Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 389 You Think Too Much

Chapter 389 You Think Too Much

The black smoke was like a wall, and the moment it gushed out towards the front, it directly stopped the crowd who rushed forward.

And Qiao Ye twisted his ankle again, and at the same time slammed his palm towards the cave wall again.

The three forms of Tianwu, breaking the palm of the sky, and the big mudra!

Qiao Ye slammed on the cave wall with one palm, smashing the cave wall again, and then retracted the huge handprint, forcibly dug out a piece of the cave wall, and naturally pulled out the spirit breaking nail.

The Spirit Breaking Nail has a miraculous effect on restricting spiritual power, and can even restrain spiritual power, but if you attack directly and then pull it out, it is not difficult, just like pulling out an ordinary nail.

Qiao Ye glanced at the ground, there were nine of them, but the surrounding cave walls were already broken. As for the depths of the cave, there should be no spirit breaking nails. Opportunity to play tricks.


Qiao Ye looked up at the top of the cave!

The next moment, Qiao Ye bent her legs, jumped up, kicked up, and kicked directly on the roof of the cave.


There was a bursting sound, and countless cracks were pushed away, the roof of the cave collapsed, and the last three spirit breaking nails fell down and fell to the ground, making a "jingling" sound.

Qiao Ye's expression suddenly became ferocious. Looking ahead, she stretched out her hand and said, "The Ten Thousand Laws Spirit Chart!"

Qiao Ye's body was full of light.

The spiritual charm appeared on Qiao Ye's body, constantly surrounding Qiao Ye's body.

After a while, the radiance turned into thin lines, which were constantly drawn behind Qiao Ye's back, and soon formed a spiritual picture.

Qiao Ye's eyes became colder, and he looked at the group of spiritual world mystics who finally broke free from the black smoke, and stretched out his hand to press forward.


Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang...

Almost instantly, an invisible force appeared, directly separating the group of world mystics and pressing them against the cave walls on both sides.

Qiao Ye stretched out her hand again and said, "Kneel down!"

The invisible power of the aura turned into a pressure from top to bottom again. The faces of those world mystics were extremely ugly, as if a mountain was carried on their backs, their legs trembled constantly, and finally bent helplessly, constantly Kneel down.


Qiao Ye stepped forward!

A black smoke came from behind Qiao Ye, and the moment it rushed forward, Qiao Ye's body seemed to melt with the black smoke, passing between the two kneeling rows of world mystics.

Puff puff!

In the next instant, countless blood sprayed out and melted continuously in the air. It was sticky and thick, and turned into a large cloud of blood mist that floated in the air, bringing out a strong smell of blood.

The mystics of the world who were kneeling on the ground fell down one after another, and their heads fell down one by one.

With one blow, Qiao Ye beheaded all those world mystics.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the seventh level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 17,500 points."

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the eighth level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 19,000 points."

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the sixth level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 16,000 points."

When Qiao Ye was able to use the Wanfa Lingtu and Tianmo Dazzling at the same time...

Terribly strong!

Qiao Ye looked at Liang Chen and Yuan Wenying and said, "You two are the only ones left!"

Qiao Ye wanted to take these two guys away with one blow, but the strength of Liang Chen and Yuan Wenying was indeed far above that of ordinary world mystics.

Lingyun Wanxiang couldn't completely suppress the two of them, and when Qiao Ye was about to kill them, the two broke free by force.

Yuan Wenying's face was ferocious. At this moment, he had already greeted Zhou Ziyang and Liang Chen's eighteen generations of ancestors in his heart.

However, the deal was done, and Yuan Wenying was ruthless in his heart, since he was sure to die, then he would be dragged behind!

"The King of Thunder!" Yuan Wenying put his hands together, and countless electric currents appeared continuously, entangled Yuan Wenying's body, and the next moment, Yuan Wenying roared: "God's punishment!"

Boom, boom, boom!

In the cave, the sound of cracking thunder and lightning kept ringing.

The lightning was like a blade, swinging in all directions, passing by the surrounding cave walls, cutting the cave wall in an instant, passing by the cave roof, directly smashing the cave roof, countless gravels towards The bottom suddenly collapsed.

Under the ravages of lightning, the surrounding ground trembled continuously, and cracks appeared one after another, pushing away in all directions.

The entire cave passage is collapsing.

"Come on, let's die together!" Yuan Wenying was hysterical, his whole face was distorted, and he roared at Qiao Ye: "Qiao Ye, even if I die, I will drag you to be buried with me!"

Accompanied by Yuan Wenying's furious roar, that piece of thunder and lightning was pushed forward, each one needed to be embraced by one person, criss-crossing, and the moment it moved forward, as long as the lightning swept across, everything around would be annihilated into ashes.

That thunder has an extremely violent aura, as a symbol of destruction, it should naturally smash everything!

What's more, Yuan Wenying seemed to be crazy, he had no scruples at all, frantically mobilizing his mental power, constantly strengthening the power of the thunder, Yuan Wenying didn't care about anything anymore, anyway, he was going to die, So……

"Go to hell, go to hell!"

Yuan Wenying roared crazily. Not only did he want to drag Qiao Ye to die, but he also wanted to destroy the ghost well. His eyes turned red, and he fell completely into madness!

Qiao Ye swung the black halberd horizontally, looked at the thunder and lightning intertwined in front of him, sank slightly, and made a rushing posture.

"I remember you said last time..." Qiao Ye looked at Yuan Wenying and said, "You can't beat me, just because you are afraid of destroying the ghost well?"


Suddenly, Qiao Ye leaned forward and rushed forward, with a black smoke coming out from behind, directly crashing into the huge thunder net!


In the next moment, Qiao Ye directly slammed into the lightning net formed by the intertwined electric current, and there was a violent roar, and then under Yuan Wenying's dumbfounded expression, the thunder net was directly hit by Qiao Ye. It shattered and turned into countless azure blue lightning arcs that fell towards the ground.


Qiao Ye stopped and reappeared from the black smoke.

Yuan Wenying looked down in astonishment, the black halberd had penetrated his chest, passed directly through, and pierced his body with one blow!

Qiao Ye looked at Yuan Wenying and said, "I want to tell you, you think too much!"


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