Chapter 367

"Green ghost!" The middle-aged Lingyu man shouted in a low voice: "Why do you stop me, he broke the rules!"

The figure was wearing a cloak, his head and body were covered, very in the style of Guixie Academy.

The green ghost said indifferently: "Zhou Ziyang, you people from the spiritual realm acted first. If you want to talk about bad rules, it should be the rules that you people from the spiritual realm broke first."

The Lingyu man named Zhou Ziyang gritted his teeth and said, "Then let him put him down first."

Qing Gui glanced at Qiao Ye, and said, "Put him down!"

Qiao Ye curled her lips, waved her arm casually, and threw the person aside. Su Fei rolled twice on the ground, and then lay on the ground with a blue face. She didn't know whether she passed out or died. .

Zhou Ziyang stepped forward quickly, checked it, then heaved a sigh of relief, he just passed out, and then looked at Qiao Ye fiercely.

Zhou Ziyang was about to speak, but the green ghost said directly: "Qiao Ye, remember, since other people don't abide by the rules, then we don't need it, let's forget it this time, if there is a next time, just kill them all."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Remember the instruction!"

Zhou Ziyang was furious, and pointed at the green ghost, but in the end he didn't speak. He flicked his sleeves, picked up Su Fei, and said to the others: "Let's go!"

He watched Ling Yu and his party leave.

Qing Gui waved at Qiao Ye and said, "Come with me."

Qiao Ye followed Qing Gui obediently and walked towards the depths of the residence.

"My name is Qing Gui, a secret seeker of the world." Qing Gui said: "I am responsible for the affairs here."

World mystics, like boundary defenders, have their own levels. First, they are official world mystics without levels, then they are novelty hunters, then they are secret seekers, and finally they are true knowledge.

As a World Mystic at the level of seeking secrets, it is equivalent to the day level among the defenders, and it is already quite powerful.

Qing Gui said: "Do you know the reason why you came here?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "I know a little bit, Lin Jiexu. Senior Lin told me that he needs someone who is good at mental power to help. I don't know exactly how to help."

Qing Gui said: "It's not about people with strong mental power, but people with pure spiritual power."

Qiao Ye looked puzzled, mental power is not pure?

Qinggui doesn't like to talk very much, everyone in Guixie Academy has this temper, but what needs to be explained still needs to be explained, Qinggui can only continue: "If I just need someone with strong enough mental power, I can do it myself, or Why do you need to ask a world defender to second you if you let a world mystic at the level of true knowledge come over?"

Qiao Ye couldn't help being taken aback, as if that was the case.

Although my mental power is powerful, but where is the cultivation base, Qinggui's cultivation base is at least a Martial Emperor, maybe even a Martial Emperor. Still strong.

The green ghost continued: "Pure spiritual power means a person with a strong innate mental power. Take a cup as an example, one has half a glass of water at the beginning, and the other has only one-fifth of water at the beginning. The first cup was filled with water, but it was useless. This trouble requires the first cup, that is, there is a lot of water from the beginning without external force."

This explanation is easy to understand, and it's reasonable to find yourself here. Qiao Ye belongs to the first cup, even if Qinggui's mental power is actually stronger than Qiao Ye, but it is an acquired factor, so it doesn't work.

Qiao Ye said: "I will try my best."

The green ghost nodded and said: "I'll take you to rest first, we're going down the ghost dry well tonight."

Qiao Ye said: "I don't need to rest, I can do it now, I have already rested on the flying boat before."

"It has nothing to do with you." The green ghost said: "It's because there are some special things in Guikujing, and there are some monsters entrenched in it, but those things don't appear during the day, they have to wait until night, but at the same time, they can't be explored during the day, except those that have already been explored. Areas that are not affected during the day, other unexplored areas will be shrouded in weird fog during the day, and you may not be able to get out if you enter."

Qiao Ye asked suspiciously, "Can't you come out?"

"Well!" Qing Gui said: "The terrain is not very complicated, but it will get lost in it inexplicably. I also thought of some methods, such as tying a rope on my body, but it was useless. After entering, the rope will disappear after a while." It was broken, but the person was still gone. Moreover, with the exploration, after the exploration area expanded, some corpses were found. They were all people lost in the fog during the daytime exploration. There were no wounds on their bodies, and there were no traces of battle. , but died inexplicably, so right now, we don’t explore during the day, but only at night, as long as the night falls, the fog will dissipate, and it will reappear during the day.”

This is a bit weird, even, it can be said to be a bit unbelievable, but the job of the world mystic is to explore such weird places. If it weren't for these places, there would be no need for the world mystic.

Qiao Ye nodded in agreement, and then said, "What's going on in Lingyu?"

Qing Gui said: "There are also world mystics in Lingyu, and Guikujing is likely to be related to the changes in the Nine Domains battlefield. We have studied the overlapping positions of spaces. According to the distance between the straight line and horizontal line of space shuttle, if the space is Cube, then, the straight line position of Guikujing overlaps with the Nine Domains Battlefield. In addition, we also found two other places where the horizontal line overlaps with the Nine Domains Battlefield, and the accident on the Nine Domains Battlefield affects both sides , Therefore, the Lingyu side also sent the World Mystics over."

Qiao Ye wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, just like what Lin Jiexu said, he was too professional to understand, and he just asked the Lingyu people to appear here, it seems that even the people from Guixie Academy don't like to talk But once the chatterbox is opened, it is not easy to close it.

Qing Gui glanced at Qiao Ye and said: "Speaking of spiritual power, Lingyu is still very famous, so the world mysteries of Lingyu have also found people, this is normal, you don't have to pay attention to them, Just do your own thing.”

Qiao Ye agreed again.

At this time, the green ghost brought Qiao Ye to the front of a wooden house.

The green ghost said: "I still have things to do, you can rest here first, recover your energy, I will need you at night."

I don't know if it's the days of the mysteries of the world, which are much more difficult than those of the defenders, or whether it's more difficult in Gaoshanling. The house is shared, and many people rest in it. They should be people who have explored the ghost well before.

Watching the green ghost leave, Qiao Ye entered the house, and no one cared about Qiao Ye. The style of the World Mystics really inherited from Guixie Academy, probably because most of the world's mystics were from Guixie Academy, they were quite silent , he doesn't like talking, and he doesn't like to meddle in other people's business. Qiao Ye fought with Su Fei for so long before, and he didn't even have a spectator.


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