Chapter 366


Qiao Ye instinctively raised her arms to block and block the opponent's attack, but...


The same second muffled sound appeared very quickly, and Qiao Ye was kicked on the other side of the waist, kicking Qiao Ye's body to the side.

Su Fei sneered, the rarity of twin stars is not high, if evaluated by martial soul, it is almost only at the imperial level, but in fact it is very rare, because this kind of spiritual ability can only be born on twins.

Gemini's ability is actually very simple, that is, when one of them attacks, the attack is equal to the attack of two people, so the two attacks are two attacks, the first attack is visible, but the second attack is Invisible.

In Lingyu, Gemini's ability is called an undefensible attack. The only disadvantage is that although there are two people, but if the ability is to take effect, only one of them can make a move at a time. It will become a normal attack.

But this shortcoming is almost negligible. As long as one person keeps attacking, Gemini's ability is almost impossible to defend.

"Qiao Ye, die for me!" Thinking of this, Su Fei couldn't help but look ferociously, revealing a look of pride, and shouted at Qiao Ye: "You can't defend against their attacks, how can you win? "

As Su Fei roared, his hands were not idle, and he continued to release his mental power. The manipulative wind and snow crazily shrouded in Qiao Ye's direction, trying to give Qiao Ye to Bing Jie!

at the same time……

The two twins shot again, and after jumping back to distance themselves, they suddenly pushed forward with both palms.

The golden radiance wrapped around his body suddenly condensed, and suddenly turned into a beam of light and rushed forward, continuously advancing.

Boom, boom, boom!

As the golden light beam passed by, the ground beneath the light beam continued to explode.

Qiao Ye's eyes turned cold, and he stretched out his hand straight ahead.

In Qiao Ye's opinion, the strength of the two twins from the spiritual domain was not very strong, but their attacks were a bit weird.


Just as Qiao Ye was thinking, the golden beam of light had suddenly come to him and directly collided with Qiao Ye's outstretched palm.

After a roar, the golden light beam exploded directly, and was easily caught by Qiao Ye with one hand. It continued to explode and turned into a halo and began to dissipate.

However, Qiao Ye knew very well that this was not the end...

Suddenly, Qiao Ye turned around sharply, and the black halberd in his hand brought out a stream of black smoke, and he slashed out behind him.


There was obviously nothing in the air, but the moment Qiao Ye slashed down, there was a sudden cracking sound, as if something had been chopped open by Qiao Ye.

The faces of the two twins from the Spiritual Realm showed shock, and Su Fei also had an expression of disbelief!

The so-called indefensible attack ability...

It was blocked!

"It's a magical ability, but it's useless!" Qiao Ye said with a contemptuous smile: "When you know that the second attack will definitely appear, then there is no defenseless situation!"

Don't care where the second attack came from, as long as you defend immediately after the first attack and let the defense cover a large area, there is a certain probability that the second attack will be blocked.

This is actually not a way to crack it, Qiao Ye just used a brutal method to forcibly defend.


Qiao Ye groaned, and suddenly stepped forward, a large cloud of black smoke billowed from behind and drifted around, then Qiao Ye's figure flashed suddenly, and suddenly appeared in front of the other party, looking down at the man who was half shorter than herself, A ferocious look appeared on his face.

"Just don't let you attack!"

As Qiao Ye spoke, the black halberd in his hand swung forward.


A halberd hit a person, and that person spit out a mouthful of blood, and was swept away by Qiao Ye!

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the seventh level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 17,000 points."

After one blow, Qiao Ye's figure flashed again, and the fast opponent couldn't catch it at all. In the eyes of the opponent, the black smoke surrounding Qiao Ye's body suddenly surged, and Qiao Ye had disappeared without a trace, let alone Captured Qiao Ye's figure, even how Qiao Ye moved was completely invisible.

The next moment, Qiao Ye suddenly appeared in front of the other party. The moment the other party saw Qiao Ye, the black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand had already been drawn on the other party's body.

In an instant, the expression of the other twin was distorted, and the whole person curled up. As Qiao Ye lifted the black halberd, the other person hung on the halberd pole.

Qiao Ye sneered, and threw the person forcefully, like throwing garbage, and threw the person out.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the seventh level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 17,500 points."

After finishing off the two of them, Qiao Ye retracted his halberd, and then looked at the frost falling from the sky.

Qiao Ye just glanced at it!

Magic spirit map!


In the sky, there seemed to be an invisible force surging past quickly, like an invisible big hand, pinching forward forcefully, directly grasping the frost that filled the sky.

That frost can no longer fall!

Qiao Ye stepped forward, walking towards Su Fei.

Su Fei opened his mouth, feeling his lips tremble a little, and it took a long while before he said miserably: "Qiao, Qiao Ye, if you have something to say, say it well, it won't be, it won't be like this, I'm your cousin..."

Suddenly, Qiao Ye reached out, grabbed Su Fei's neck, and lifted Su Fei into the air.

Qiao Ye looked at Su Fei and said, "Did I say that? The Lingyu, Zhantianbu, have nothing to do with me, don't use these to get close to me!"

Qiao Ye's fingertips gradually tightened, and Su Fei's expression became ferocious, and gradually turned blue-purple.

"What is this doing? Stop it!"

At this time, a stout middle-aged man appeared with a very dazzling golden spirit pattern on his forehead. He was obviously a master in the spiritual domain. He walked quickly towards Qiao Ye and Su Fei, stretched out his hand and pulled out his waist. The saber in the room was thrown directly in the direction of Qiao Ye.

The saber pierced through the air, and at the same time it flew towards it, there was a clear sound of the sword's cry, and then, it turned into a sword light, and stabbed in the direction of Qiao Ye.


The sword light didn't come to Qiao Ye at all. The moment the sword light flew out, a figure suddenly appeared above the sword light, stepped on the sword light with both feet, and then put the The sword was trampled on the ground.

Qiao Ye curled her lips, it seemed that someone finally took care of her.


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