Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 390 Life and death, grievances and hatred

Chapter 390

Yuan Wenying's body fell forward, with blood continuously flowing out from under him, and finally lost his voice completely!

Qiao Ye stepped over Yuan Wenying's body, and then looked at Liang Chen.

The last one!

Liang Chen smiled ferociously, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Even if I am not your opponent, I will drag you to death here!"

Qiao Ye said, "Are you sure you can do it?"

Liang Chen laughed even more ferociously, and suddenly stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, a red pill rolled out of Liang Chen's sleeve, and then fell into his throat.

Liang Chen looked at Qiao Ye and said, "The guards have something called Bingliang Pill. Bingliang Pill has only one function. Use your life to exchange cultivation, physical body, and spiritual power!"

When Liang Chen was talking, his body had already started to change. Blue veins like earthworms appeared all over his body. Even Liang Chen's face was densely covered, which made Liang Chen's appearance look very special. of terror.

Liang Chendao: "The guardian is to use my life to guard everything. Today, I will use my life to protect the dignity of my young master, protect the dignity of the Tianlu tribe, and protect the dignity of the spirit realm. Kill my young master, be dead, cut the sky All the monsters, you deserve to die, destroy my spiritual temple, you deserve to die!"

"Good reason, I agree!"

Qiao Ye nodded, looking very sincere.

Qiao Ye has killed many people and met many people. Liang Chen is rare and worthy of respect.

Whether it was because of Liang Chen's loyalty, or because of Liang Chen's will, or, knowing that he would die, he still resolutely came forward.

"To show respect, I only use one blow with all my strength!" Qiao Ye raised the black halberd, slowly lowered his body and said, "After one blow, life and death will be severed, and both grievances and grievances will be eliminated!"

Under Qiao Ye's feet, dense black smoke rose continuously, and black armor appeared on Qiao Ye's body, covering Qiao Ye's body, and there was a loud "rumbling" sound from around.

Illusory bone mountains appeared one after another, the ground was covered with blood and white bones, and there was a sinister feeling all around. The flowing black smoke made people feel low and extremely oppressive.

Heavenly Demon Overlord Blood!


On the other side, Liang Chen had no interface because he was speechless.

The effect of Bingliang Pill had already taken effect, making Liang Chen feel extremely painful. Even small wounds were torn on his body, and red blood drops continuously seeped out. able to hold on.

Qiao Ye didn't move, even though he was short of time, he still waited for Liang Chen to pass the painful period when the medicine took effect.

After a while, Liang Chen looked a little better, and looked up at Qiao Ye again!


Liang Chen raised his head fiercely and roared, the whole person rushed forward, every time he stepped on the ground, the ground would explode, layer after layer of impacting air waves swayed from Liang Chen's body, and after hitting the surrounding cave walls , The cave wall was continuously shaken and cracked.

Boom, boom, boom!

The cave was already overwhelmed, it kept making loud noises, and then began to collapse continuously.

At this moment...

Qiao Ye raised her head slightly, looking in Liang Chen's direction.

Ten meters!

Five meters!

Three meters!

The moment Liang Chen entered the three-meter range, the black halberd dragged on the ground by Qiao Ye was lifted up violently by Qiao Ye, and swept forward forcefully. Sweeping forward, Liang Chen also raised his fist, roared, and blasted towards Qiao Ye.

If the cave was not still collapsing, everyone would think that time was frozen at this moment.

Qiao Ye and Liang Chen both stood in place, the wafting black smoke slowly dissipated, and then...


Liang Chen fell forward to the ground, his chest had been completely split by Qiao Ye's halberd, and even Liang Chen's sternum could be clearly seen.

The blood mixed with the internal organs crazily flowed out, and Liang Chen's mouth kept gushing blood foam. He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

Qiao Ye looked back, looked at Liang Chen the same way, then turned around and left, rushing out quickly.

This is a cave with a forked road, and there is a large open space around it, but at this moment, more than half of that space has been occupied by gray-white fog.

The mist came from nowhere, and continued to spread until it covered the entire Guikudong, and finally swallowed the entire Guikudong. Right now, it is obvious that a large area is shrouded in the mist.

Qiao Ye didn't delay either. As soon as the black smoke drifted around, Qiao Ye's figure suddenly disappeared. When she reappeared, she was already ten meters away, and quickly entered the next cave passage...

Run, run, keep running!

This is the only thought in Qiao Ye's mind right now.


at the same time……

The residence outside Guirongjing is also a mess at the moment, the World Mystics of Lingyu and the World Mystics of Wuyu have already fought together.

And the green ghost is also confronting Zhou Ziyang at this moment!

The saber in Zhou Ziyang's hand bloomed with a bright light, and he slashed forward. The moment the light came to the green ghost, it exploded suddenly, like a silver-white firework, which was extremely gorgeous. Immediately afterwards, the ground seemed to be hollowed out, and a large hole was directly opened. The ground was not crushed, but was chopped into powder by Zhou Ziyang.

But it didn't work!

The figure of the green ghost is really like a ghost, it is completely elusive, every time it moves, there will be an afterimage, almost in the blink of an eye, when the two are fighting, there are dense green ghosts appearing. There were as many as ten, even if Zhou Ziyang kept slashing out one after another, he couldn't hit the green ghost at all.

more importantly……

The green ghost came out of Guixie Academy, and Guixie Academy...

Good at assassination!

The battle in the Martial Emperor Realm should naturally be earth-shattering, but Zhou Ziyang was the only one who caused the damage. There were deep pits on the ground, and a wooden house in front of him had split in two and collapsed towards the sides. Zhou Ziyang's masterpiece.

And what about the green ghost?

Nothing was destroyed in Qinggui's hands, Qinggui was just trying to...

Kill Zhou Ziyang!

Suddenly, the figure of the green ghost appeared behind Zhou Ziyang, and Zhou Ziyang also reacted very quickly, feeling the wind blowing behind him, he turned around immediately and swept out with a knife.

The green ghost appeared behind Zhou Ziyang, took the knife head-on, and cut off half of his head with that knife.

However, in the next instant, cold sweat dripped down Zhou Ziyang's forehead.

The green ghost whose head had been cut off by himself was just an afterimage.

at the same time……

A silver light suddenly appeared, directly cutting Zhou Ziyang's throat from the side!


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