Chapter 368 Ghost Wall

Qiao Ye meditated and practiced directly in the house. In the evening, someone would prepare the food and put it in the center of the resident, and everyone could get it by themselves.

When Qiao Ye was fetching food, he saw Su Fei, who seemed to have been rescued, and looked at Qiao Ye with resentment, but Qiao Ye ignored this guy, who would consciously stay away from him if he had a little brain A little bit, otherwise it's just three things. Next time, Qiao Ye guarantees that this guy's head won't be kept.

After dinner, night fell quickly.

Qiao Ye stood outside the door of the wooden house and stretched her muscles, and suddenly...

"Let's go, go to Guikujing!"

The voice of speaking suddenly sounded from behind Qiao Ye, and the green ghost appeared behind Qiao Ye as if appearing out of thin air.

Qiao Ye was silent, dealing with people from Guixie Academy, if she was not careful, she might really scare herself to death. Fortunately, Qiao Ye was a little used to it. Xiao Jingyan and Bai Zixi were also so elusive when they were in Jianmen Kingdom. These guys walked None of them are windy.

Keeping up with the green ghost, there are not many people who want to enter the ghost dry well. The green ghost brought Qiao Ye, and in the spiritual realm, Zhou Ziyang, whom he had met during the day, brought Su Fei, and a youth from the spiritual realm that Qiao Ye had never seen before. About twenty-five or sixteen, with a pale white spirit pattern on his forehead like a floating cloud.

The green ghost said: "The purpose of going down the ghost dry well this time is not to explore unknown areas, but mainly to break the ghost wall. Let's see if you can do it. Therefore, there are not many people."

"Hmph!" Zhou Ziyang snorted coldly, and said with contempt: "The ghost wall can only be infiltrated with spiritual power to break it, and it must also be innate spiritual power, which is not something your martial arts are capable of. matter."

The ghost wall is the current difficulty in exploring the ghost dry well. It is something similar to a barrier, which will block people's way. It cannot be broken by normal attacks. If the ghost wall cannot be shaken, then it is useless to find a world mystic of the true knowledge level, at most it will be slightly effective, and it is far from being able to break it.

Therefore, ghost walls cannot be cracked by normal brute force. Finally, after research, mental power is the only way to restrain ghost walls, but there is a big problem. When we found a way at the beginning, those ghost walls were constantly cracked. After breaking through, the ghost dry well was also explored in a certain area, but the ghost wall that appeared became stronger and stronger, until the ghost wall on the seventh floor was blocked again.

No one can break through the ghost wall on the seventh floor. Even the ghost wall must be broken by innate spiritual power. He also suffered from a strong spiritual backlash. Fortunately, Qing Gui stopped in time and there was no accident. Even so, Qing Gui had to cultivate for several days before recovering.

This is the reason why Qinggui seconded Qiao Ye from Lin Jiexu. Cultivation is meaningless in front of the ghost wall, and the spiritual power obtained through acquired cultivation is also meaningless. Only a person with innate mental strength can break the ghost wall .

The green ghost said: "I haven't tried it, how do I know?"

Zhou Ziyang smiled even more contemptuously, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "With such a casually found kid, I advise you to just watch from the sidelines, the ghost wall will naturally be broken by our spirit domain! "

Zhou Ziyang had a haughty expression on his face, with arrogance and obvious disdain in his eyes.

Zhou Ziyang did have reasons for his arrogance. When it comes to the field of spiritual power, the spiritual domain does have more say. Their cultivation methods are all majoring in spiritual power and minoring in physical body. Or to put it more directly, spiritual power is spiritual power. The field that spiritual monks in the domain are good at.

The green ghost said: "It's useless to talk too much, are you going to go? If you don't go, we will go first!"

"You will never die until you reach the Yellow River!" Zhou Ziyang curled his lips in disdain and said, "Since you are not afraid of shame, then go and try it!"

Qinggui didn't bother to pay attention to Zhou Ziyang's provocation, and directly dragged Qiao Ye into Guikujing.

Guikujing is a huge underground cave, but it is not purely straight up and down. It is about 30 meters deep. After reaching the ground, it is a huge group of caves.

However, the surrounding area has obviously been explored. Not only is it very quiet, but brackets have been set up inside the cave as a support, and the surrounding area has also been cleaned, and some obstructive stones have been swept aside.

As for those forks, some are dead ends, and some can be moved forward. The green ghost has a simple map in his hand, which is drawn based on previous explorations, so there is no need to be afraid of going the wrong way.

The green ghost didn't speak, and Qiao Ye was too embarrassed to ask more questions, but just followed silently, looking around at the same time, and then, Qiao Ye couldn't help raising his eyebrows!

There was a battle in this ghost dry well, and not just one, it could even be said that there were many.

Although it has been cleaned up, the traces of the battle cannot be covered up. There are traces of swords and knives everywhere. In fact, a large part of the rubble that was cleaned up on the ground is left over from the battle.

Other than that, there was nothing strange about it. Qiao Ye had never seen the mist mentioned by the green ghost, probably because it was at night.

After walking like this for about a quarter of an hour, the green ghost suddenly stopped.

There is a relatively large space in front of it, there is some water on the ground, and there is a dead end in front of it, but there is a cave on the side, but that cave is a bit strange!

Without waiting for Qing Gui's order, Qiao Ye walked to the front, tried to reach out to touch it, and then found a very thin layer of film on the surface of the hole, with very little reflection of mixed colors on it, which cannot be seen without looking carefully.

Qiao Ye tried hard, but was quickly blocked back. At the same time, the membrane vibrated slightly, as if there was a ghost face imprinted there.

The green ghost said: "This is the ghost wall, it cannot be broken by normal means!"

As the green ghost spoke, he punched casually.

Even though it was just a casual punch, with Qinggui's cultivation base, this punch was already terrifying enough. Even, the moment the fist wind appeared, there were tremors around, and stone chips kept falling from the ceiling of the cave.

However, when the punch hit the ghost wall, the ghost wall trembled more violently and the ghost face became more obvious, but it was not affected at all, let alone damaged.

The green ghost said: "You need to infiltrate the spiritual power into the ghost wall, and then destroy the ghost wall, but you need to remember that you can't cultivate with spiritual power, and you can't use martial arts to strengthen your spiritual power. The purest , belongs to one's own spiritual power."

Zhou Ziyang sneered and said: "I think you should save yourselves, this matter depends on us!"


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