ye gnawed on the steamed stuffed bun, drank the porridge and said, "Didn't Lin Ziyi tell you?"

"Say it!" Ji Wuyuan said: "I don't want to talk about things involving the defenders. They say it's about the confidentiality rules of the defenders. As for the other contents, I heard it like a heavenly book. You really went to the Demon Realm." ?”

"En!" Qiao Ye nodded and said, "We have to start with participating in the Lingwu Festival."

Sitting there, Ji Wuyuan watched Qiao Ye eat three steamed buns and two bowls of porridge, and finally couldn't help but said, "You mean it."

Qiao Ye said: "It involves the confidentiality code of the defenders, you can't say it!"

Ji Wuyuan almost spat out a mouthful of blood, pointed at Qiao Ye and said, "Boy, are your wings hard?"

Qiao Ye said helplessly: "Teacher, don't embarrass me. This matter is a bit big. I really can't say it. According to the procedure, I should first report to the guards, and, depending on the situation, at least I have to report to the guards at the guard level." People in the world can only report, I am qualified to refuse to answer questions for night duty and day duty, how could I tell you first."

Ji Wuyuan was also surprised. The internal report of the boundary guards is determined according to the importance of the matter, and the importance is determined by the parties themselves. If it is necessary to report directly to the boundary guards at the level of the boundary guards, it is really very important up.


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