Chapter 388 The Victim

Yuan Wenying couldn't help being stunned, and said angrily, "What do you mean by that?"

Liang Chen looked at Yuan Wenying coldly and said, "Is it that easy to find a space treasure? Besides, is it a space treasure that can take so many people away at once? How rare is that? And how high is it? "

Yuan Wenying froze there, his face turned pale, and then...

He got it!

they are……


What Zhou Ziyang told them was to intercept Qiao Ye so that Qiao Ye could not leave Guikujing before dawn. As long as the interception was successful, they could use the space treasure to leave at the last moment, while Qiao Ye would be engulfed in the mist, absolutely impossible If you leave, you can only die in the mist.

And in fact...

There is no treasure at all, they are victims, they are regarded as dead soldiers, they are here to intercept Qiao Ye, and then...

Let's die together with Qiao Ye!

They were cheated by Zhou Ziyang!

At present, it seems that only Liang Chen knows about this matter!

Yuan Wenying said angrily: "This is different from what was agreed!"

"Idiot, that's why I didn't let you come here in the first place. Didn't you show up because you didn't see Su Fei?" Liang Chen cast a glance at Yuan Wenying and said, "You were the one who heard the news and came here by yourself!"

Even if Su Fei and Yuan Wenying are not as good as Wu Junjie, they are rare geniuses in the younger generation of Lingyu. Moreover, they are both of good background and have a lot of power behind them. Zhou Ziyang will not sell these two people up.

In fact, even Liang Chen and Zhou Ziyang didn't intend to let him die like this. After all, Liang Chen's strength is also very outstanding, he has already shown his prominence among the guards, and he has also shown his outstanding talent.

But Liang Chen asked for his order to intercept Qiao Ye and avenge Wu Junjie. Zhou Ziyang felt that he really needed someone who could entangle with Qiao Ye to lead the team. Moreover, Liang Chen's background was not good, and his life had already been sold to Wu Junjie and his son. Finally agreed.

As for Yuan Wenying, he wanted to die by himself. After hearing the news, because of his resentment towards Qiao Ye, he found Zhou Ziyang and Liang Chen before leaving.

In front of other world mystics, Zhou Ziyang couldn't tell. He didn't expect the world mystics intercepted in Guikujing to get out alive. He planned to sacrifice everyone from the beginning, so, He had no choice but to bite the bullet and let Yuan Wenying join in.

After realizing it, Yuan Wenying's face was pale and pale, and his hands and feet felt cold for a moment, and he almost sat down on the ground.

"So, don't expect to be able to leave here. The fog has already appeared, and it will soon cover the entire Guikujing. We are already at a dead end!" Liang Chen stared fiercely at Qiao Ye and said, "But for The pride of Lingyu, even if it is death, at least drag this guy to die with him!"

The world mystics around me are feeling mixed emotions at this moment, pain, resentment, anger, unwillingness...

No one wants to be abandoned!


Listening to Liang Chen's words, a trace of determination gradually appeared on his face!

Yes, since you must die!

Then, at least drag Qiao Ye to die together!

The expressions of those world mystics gradually became ferocious one by one, and they locked their eyes on Qiao Ye again.

"Very good!" Qiao Ye raised his head, looked at Liang Chen, and said sincerely, "You are a man, so I think it would be a pity to kill you, but..."


Qiao Ye swung his halberd horizontally, and swept it vigorously, a cloud of black smoke lingered, and a piece of the cave wall on the side was chopped off.

"But..." Qiao Ye looked at Liang Chen and said, "This is not enough to make you live!"

Almost instantly, the black smoke behind Qiao Ye rushed forward frantically, and in the blink of an eye, the entire cave was completely filled.

Because, there is no time!

Qiao Ye didn't know exactly what the mist was, but as long as people entered the mist, they didn't come out alive, and Qiao Ye knew it too. On the first day he came to Guikujing, the green ghost warned Qiao Ye, Explore Guikujing at night, but during the day, you must leave!

The reason is naturally because of the fog!

The sun has risen now, and the mist has begun to appear, but fortunately, it has just appeared. The Guikujing is still very big, and it will take some time for the mist to cover every part of the Guikujing.

That being the case...

Then, it is not a dead end!

Qiao Ye still has some time left, but the time is running out.

After a while, when he came to the entrance of the cave, the misty black smoke suddenly dispersed, Qiao Ye's figure flashed, and then suddenly appeared, and the black halberd in his hand swept forward.

The two world mystics rushed towards Qiao Ye quickly, but just before they got close, the black smoke from the black halberd bound their necks like a rope, and then...

Poof, poof!

Two sprays of blood splashed out, and the heads of the two world mystics also flew into the air.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the eighth level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 17,500 points."

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the eighth level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 18,500 points."

Without any hesitation, without any confusion...

Qiao Ye is very clear about what she should do now, that is...

Anyone who dares to stand in front of their eyes...

Kill them all!

After killing the two with a halberd, Qiao Ye's body turned suddenly, and the black halberd circled around Qiao Ye's waist before stabbing towards the side.


As soon as the halberd was handed out, the black halberd directly penetrated the body of a world mystic, nailing him to the cave wall!

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the seventh level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 16,000 points."

The next moment, Qiao Ye's wrist twisted, the black halberd twisted, and a piece of the cave wall was shattered. In the broken place, there appeared one after another black spikes, about the length of the baby's arm, black as ink. The color, but the light green powder was used on it to depict a series of spirit patterns.

This is……

Broken Spirit Nail?

Qiao Ye lifted the halberd, and flew the broken spirit nail out of the cave wall, then turned around again, and slammed the halberd towards the cave wall on the other side.

With a bang, the cave wall shattered, and the three broken spirit nails buried in it fell out.

Liang Chen roared angrily, "Stop him!"

Qiao Ye, who is only Wuhun, is already difficult enough. If Qiao Ye is allowed to pull out all the broken spirit nails and be able to use the Ten Thousand Magic Spirit Chart, it will really be unstoppable!

Seeing the people around him keep coming forward, Qiao Ye sneered, and swung his halberd again, endless black smoke billowed forward.


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