Chapter 384 New Discovery

Qiao Ye quickly pushed through the crowd and came to Qing Gui's side.

It was a hole wall that had been dug up, but Qiao Ye couldn't see what was in it, because there was a ghost wall in front of it.

The green ghost said: "Your idea is right. We have almost cleaned the area behind the ghost wall on the tenth floor, but we haven't found the ghost wall. So, I thought of the possibility you mentioned, okay After a few days of delay, I finally found something."

As the green ghost spoke, he gestured to Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye nodded, knowing what Qing Gui needed to do by himself, this was the reason for seconding him.

Taking a stride, Qiao Ye took a deep breath, and then punched forward.

With a bang, the ghost wall in front of him trembled continuously, that grimace was very obvious, but...

It didn't explode!

However, Qiao Ye didn't suffer any backlash from the aspect of mental power, so it can only be said that this punch was on par with Ghost Wall.

Just as the green ghost was about to speak, Qiao Ye signaled him to wait, and after taking a deep breath...

Magic spirit map!

Qiao Ye had some scruples about using the Ten Thousand Magic Spirit Chart before. After all, there are many mystics in the spiritual world, and Qiao Ye didn't want to reveal the fact that he was able to create a spirit.

But Wu Junjie's strength was indeed quite terrifying, Qiao Ye couldn't break Wu Junjie's ghost eyes without using the Ten Thousand Magic Spiritual Diagram, so Qiao Ye used it.

Well, anyway, after using it, other people have seen it, so naturally there is nothing to hide, just use it.

With the appearance of the Wanfa Lingtu, Qiao Ye's aura suddenly rose, and the invisible spiritual power even became faintly visible. The next moment, Qiao Ye punched again.


With the blessing of Wanfa Lingtu, the ghost wall was finally unable to support. After a loud noise, countless cracks appeared, and finally collapsed completely.

And at the moment when the ghost wall collapsed, everyone couldn't help being stunned.

A cave appeared in front of him, but this cave was obviously different from the previous one. The cave walls in the cave were densely covered with white bones, and the walls and ceiling on both sides were covered.

The green ghost said: "Guard the entrance of the cave, don't enter!"

This abnormality made the green ghost a lot more careful, preventing others from entering, and then stepped forward by himself.

However, unexpectedly, every time the ghost wall is opened, evil beasts inevitably appear, but this time there is nothing unusual.

The green ghost walked forward all the way, and when he reached the end of the cave, there was a fork in the road ahead, the green ghost thought about it, and then retreated.

The green ghost returned to the cave entrance and said, "What time is it?"

A world mystic said: "It will be dawn in about an hour."

"There is not enough time, there is a fork in the road, I am afraid it will be bigger than expected." The green ghost pondered for a while, and then said: "Let everyone gather at the entrance of the cave, bring all the guys over, arrange the formation, and then Stay at the entrance, I'll take a look first, if there's nothing wrong, I'll start changing the main area of ​​exploration to this side tomorrow."

The world mystics around agreed and immediately got busy.

Qiao Ye looked at the green ghost and said, "Senior, do you need me to go in with you?"

The green ghost gave a rare smile, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "I don't need you as a little ghost to worry about. Besides, I just explored the periphery first. If there is any abnormality, I will naturally withdraw, so I don't need you here. Go about your own business."

Qiao Ye nodded, and watched Qing Gui enter the cave full of bones again.

Everyone got busy, Qiao Ye tilted his head, and simply returned to the previous area.

Apart from helping to break the ghost wall, Qiao Ye really has nothing to do. From a certain perspective, the work of a world mystic is more complicated than that of a boundary guard. He also needs to master a lot of skills and carry a lot of things with him. .

It is used for geomantic omen, formations for formations, and for setting up organs and detecting organs.

Now that an unknown cave suddenly appeared like this, everyone has to get busy. It is necessary to arrange formations, and also need to set up some organs. As a last resort, if it is the worst plan, the road will be closed.

These things need to be prepared in advance, and Qiao Ye can't help with these things. Qiao Ye is not good at mechanism, can't understand formations, and can't even recognize the things that the world mysteries carry with them.

"It's better to be your own guardian!"

Qiao Ye sighed. Qiao Ye can't do the work of the world's mysteries, but hunting is still possible. The previous area has been explored almost, but it has not been fully explored. There are still some dead beasts left over. Anyway, it's okay. If you do, then continue hunting, regardless of whether the area is still useful or not, just treat it as accumulating martial soul value.


On the other side, the green ghost entered the mountain path and kept moving forward. Unexpectedly, the evil beast never appeared, and there was no abnormality at all except that the cave wall was covered with bones.

About half an hour later, the green ghost came to the end of the cave.

This is a semi-circular space, and there is a dead end in front of it, and it is impossible to move forward, and in that semi-circular space...

The green ghost looked up, showing a look of astonishment.

In the middle of that space, there is a...

Void Crack!

Besides, there was another man leaning against the wall on the edge of the crack in the void, and the green ghost stepped forward to check the other man's breath, but he was already out of breath, just a corpse.

Judging by his attire, he is neither a world mystic nor a guardian. As for the guardian, it is impossible to appear in this place. At the same time, the other party should be from Wuyu because there is no spirit pattern on his forehead. He is in his twenties and looks upright. , there is nothing special about it.

The green ghost couldn't help showing doubts, a hidden crack in the void, and a corpse that didn't know where it came from, making things a little weird.

In fact, Qing Gui should regret not bringing Qiao Ye in with him, because if Qiao Ye were here, he would be able to recognize that corpse immediately...

Jiang Liuxue!

Another Jiang Liuxue!

A dead Jiang Liuxue!

But Qing Gui obviously didn't know Jiang Liuxue, and Jiang Liuxue's matter was in charge of the boundary guards, and the World Mystics didn't care about it, so after pondering for a while, Qing Gui decided to take the corpse out first.

But also at this time...

The black crack in the void suddenly twisted, and the edge that should have been smooth now became jagged and trembling constantly.

The green ghost froze for a moment, took out a compass-like disc from his arms, and aimed it at the direction of the crack in the void. The next moment, the pointer on the disc rotated wildly.

The green ghost's expression changed involuntarily, the void crack in front of him was extremely unstable, and...

It's about to mutate into a void gate!


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