Chapter 385

The green ghost didn't dare to delay, the appearance of the Void Gate is a big deal, and...

This is not under the jurisdiction of the green ghosts, and the green ghosts have no ability to manage it. This is not something that the green ghosts are good at, and it needs to be taken over by the defenders.

The green ghost pondered for a while, Guikujing is located in the high mountains, and the void fault in the high mountains has actually been found for some time, because the degree of danger is quite unstable with the void cracks here, so the defenders have been Looking for the void gate, but has been unsuccessful.

So, did this crack in the void appear because of the sudden appearance of Guikujing, or was it itself the Void Gate of Gao Shanling?

Is the change in the Nine Realms battlefield related to the upcoming void gate?

Qing Gui thought for a moment, but couldn't get an answer, but this matter is not a joke.

The green ghost couldn't deal with the void door, so after pondering for a moment, he immediately picked up the corpse beside him and walked out of the cave.

After a while, the green ghost came to the entrance of the cave, looked at the surrounding world mystics and said, "What time is it?"

A world mystic said: "It will be dawn, about two quarters of an hour."

The green ghost nodded and said: "The fog will appear soon, let's leave here first."

As the green ghost spoke, he led the people away quickly.

The matter of the Void Gate needs to be notified immediately to the guardians to deal with it, but even if the guardians rush over, they can’t deal with it during the day, and the fog is still an unsolved mystery. Then it will soon become a void gate.

The green ghost led the people away from the ghost well, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Temporarily seal the ghost well, set up a magic sealing array, and take turns guarding it."

A world mystic asked, "Did something happen?"

Qing Gui nodded and said: "It's a bit troublesome, let's do it first."

The world mystics around nodded, and directly took out the powder used to describe the pattern pattern, and planned to do it.

But at this moment...

Qing Gui glanced around, and suddenly said, "Wait, where is Qiao Ye?"

Although the green ghost also has a way to contact the guardian, but with Qiao Ye as a ready-made guardian, it is naturally better for Qiao Ye to contact him, especially if Lin Jie has to send Qiao Ye to Gaoshanling himself, it is not certain Qiao Ye was able to contact Lin Jiexu directly, which was much faster than waiting for the other party to report layer by layer after contacting the defender.

However, the green ghost looked around, but did not find Qiao Ye.

A world mystic said: "I saw him before, and said that he went back to the tenth floor area to continue hunting. It may take a little longer to come out, and he should still be inside right now."

The green ghost looked at the time, there was still more than a quarter of an hour before sunrise, and the fog had not yet appeared. Qiao Ye was probably leaving, but it still felt a little slower.

The green ghost said: "You guys set up the formation first, I will go in and bring him out!"

"Feel sorry!"

But at this moment, Zhou Ziyang's voice suddenly sounded: "He can't get out!"

The green ghost looked sideways, and then saw Zhou Ziyang walking towards them with a large group of world mystics from the spiritual domain, and even...

The number of people was not too many, and there were quite a few Lingyu people wearing the costumes of the guardians among them. They should all be the guardians stationed in the high mountains.

The green ghost said in a deep voice: "Zhou Ziyang, what do you want to do?"

Zhou Ziyang looked ferociously, looked at the green ghost and said: "That kid can cultivate both spirit and martial arts, and he obviously uses the cultivation method of martial arts, so how can he be able to produce spirits?

It must be that when he demolished the spiritual temple, he got something in the spiritual temple, or learned the secret of the spiritual temple. Lingyu will never compromise on this matter, and I will take him away! "

While Zhou Ziyang was talking, the spirit realm people brought by Zhou Ziyang slowly dispersed, surrounding the green ghost and the surrounding world mystics.

"Of course, I know it's not going to be easy."

Zhou Ziyang looked at Qing Gui and said, "Because, you probably wouldn't let me do this."

The green ghost snorted coldly: "You do have self-knowledge."

Zhou Ziyang said: "So, if there is no way to bring him back, then let him die. He will die in Guiku Cave. What the Spiritual Realm can't get, you Wuyu can't even imagine!"

If Zhou Ziyang wanted to take Qiao Ye away, he would not choose this time, because it would be dawn soon, and the fog in Guikudong would appear soon. So far, no one has been able to survive in the fog, so, During the day, you are not allowed to enter Guiku Cave!

Qiao Ye's dual cultivation of both spirit and martial arts was of great value. After Zhou Ziyang passed the news back to the spiritual realm, many people wanted to bring Qiao Ye back to find out why Qiao Ye could also have a spirit while possessing a martial soul.

However, someone wanted Qiao Ye to die.

that person is...

Wu Junjie's father!

The clan elder of the Heavenly Demon Clan in the Spiritual Realm!

This is a difficult problem, and Zhou Ziyang is also in a dilemma. Bringing Qiao Ye back will definitely be a great achievement, but this matter is not so easy, because there are green ghosts there, Zhou Ziyang can call for help, but the green ghosts can also call for help.

Therefore, Zhou Ziyang chose to kill Qiao Ye, at least in this way he could appease Wu Junjie's father's anger, and then he might be able to save his own life, so that he wouldn't be angered by Wu Junjie's death.

But to kill Qiao Ye, the green ghost is also an unavoidable hurdle. Zhou Ziyang knows that he is not the opponent of the green ghost, but if he wants to kill someone, he doesn't necessarily need to kill him himself.

Just find the gap at dawn, trap Qiao Ye in the Guiku Cave, and then stop the green ghost for a while to prevent the green ghost from saving people. After dawn, the mist will appear...

Qiao Ye must die!

For this reason, Zhou Ziyang also seconded some boundary guards stationed in Gaoshanling. Of course, the number is not many. After all, there are boundary defenders stationed in Gaoshanling like Lingyu. Discovered something.

The green ghost's face was gloomy, and then he roared: "Everyone is ready to fight, cover me into the ghost well!"

Zhou Ziyang also simply said: "Stop them!"

at the same time……

Qiao Ye stood in the cave, behind him was a pile of rotting corpses, and in front of Qiao Ye...

It is a group of world mystics in the spiritual realm!

Yuan Wenying and Liang Chen stood at the front, looking at Qiao Ye fiercely.

Qiao Ye looked at the two of them and said in a deep voice, "What do you want to do at this time?"

Yuan Wenying took a deep breath, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Qiao Ye, you must die here!"

Liang Chen's expression became even more ferocious, and he pointed at Qiao Ye and said, "Qiao Ye, do you think killing my young master is a good thing?

Let me tell you, my Patriarch has issued a death order, no matter what the cost, today you must be buried here! "

Qiao Ye curled her lips and said: "It seems that killing Wu Junjie didn't make you learn to be good. Does this mean that you will not die until the Yellow River, and you will not be reconciled if you don't lose your head?"


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