Chapter 392 Mist Walker

The surrounding area instantly became a group of battles, but the target changed!

Those world mystics quickly went up to them, Qiao Ye didn't talk nonsense, swung the black halberd horizontally, and slashed forward, a large cloud of smoke rushed forward, and the two human-shaped silhouettes formed by the mist Give it a split.

"You killed an evil beast (mist walker), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 13000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (mist walker), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 12500 points."

The Mistwalker is the evil beast formed by the mist gushing from the cracks in the void. Before the mist appeared, everyone who got lost in it died inexplicably. In fact, they were all killed by the mist. The mist itself is the evil beast.

And after getting lost in the mist, what they have to face is countless mist walkers, and the final result can be imagined.

As Qiao Ye thought about it, he swung his halberd and slashed again. The black halberd was pointed forward, and the body of a Mist Walker was crushed with light weight.

But at this moment...

A pair of eyes were fixed on Qiao Ye's back.

Suddenly, the moment Qiao Ye retracted the halberd, Zhou Ziyang rushed out from behind. Regardless of the injury on his hand, he picked up the knife with his left hand and slashed towards Qiao Ye's back.

Qiao Ye's reaction was extremely fast. Feeling the sudden strong wind behind her, she turned her body abruptly and raised the black halberd!


The swords and halberds collided, making a crisp sound.

Zhou Ziyang slashed on the halberd with a knife, his face was ferocious, and he roared at Qiao Ye, "Qiao Ye, why did you come out? Why don't you die obediently!"

Qiao Ye's eyes were gloomy, and the power from the halberd was enormous. Although Zhou Ziyang had a fierce battle with the green ghost, he was severely injured and lost a hand, but he was at the Martial Emperor Realm after all!

However, there is only strength!

Zhou Ziyang's right hand is useless, and his left hand is holding a knife, which is obviously something Zhou Ziyang is not used to!

Suddenly, Qiao Ye turned the black halberd in his hand, swiped and pulled it, very delicately, and directly led the knife in Zhou Ziyang's hand aside.


The blade brushed against Qiao Ye's body and slashed to the ground with a loud noise.

The next moment, when Zhou Ziyang got up, the black halberd appeared in front of Zhou Ziyang again, and struck Zhou Ziyang's face hard.

Zhou Ziyang's mouth and nose were bleeding immediately, and his face became even more ferocious after being soaked in blood.

But the moment Zhou Ziyang wanted to rush out again, the green ghost suddenly appeared, reached out and grabbed Zhou Ziyang's arm, and then...


The green ghost directly twisted Zhou Ziyang's arm towards the back, restraining Zhou Ziyang forcibly, and the saber in Zhou Ziyang's hand fell to the ground again.

"Zhou Ziyang, don't go too far!" Qing Gui shouted in a low voice, "Can't you see clearly what's going on now? You still want to mess around!"

While struggling, Zhou Ziyang gritted his teeth and said, "I only know that this kid will not die, and I can't explain it when I return to the spirit realm. I will be the one who will die then!"

"Then don't wait until then, you go to die now!"

Qiao Ye's voice sounded faintly, and suddenly, a black halberd light appeared and swept towards Zhou Ziyang.

Zhou Ziyang struggled to raise his head, and then saw the black halberd light falling in front of him, and then...


When the halberd light fell, Zhou Ziyang froze there, a bright red line of blood appeared on his forehead, slowly spreading downward until...

Cleave Zhou Ziyang's entire head open!

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the sixth level of the Spirit Emperor Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 60,000 points."

Qing Gui's face showed a bit of astonishment, Zhou Ziyang really died, and Qiao Ye really killed him!

Qing Gui can understand Qiao Ye's murder, and Ling Yu's repeated troubles are all personal. What's more, Yuan Wenying and Liang Chen can only be regarded as pawns at best, and they really want to trap Qiao Ye to death in the ghost well The man is Zhou Ziyang,

But Qiao Ye was too straightforward and decisive. After all, what he killed was not a cat or a dog, but a strong man in the Spirit Emperor Realm.

However, the shock came and went quickly, and if you kill it, you will kill it. The green ghost casually threw the body aside, and dared to provoke civil strife in the resident to Zhou Ziyang, and the green ghost wanted to kill him too.

But also at this time...

The hand that was condensed from the mist in the sky fell down again at this moment.


The giant palm fell to the ground, and a piece of the center of the station collapsed instantly. The ground collapsed, and countless broken stones churned up continuously, splashing towards the surroundings.

Qiao Ye and the green ghost jumped around at the same time, avoiding the shaking ground.

When it landed, Mistwalkers immediately surrounded him again, and Qiao Ye immediately slashed his halberd. The moment a Mistwalker stepped forward, the black halberd pierced through the body of the Mistwalker. With a twist of his wrist, the Mist Walker's body was shattered.

"You killed an evil beast (mist walker), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 13000 points."

After one blow, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand forward, and the spirit map of magic appeared behind him, shining brightly!

Everything is going on!

The light on the ten thousand dharma spiritual map suddenly became brighter, and then the color of the sky became dim, and a large thick thundercloud suddenly appeared, spreading all over the sky, and it was dense and dense.


Qiao Ye gave a low shout, and there was a flash of thunder in the sky, illuminating the surrounding fields.

next moment...

Raindrops floated in the sky, with a feeling of coolness, and they fell to the ground continuously, making a crackling sound.

Boom, boom, boom!

The sound of thunder continued to ring out, and one after another thunderbolts pierced the sky, cut open the sky, and then continued to crash down towards the bottom.

The falling lightning hit the giant mist hand in the sky, blasting the giant mist hand into holes one after another, and then continuously shot down towards the ground.

Hitting the surrounding mist walkers, the bodies of those mist walkers immediately shattered, the ground was cracked, scorched black, and wisps of black smoke rose slowly.

"You killed an evil beast (mist walker), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 12500 points."

"You killed an evil beast (mist walker), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 12000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (mist walker), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 12000 points."


Accompanied by the thunderbolts shooting down continuously, in the blink of an eye, the mist walkers rushing around Qiao Ye were all crushed and dissipated into mist.



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