Chapter 379 Confrontation

After another violent collision, Qiao Ye and Wu Junjie backed away at the same time.

After opening the distance, Wu Junjie stretched out his hand directly, and a treasure appeared in his palm, but it was a golden dragon seal. After being thrown into the air by Wu Junjie, the golden dragon seal directly rushed into the sky and turned into a golden dragon. Spreading his teeth and claws in the air, he swooped in Qiao Ye's direction.

Qiao Ye snorted coldly and said, "You think that only you have the treasure!"


There was a crisp sound of the sword's cry, and Qiao Ye directly threw the Qianling Sword out.

The Thousand Spirit Sword kept churning in the air, and soon became the size of a normal flying sword, and then began to divide continuously. One after another, phantom swords appeared continuously, spreading all over the sky in the blink of an eye.

Hum, buzz!

There were bursts of sword cries, and the phantom sword quickly joined together, turning into a river of swords, galloping, and collided with the golden dragon.


There was a huge cracking sound, and the golden dragon charged forward, pushed the phantom sword away continuously, and rushed directly into the river of swords, constantly rampaging.

But even if the sword river was smashed, the scattered phantom swords would also fly back quickly, chopping down from all directions, piercing the golden dragon's body.

As the Golden Dragon fought against Jianhe, the sky was suddenly filled with waves of air, and there was a constant humming and loud noise, even the clouds floating in the sky were shattered.

On the other side, Qiao Ye and Wu Junjie were not idle either. They fought with treasures in the sky. On the ground, Qiao Ye rushed forward again and slapped Wu Junjie with his palm.

Breaking the Heavenly Palm, Mahamudra!

As Qiao Ye slapped his palm forward, an almost invisible big handprint appeared, pressing down directly in Wu Junjie's direction.

Wu Junjie was also fearless. With a roar, he raised his fist to meet him, and punched the handprint hard. After blocking the big handprint, he punched Qiao Ye.

"Ju Ling Bo Xuan Kung Fu!"

Wu Junjie punched out, and the invisible spiritual power in the air condensed, suddenly turned into a rippled vortex and appeared in front of Qiao Ye, and blasted towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye straightened her chest, her body was full of golden light.

Nine-turn golden body, golden god body!

With a bang, the rippled vortex hit Qiao Ye's body, making a loud explosion, and even the surrounding ground was shattered.

Qiao Ye staggered backwards, and after a few steps, she stood firm, dusted herself casually, and showed contempt at Wu Junjie. The power of the spirit-gathering wave skill is quite impressive, but it still can't break the golden statue. Divine body.

Wu Junjie grinned and said, "I have to admit, you are better than those trash I have seen before!"

While talking, Wu Junjie stretched out his thumb and index finger to create a gap.

"But..." Wu Junjie said contemptuously, "That's all."

Qiao Ye was too lazy to talk nonsense with Wu Junjie, cut her fingers with her nails, and stretched out her hand straight ahead.

A drop of blood was swung out by Qiao Ye, and then continuously split in the air, becoming densely packed.

A hundred battle blood techniques, a dazzling style!

Wu Junjie retreated a few steps towards the back, stretched out his hand and pressed forward, and performed the spirit-gathering ripple skill again, and the continuously rotating ripples appeared again, covering Wu Junjie in front of Wu Junjie, wanting to give the splashed blood beads to him. block off.

But, at this moment...

Hundred battles blood technique, two-style beheading!

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand, and made a sudden pulling motion, those blood beads instantly turned into blood lines, spread all over Wu Junjie's surroundings, and then pulled them together fiercely!

Wu Junjie looked cold, watching the blood thread entangled towards him, and threw out another treasure, but it was a jade pendant.

In the next moment, the jade pendant was shining with brilliance, and layers of silver-white barriers suddenly appeared around it, entangled the sweeping bloodline.

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows, stretched out her hand again and said, "Three moves, piercing!"

Boom, boom!

There was a sudden booming sound from the ground around Wu Junjie, and then, the ground continued to crack one after another, and bright red blood thorns suddenly pierced out from the ground, coming towards Wu Junjie from all directions. .

When Wu Junjie saw it, he immediately bent his legs slightly, and jumped out into the air, avoiding the sudden attack of those blood thorns.

However, those blood thorns kept appearing, and soon they were densely packed, directly covering a large area under Wu Junjie's body.

"Bai Lie Fist!"

Wu Junjie let out a low growl, and then punched.

This Bailie Fist was also used by Liang Chen. It is a boxing technique passed down among the guardians, and the guardians who have received awards have the opportunity to learn it.

However, the same boxing technique in Liang Chen's hands is completely different from Wu Junjie's!

Boom, boom, boom...

Wu Junjie's fists were terribly fast. Accompanied by the bombardment, one after another fist marks fell from the sky, continuously falling into the blood thorns below, shattering those blood thorns, and at the same time, deep pits appeared one after another on the ground. , was blasted out abruptly by Wu Junjie.

After a while, the blood thorn below was flattened, and Wu Junjie fell from the air and stood back on the ground again.

Wu Junjie looked at Qiao Ye, twisted his neck and said, "It's almost time for the warm-up to end, how about showing some real skills?"

Qiao Ye said sternly, "As you wish!"

Under Qiao Ye's feet, black smoke kept gushing out, surrounding Qiao Ye's body, and a smoke cloak made of condensed black smoke appeared behind Qiao Ye, fluttering with the wind.

Qiao Ye reached out, grabbed a handful of the black smoke, and pulled the black halberd out of the black smoke.

On the other side, Wu Junjie took a deep breath, and clasped his hands together in front of him.

Behind Wu Junjie, there appeared a pitch-black radiance, flowing continuously like water, drawing out strokes and strokes, and quickly condensed into an image of an evil spirit, with a wide mouth and nose, disheveled hair, and a thick mouth. Fangs, with dense wounds on his body.

Martial Soul, Heavenly Demon Dazzling!

Out of spirit, bloodthirsty Rakshasa!

The next moment, Qiao Ye and Wu Junjie rushed forward again.

Qiao Ye came with black smoke, and the black halberd in his hand danced forward, and a large cloud of black smoke billowed forward like a wave.

And behind Wu Junjie, the phantom of the rakshasa ghost soon overlapped with Wu Junjie's body, directly covering Wu Junjie's body, and then rushed into the black smoke.

Bang, bang, bang!

The moment Wu Junjie rushed into the black smoke, there were continuous bursting sounds in the black smoke, and Qiao Ye's black smoke exploded one after another.

In a short time, Wu Junjie penetrated the black smoke, came to Qiao Ye, raised his hand and patted forward: "Ghost Claw!"

Wu Junjie grabbed it out with one hand, and on top of Qiao Ye's head, a pitch-black ghost claw appeared and smashed down fiercely.


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