Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 380 Ghosting, ghost eyes

Chapter 380 Ghost Transformation, Ghost Eyes

Qiao Ye directly slashed into the air with his halberd, and bumped into the ghost claw hard, shaking the ghost claw away.

But also at this moment...

Wu Junjie took the opportunity to come to Qiao Ye, took a step forward, and raised his arms!

"Hundred Ghost Style!" Wu Junjie roared, "Ghost Yin!"


Wu Junjie slapped out his palm, and it landed directly on Qiao Ye's chest. The next moment, Qiao Ye felt a terrifying force coming, and then he flew backwards.

After a loud noise, Qiao Ye fell to the ground, smashing the ground into pieces. Countless gravel flew into the air, and then fell from the air continuously.

Wu Junjie sneered and said, "It's just serious, you can't do it..."

As soon as Wu Junjie finished speaking, a black streamer suddenly shot out from the place where Qiao Ye was lying, with a terrifying speed.

Wu Junjie was startled, and quickly turned his body to dodge. Even so, the phantom of the Rakshasa covering Wu Junjie's body was hit on the right side of the head, and a piece of it was shattered abruptly.

The black streamer fell to the ground, the brilliance dissipated, and the black halberd was revealed.

Qiao Ye got up from the ground, and the black halberd immediately turned into black smoke and returned to Qiao Ye's hands.


Wu Junjie gritted his teeth, and black light appeared on his body again, and the phantom of the Rakshasa whose head had been crushed re-condensed into shape.

Qiao Ye sneered, raised the black halberd and waved vigorously, black smoke rose from under his feet, wrapped Qiao Ye's body, and turned into a black armor!

The Heavenly Demon is dazzled, the Heavenly Demon dominates the blood!

Entering the state of Heavenly Demon Overlord Blood, Qiao Ye's physical attributes were greatly improved again. With one step, his body turned into a black smoke and floated forward.

The distance of ten meters came in an instant, and the black halberd in his hand cut again.

Wu Junjie widened his eyes, looked at the black halberd surrounded by black smoke, and roared: "Bloodthirsty Rakshasa, turn into a ghost!"

Wu Junjie stretched his hands forward, his arms suddenly swelled up, and became thicker in an instant, the color of his skin turned black and purple, the veins on his arms jumped violently, his nails kept getting longer and gradually turned black.


In the next moment, Wu Junjie raised his arm and collided with the black halberd. He was obviously made of flesh and blood. The halberd was blocked and fell.


After blocking the next blow, Wu Junjie raised his head and roared, a ghost horn suddenly grew out of his forehead, then Wu Junjie dropped his head and hit Qiao Ye's chest directly.

Rage, mania, bloodthirsty!

After Wu Junjie entered the ghost state, his whole body became manic, as if he had turned into an evil ghost devouring people. After pushing Qiao Ye away, he rushed forward frantically, with a pair of ghost claws continuously moving towards him. Catch it from Qiao Ye's body.

Bang, boom, boom, boom, boom...

The ghost claw kept colliding with the black armor, making a crisp chirping sound, and at the same time, sparks visible to the naked eye continued to bloom.

The faces of Su Fei and the three showed excitement. Wu Junjie actually suppressed Qiao Ye, but...

The next moment...

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand suddenly, and before Wu Junjie's paw fell again, he stretched out his hand and pinched Wu Junjie's head, lifting Wu Junjie high.



Qiao Ye grabbed Wu Junjie's head, and directly smashed him to the ground.

Wu Junjie's body curled up. The blow obviously caused Wu Junjie a lot of damage, and he curled up like a shrimp.

Wu Junjie's face was grim, and he roared: "The whole body has turned into a ghost!"

Black light overflowed from Wu Junjie's body again, and immediately afterwards, Wu Junjie's body began to overlap with the phantom of the Rakshasa, and finally turned into the appearance of a Rakshasa ghost.


Wu Junjie raised his head and roared, and punched Qiao Ye in the chest, knocking Qiao Ye out, then shook his body, and got up again.

Looking at Qiao Ye with a ferocious face, Wu Junjie growled again: "Ghost eyes!"

Wu Junjie looked at Qiao Ye, his eyes turned blood red.

The moment he looked into those eyes, Qiao Ye suddenly felt a huge force appearing, like a circle of ropes, locking his body firmly, restraining himself, and then ...


Inexplicably, Qiao Ye's body fell backwards and landed on the ground.

Before Qiao Ye could struggle, that force lifted Qiao Ye's body up, and then slammed Qiao Ye down to the ground.

bang, bang, bang...

Up and down, continuous impact!

Qiao Ye couldn't help grinning, this power was too weird, Wu Junjie was still standing ten meters away, just glanced at himself, his body was out of control, in the eyes of outsiders, Wu Junjie didn't make any attacks at all, but It was Qiao Ye himself who kept hitting the ground.

A very strange spiritual attack!

Wu Junjie licked the corner of his mouth, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "If you give you three points of color, you dare to open a dyeing workshop. Stand up? If you have the ability, stand up and have a look!"

Qiao Ye swayed her body and supported the ground with one hand, but before Qiao Ye got up...

That weird feeling struck again, Qiao Ye's body was thrown flying!

In mid-air, Qiao Ye gritted his teeth, the black smoke condensed in his hand, turned into a black halberd, and then slashed forward.

A black arc of light moved forward, heading straight for Wu Junjie, but...


The moment the black arc came in front of Wu Junjie, it seemed to hit a wall, and suddenly shattered, turning into black smoke.

Qiao Ye's body fell from the air again and hit the ground hard.

Qiao Ye's whole body was stuck to the ground. Although she wanted to get up, she was firmly held down by an invisible force.

Wu Junjie walked towards Qiao Ye with a sneer and said, "Struggling to death, under my ghostly eyes, no one can resist!"


Qiao Ye raised her head, looked at Wu Junjie, and met those scarlet eyes again.

Out of the spirit, the magic map!

Qiao Ye's body continued to emit light, and those rays of light turned into lines, which were continuously condensed and formed behind Qiao Ye's back, turning into a spiritual picture.

On the spiritual map, sometimes mountains and rivers appear, sometimes birds and animals appear, there are magnificent seas rushing endlessly, and there are towering mountains piercing into the sky.


Qiao Ye looked at Wu Junjie!

Ten thousand dharma spirit map, aura of all phenomena!

With a bang, Wu Junjie showed shock on his face, feeling as if his chest had been punched hard, the whole person flew out towards the rear and landed in the distance.

"It's impossible..." Wu Junjie got up from the ground and roared, "This is a spiritual ability, why are you able to produce it?"


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