Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 373 Skeletal Evil Beast

Chapter 373

"what happened?"

Qiao Ye was also the first to greet him. The skeleton was not a big problem. Although the corpse poison of the rotting corpse was troublesome, it would not cause casualties easily. Corpse battle.

"There are new monsters!" A world mystic exited the cave and said, "The body is huge, don't block it in, all of them withdraw, they can't be used, so send a small number of people to deal with it."

Qiao Ye stood at the entrance of the cave and couldn't get in, so he threw a night crow into the cave to investigate the situation.

Soon, Qiao Ye saw the new Evil Beast through Night Crow's vision.

It was a skeleton in the shape of a beast. From the perspective of the skeleton, it looked a bit like a liger, but there were six bony spurs standing up on the back. The tops were very sharp. There were five joints up and down, which could be bent at will for stabbing.

The most troublesome thing is that the skeleton is so huge that it can almost fill up the cave, using those bone spurs to continuously stab around, piercing through the surrounding people.

Small space, huge monsters, this is an extremely unfavorable situation, but because those bone spurs are flexible enough, a group of world mystics are suppressed, and it is impossible to use them in the cave with limited space.

Without hesitation, Qiao Ye stood directly at the entrance of the cave, black smoke swirling around her body.

In the next moment, the night crow passing by in the air began to split crazily, and soon turned into a group of crows, swooping down continuously, and bumped towards the evil beast.

The sound of the impact kept ringing, and the night crow charged continuously. Although the body would be torn apart by those bone spurs, it at least delayed the bone beast for a while.

Qiao Ye shouted to the world mystics around him: "Maintain order, you all retreat one by one, I will cover!"

The moment Qiao Ye finished speaking, he took a step forward.

"The Heavenly Demon is dazzled!" Qiao Ye whispered softly, "The Heavenly Demon dominates the blood!"

Black smoke rose from Qiao Ye's feet, and when the wind blew, the black smoke tightly wrapped around Qiao Ye's body, whirling continuously, forming a black smoke vortex.

After a while, a black halberd protruded out of the black smoke vortex, and with a strong swing, the black smoke around Qiao Ye was cut open, and Qiao Ye appeared wearing a pitch-black armor.

The next moment, Qiao Ye's figure flashed. After entering the cave, he stepped on the footwork of the Nine Palace Flying Star and jumped directly over the heads of the crowd. When he came to the battle circle, he slashed down with a halberd while he was still in the air. .


As Qiao Ye fell, the black halberd slammed heavily on the ground.

A circle of black smoke swayed towards the surroundings, forming a ripple shape. The next moment, the moment the black smoke passed by, the surrounding carrion corpses and skeletons were cut off by Qiao Ye.

"You killed an evil beast (rotting corpse of the dead), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 11,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (skeleton of the dead), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 11,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (rotting corpse of the dead), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 11,000 points."


Of course, the newly-appeared skeletal beast is the root of all troubles, because of its huge size, it limits the space for everyone to move around.

But those skeletons are just as troublesome as rotting corpses, especially rotting corpses. In a small space, it is difficult to avoid the sprayed venom.

Fortunately, Qiao Ye was able to directly ignore the erosion of those venoms, attack unscrupulously, and approach those carrion corpses unscrupulously.

After one blow, Qiao Ye cleared an area, giving everyone a chance to retreat, and everyone began to retreat slowly.

And Qiao Ye jumped again, rushing towards the skeleton beast.

The biggest problem is that this guy fills up the space. As long as he can be killed, the remaining skeletons and rotting corpses will not pose too much threat.

But the moment Qiao Ye jumped up, the bone spurs of the Skeleton Evil Beast suddenly reversed and came towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye raised his eyebrows involuntarily. The blow was so sudden that the bone spurs of the Skeleton Evil Beast could be completely reversed, and the parts connected to the body could rotate 360 ​​degrees!

"Nine-turn golden body!"

Qiao Ye immediately gave a low cry, a golden octagonal halo appeared around her body, and then her body began to emit golden brilliance, like a golden statue.

next moment...


The bone spur swept over, and the moment it hit Qiao Ye, it sent Qiao Ye flying, and hit the side wall heavily, shaking off the stone chips.

But after landing, Qiao Ye immediately stood up, unharmed!

Don't look at that the Nine-turn Golden Body is only at the ninth rank, and it is only at the sixth rank when it is cultivated to perfection, but that is because the Nine-turn golden body is incomplete. This defensive martial skill from the Iron Book of the Martial God is actually quite terrifying. After the body, the defensive ability is not inferior to the blood of the demon, not to mention that the two can be used at the same time.

After getting up, Qiao Ye didn't delay, and went straight forward, running continuously.

The bone spur twisted again, and after changing direction, it stabbed at Qiao Ye again and again.

In Qiao Ye's hand, the black halberd kept flying up and down, surrounded by black smoke, and brought out black arcs of light one after another, constantly moving forward.

Boom, boom, boom!

The black euphorbia collided with the six bone spurs continuously, making continuous impact sounds.

The six bone spurs were indeed difficult to deal with, the number was the advantage, and the second was that they were very flexible and twisted weirdly, they could stab in any direction, making the attacks like a storm, continuous, without any gaps at all.


With a clang, Qiao Ye swung his halberd again, shaking away a bone spur, and then carried the black halberd upside down, tilted his whole body forward, and pressed his palm on the ground.

Qiao Ye licked the corner of his mouth, and had already found the weakness of the bone beast.

Although the huge body blocked the cave, the Skeleton Evil Beast itself couldn't move. In fact, the Skeleton Evil Beast didn't move at all, and had been using its six bone spurs to attack there.

If you can't move, it's a pure target, just attack the body!


Qiao Ye grinned slightly, and with Qiao Ye's breathing, two streams of black smoke gushed out from both sides of Qiao Ye's mouth, and at the same time, the thick black smoke also appeared under Qiao Ye's feet.



Qiao Ye's crouched body spread out suddenly, and with a kick of her legs, she rushed forward. She could not be seen at all, only a black smoke was seen passing forward.


There was a loud noise, and the bone spurs that hit at the same time were shaken away by Qiao Ye's blow. Almost instantly, Qiao Ye came to the Skeleton Evil Beast, and swept the black halberd forward!


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