Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 372 Ten Layers of Ghost Wall

Chapter 372

Qiao Ye wiped the sweat from his forehead, and after killing all the rotting corpses, he began to get his own spoils. He cut open the chest of the rotting corpse, and at the position of the opponent's heart, the original heart had become a place that produced corpse poison. The poison sac is also the only valuable thing on the rotting corpse. It cannot be used for cultivation, but it can be used for refining poison.

However, it didn't make any difference to Qiao Ye, he could absorb them anyway!

He took out all the poison sacs accumulated in the jade card, and then Qiao Ye began to absorb them.

"You have absorbed the jade bone, the value of absorbing the martial soul: 2700 points"

"You have absorbed the poison sac, absorbing martial soul value: 3500 points"

"You have absorbed the jade bone, the value of absorbed martial soul: 3000 points"


After absorbing all the accumulated things, Qiao Ye took a deep breath, his cultivation could be improved.

"Your cultivation has been raised to the second level of Martial King Realm!"

Host: Qiao Ye.

Combat power: 3156000

Cultivation level: Second level of Martial King Realm.

Martial soul value: 10500/4200000

Martial Dao and Martial Soul: Tianmo Dazzling (Fifth Grade) (Variable).

Spiritual cultivation: spiritual map of ten thousand dharmas (sixth grade)

Items: Twins in One Realm, Thousand Spirit Sword, Iron Book of Valkyrie (Volume 26)

Cultivation method: No Second Sword (Visual Thought)

Martial arts: Hundred Battle Blood Technique (Level 4), Breaking Heavenly Palm (Rank 7), Road to Heaven (Rank 7), Nine Turns of the Golden Body (Level 9)

A light curtain appeared in front of Qiao Ye's eyes and he glanced at it. After the Martial King Realm, it is not so easy to improve each level of cultivation, and the small realm is a few million.

However, for a 20-year-old Martial King, this kind of cultivation speed is already terrifying. Moreover, the millions of Martial Soul points are not as troublesome as imagined, and there are only 400 evil beasts.

Judging from the current progress, Qiao Ye felt that the ghost dry well was bigger than expected, and it would not be a problem to improve his cultivation by one or two levels after completing the task.


At this moment, a voice came from behind Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye turned around, and a world mystic appeared at the entrance of the side road, and said directly: "Ghost wall!"

This is another World Mystic from Guixie Academy, and his speech is quite concise.

"it is good!"

Qiao Ye was also used to it, so she simply answered and walked out of the cave with her halberd in hand.

Under the leadership of the other party, after passing through an area, Qiao Ye quickly saw the new ghost wall.

This is already the tenth floor of the ghost wall. Before that, Qiao Ye had already broken two layers of ghost wall.

The ghost wall on the tenth floor is obviously bigger than the previous two floors, and the ghost face is also clearer, obviously the defense has become stronger.

However, Qiao Ye still had no intention of destroying the ghost wall bit by bit, so he came to the ghost wall and punched it out.


A huge explosion sounded suddenly, and the moment Qiao Ye punched the ghost wall, a crack appeared on the ghost wall, and then it broke open bit by bit, and finally completely collapsed and disappeared without a trace.

The ghost wall is broken!

Although the mystics of the world from the Guixie Academy have always been indifferent, after all, there are also mystics of the world from other places. These people are much more normal. They smiled and gave Qiao Ye their thumbs, and some even gave Qiao Ye a high-five directly. .

Not far away, Su Fei and Yuan Wenying got together and looked at Qiao Ye with unkind eyes.

"Look at this guy's proud look." Yuan Wenying said with a displeased face, "It's as if he can break the ghost wall. I don't believe it. My spiritual power can lose to him? Most likely this guy has mastered it." What kind of trick to break the ghost wall, I just kept it hidden and didn't say it."

Su Fei also had a cold expression on his face. He was different from Yuan Wenying, the more Qiao Ye behaved, the more he would be ashamed, and Zhan Tianbu would be more ashamed, and the more accusations he received.

"This bastard!" Su Fei couldn't help cursing, "It's just a bastard born to a bitch, why should he step on us!"

Yuan Wenying nodded empathetically, then suddenly laughed and said, "However, this kid won't be proud for long."

While talking, Yuan Wenying leaned closer to Su Fei's ear.

"I heard..." Yuan Wenying said, "Wu Junjie is coming over."

Su Fei was surprised: "Isn't he a guardian? How could he take care of this matter?"

As a boundary guard, it's quite normal for Qiao Ye to be seconded here. Although the duties of the boundary guard and the world mystic are different, they are both responsible for the affairs of the Void Fault after all. Therefore, when you need help, cooperate with each other and borrow from each other. It's not uncommon, and even the work of the two has been handed over from time to time.

However, the Guardians are different. The Guardians guard the border of the Broken Realm. They stay in the most dangerous void faults all year round, constantly fighting, and have been tempered by iron and blood. They are the last line of defense of the Broken Realm. You don't have to worry about anything in the battle, and because of this, you are relatively independent, and you rarely interact with the defenders and world mystics.

At the same time, compared to the guardians of the world and the mysteries of the world, the guardians are more elite.

For example, in terms of martial arts, Xuehai Academy is the head of the four major academies. It is true that the students who come out of Xuehai Academy are more fierce and powerful. Brutal, belligerent, and brave have always been the labels of the students of Xuehai Academy. Therefore, most of the blood children of Xuehai Academy chose to become guardians.

If it wasn't for his parents, Qiao Ye would undoubtedly choose to become a town guard.

The same is true for the spiritual domain. Guardians need to be assessed additionally, the elite of the elite.

Yuan Wenying lowered his lips and said, "The old man of the Zhou clan is not willing to be so humiliated, so he tried to borrow Wu Junjie. Let's see how arrogant this guy is."

Su Fei showed a ferocious voice, and echoed: "When the time comes, there will be a good show to watch."

On the other side, after Qiao Ye broke through the ghost wall, a new area appeared. As an area that had not been cleaned, a large number of evil beasts appeared as usual.

The ground kept making noises, and then rotting corpses and skeletons appeared at the same time, shaking their bodies and getting out of the ground, and then began to attack forward, intending to rush out of the cave.

Everyone had long experience, and immediately lined up to block the entrance of the cave. After stabilizing the situation, they began to rush into the cave.

Qiao Ye didn't intervene, and the mystics of the world cooperated tacitly. Qiao Ye's intervention would disrupt the formation. Moreover, if there were too many people, it would not be possible to kill many carrion corpses and skeletons.

Therefore, Qiao Ye watched the battle from the sidelines. Anyway, a new area was opened up, and everyone performed their duties. Qiao Ye was mainly responsible for killing the carrion corpses, so there would be no prey.

But at this moment...


A bewildered scream sounded suddenly, and a splash of blood suddenly splashed out, splashing directly on the side cave wall!

The arm of a world mystic was chopped off just like that.

The cave suddenly became noisy, and the first group of people who entered the cave began to retreat.


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