Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 387 A Group of Miscellaneous Fish

Chapter 387

Someone spread his hands, and a radiance appeared in his hands, but it flowed like water. After condensing into a ball in his hands, he flew out in the direction of Qiao Ye.

A phantom appeared behind someone, illuminating the surroundings brilliantly, and then a big golden tiger walked out of the light, roaring in the mountains and forests, and then rushed towards Qiao Ye, twisting its body and cutting its tail.

Someone drew out a weapon, but it was a pretty good crescent knife. A knife flower was shaken in the air, and the light of the knife splashed, covering the front of Qiao Ye.

One after another, the mystics of the spiritual realm attacked Qiao Ye one after another. The attacks were multifarious and colorful, and the burst of light illuminated the rather dark cave.

Qiao Ye was standing with a halberd in his hand, and he couldn't dodge such dense attacks anyway.

Of course, Qiao Ye didn't want to avoid it either!

"You obviously didn't understand one thing." Qiao Ye raised his head, looked forward and said, "A trash fish is trash fish, a group of trash fish..."

Qiao Ye suddenly raised his halberd and swung it forward vigorously.

The black smoke turned into a sharp blade, and the moment it swept forward, the golden tiger with eye-catching eyes was cut in two by Qiao Ye.

The moon wheel in the air was chopped off, and Qiao Ye stretched out his hand to grab it, grabbed the moon wheel abruptly, and smashed it into the cave wall beside it.

A World Mystic from the Spiritual Realm came to Qiao Ye and thrust out the silver dragon sword in his hand. Qiao Ye took a step forward without any fear.

Nine-turn golden body, golden god body!

The sword pierced Qiao Ye's chest, and the blade was tilted, but it couldn't penetrate Qiao Ye's body at all.

Qiao Ye swung his halberd again, and the silver blade glow collided with the black halberd, and it was smashed into pieces, turning into circles of silver halos and falling towards the ground.

Immediately, Qiao Ye lifted the black halberd over the top, and threw it forward forcefully.

The moment the black halberd flew out, it turned into a stream of black light, and then collided with the constantly spinning silver ball of light.


There was a huge explosion sound, the black and silver colors collided, blended, and then burst suddenly, rolling up layers of waves of air like waves and pushing wildly towards the surroundings.

In the next moment, everyone who had just rushed to Qiao Ye was thrown away.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the eighth level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 19,000 points."

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the seventh level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 17,000 points."

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the eighth level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 18,500 points."


Qiao Ye stepped forward and continued to move forward: "A group of trash fish, or trash fish!"

Yuan Wenying and Liang Chen's complexion changed suddenly. After looking at each other, they rushed forward at the same time.

"Out of spirit, King of Thunder!"

Yuan Wenying let out a low growl, his body was covered with thunder, and he punched directly in front of him. With a bang, countless electric currents wrapped around Yuan Wenying's arm, and with Yuan Wenying's punch, a blue A red pillar of thunder came through the air and hit Qiao Ye directly.

Qiao Ye looked stern. Seeing Lei Zhu approaching, he stretched out his hand and pressed it, and at the same time activated the nine-turn golden body.


The moment the thunder pillar was held down by Qiao Ye, it exploded suddenly, and the blasted arc of lightning continued to hit Qiao Ye's body, but apart from the ripples that made Qiao Ye's golden body swing round and round, there was nothing role.

At the same time, Liang Chen's figure flashed and appeared behind Qiao Ye.

"Breaking Fist!" Liang Chen roared, "Eliminate the enemy!"


Liang Chen punched down, and the fist imprinted on Qiao Ye's back. On Qiao Ye's golden body, golden ripples continuously spread out, circle by circle, and even a slight depression appeared.

Liang Chen clenched his teeth and tried again, but he could only maintain it at this level.

But at this moment...

Two World Mystics from the Spiritual Realm appeared on both sides of Qiao Ye, slashing horizontally with one knife and one sword, and also slashed fiercely at Qiao Ye's ribs, trying to cut Qiao Ye's golden body open.

Qiao Ye said with a long sigh of relief: "It's a waste of my time!"


Qiao Ye raised her leg and stomped hard on the ground!

The ground was crushed by Qiao Ye's foot, and at the same time as it was crushed, a large cloud of black smoke gushed out from under Qiao Ye's feet, continuously spreading towards the surroundings.

If the black smoke had any substance, the moment it rolled over everyone, the people around Qiao Ye felt as if they had been hit hard, and flew out to the rear, hitting the surrounding cave walls continuously, making a dull crashing sound .

You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the seventh level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 17,000 points. "

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the eighth level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 18,500 points."


Qiao Ye once again shocked a few people back, even though Yuan Wenying and Liang Chen's strength is still quite good, they quickly climbed up from the ground again, but the other two world mystics from the spiritual realm were not able to do it. Struggling to get up, but quickly fell back to the ground.

But also at this time...

At the entrance of the cave, a world mystic rushed in and shouted in a terrified voice: "Mist, the fog has begun to appear, it will be dawn!"

These words, like a reminder, shook everyone's spirits.

As long as you have stayed in the ghost well for a while, you will know that the mist is an extremely terrifying thing. As long as you enter the mist, you will definitely get lost, and after the mist recedes, the body will be found.

In the early days of exploring Guikudong, everyone didn't know how strong the fog was, and six or seven people died without exception because they were trapped in the fog.

There was even a world mystic from the Wu domain who possessed the ninth rank of the Wu King Realm. He was originally Qing Gui's deputy, and his strength was second only to Qing Gui and Zhou Ziyang. After entering the mist, he couldn't come out until The body was found and confirmed dead.

However, in the midst of panic, everyone revealed a hint of relief. They finally completed the task, and there was no need to continue fighting with Qiao Ye!

Yuan Wenying even hurriedly came to Liang Chen's side and said, "Hurry up, we can leave now, the fog has appeared, this kid will never survive in the fog."

Liang Chen ignored Yuan Wenying, but pushed him away.

Yuan Wenying was pushed and staggered, he couldn't help being stunned, and said anxiously: "Don't be arrogant, just trap him in the mist, we should go, quickly take out the treasure!"

Liang Chen got a little impatient with being quarreled by Yuan Wenying, looked at Yuan Wenying coldly and said, "We can't leave here without the treasure, so shut up and keep fighting!"


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