Chapter 365 Fighting

It's not that the people in Lingyu don't know kung fu, it's just...

In Wu Yu's words, that is...

It's all about boxing and embroidering legs, the kung fu of a three-legged cat, no one can fight!

Su Fei got up from the ground, gritted his teeth and roared angrily: "Out of the spirit, the will of the ice god!"

Almost in an instant, the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and the ground continued to make "click, click" sounds, and began to freeze rapidly, and a layer of frost quickly condensed.

Qiao Ye looked at his feet, and the silvery white frost quickly crawled up his feet.

"The previous me can be treated as a joke, but this..." Qiao Ye pointed to the frost under his feet and said, "It seems that you really don't want a head!"

Su Fei said ferociously: "Qiao Ye, don't be too arrogant, you really dare to open a dyeing workshop if you give you three points of color, what are you? You are nothing!"

Su Fei pushed the frost with all his strength, and the surrounding area was completely frozen and condensed into ice, and the frost quickly climbed onto Qiao Ye's calf.

A person from the spiritual domain got up from the ground and quickly entered the state of being out of the spirit, his body was full of red light.

"Out of the spirit, bursting flames!"

After the radiance emanated from the body of the Lingyu man, he ran straight away, like a wild bull, and ran towards Qiao Ye.


When the man from the Lingyu crashed into Qiao Ye's arms, a fiery ball of fire burst out suddenly, and as the flames pushed away, a sudden explosion occurred.

Layers upon layers of air waves kept pushing away towards the surroundings. With a feeling of tyranny, Qiao Ye was immediately blown away by the impact of the explosion, falling in the distance and rolling continuously.

The man from Lingyu said proudly, "I'll see how you get up..."

The Lingyu man hadn't been happy for a long time, and the smile froze on his face. Qiao Ye put his hands on the ground, stood up slowly, and casually brushed the burnt ashes off his body.

Qiao Ye looked at the other party and said, "What did you just say?"

The man from Lingyu blushed instantly, he didn't know if he was ashamed or annoyed.

On the other side, there was a loud "rumbling" sound from Qiao Ye's side, and a person from the spiritual realm stretched out his hand forward. After a burst of spiritual brilliance rushed past, a purple scale python suddenly appeared and swam in the direction of Qiao Ye. Ge came, and with a flick of the huge body, the huge snake tail swung in the direction of Qiao Ye.


The moment the snake tail came in front of Qiao Ye, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand fiercely and pressed it directly on the snake tail.

After a loud noise, the ground under Qiao Ye's feet shattered, and after the snake's tail was forcibly attached, Qiao Ye slammed it and threw the purple-scaled python directly.

After throwing away the giant purple scale python, Qiao Ye took a step, and black smoke rose from under his feet, continuously surrounding Qiao Ye's body.

The next moment, Qiao Ye waved his hand violently, and the black smoke surrounding his body dissipated, and a black halberd appeared in Qiao Ye's hand!

"Since you guys want to have a good time..." Qiao Ye licked the corner of his mouth and said, "Then I'll play with you!"


With a little toe, Qiao Ye jumped forward, and when he came to the spirit man whose whole body was burning, he swung his halberd to kill him.

The person from the spiritual domain snorted coldly, without any fear at all, and went straight to meet him. His ability to emanate spirits is very special. Anything that comes into contact with him will cause an explosion. In the end, only the other party will suffer.

But at this very moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly reached out his hand!

The three forms of Tianwu, breaking the palm of the sky, and the big mudra!

A huge handprint suddenly appeared, pinching the opponent's body directly, and then...


The body of the Lingyu man exploded suddenly, and the huge fireball exploded suddenly. Then, the moment the flame dissipated, Qiao Ye touched his toes and came to him suddenly.

This guy's spiritual ability is very troublesome, it seems untouchable, but...

After each explosion, the flames on his body will reappear, and this gap is an opportunity to attack, without triggering spiritual power, and there will be no explosion.


With a wave of the black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand, the halberd swept across the opponent's chest, sending him flying.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the eighth level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 19,000 points."

After a successful blow, Qiao Ye turned his body backwards, twisted the black halberd in his hand, swept to the side, and collided with the big purple python that was coming.

The halberd slashed the scales of the snake with a crisp sound, and the body of the purple-scaled python tilted and was knocked to the ground by Qiao Ye.

In the next moment, Qiao Ye jumped up, cast the Nine Palace Flying Star technique, walked directly through the air, and then fell downward.

Qiao Ye's body was surrounded by black smoke, and with the momentum of the dive, the black smoke flew up, showing a menacing look. Qiao Ye held the black halberd upside down in his hand, and the moment it landed on the purple-scaled python, the black halberd The halberd pierced in fiercely, nailing the purple scale python to the ground.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the seventh level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 18,000 points."

The Lingyu man opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face instantly turned pale. His spiritual ability was forcibly broken, just like the martial soul was destroyed, and he needed to suffer backlash trauma.

Su Fei was horrified, and couldn't help agitating his Adam's apple. Compared with the last time we met in Lingyu, Qiao Ye seemed to be stronger again!

"Let's go together!" Su Fei gritted his teeth, waved his hands and shouted angrily, "We have a lot of people!"

Su Fei shouted angrily, and pushed his hands towards the front, the surrounding wind and snow rolled up again, and the air became cold again. With the continuous accumulation of frost and snow, a snow wave soon formed, rising continuously, Gai fell in the direction of Qiao Ye.

At the same time, the last two Spiritual Domain people beside Su Fei rushed out towards Qiao Ye at the same time.

These two Lingyu people are very distinctive, because they are a pair of twins!

The facial features are very similar, the only difference is that one has long hair and the other has short hair.

"Out of spirit, Gemini!"

The moment the two rushed out, they shouted at the same time, and then two beams of light, one golden and one white, fell from the sky and landed on the two of them at the same time.

The two kept swaying from side to side, switching positions with each other, and then one of them jumped up and punched Qiao Ye in the direction of Qiao Ye.


Qiao Ye casually reached out and took one of the fists, but at this moment...


The second muffled sound suddenly appeared, Qiao Ye took half a step back, looked at his lower abdomen in astonishment, he could obviously feel that he had been punched, but obviously only one person attacked, and the fist had already been caught by him Besides, it was Qiao Ye's face that the other party punched, so it would not be possible for the lower abdomen to bear the attack.

Qiao Ye was wondering, but another person suddenly attacked at this time, raised his leg and swept towards Qiao Ye.


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