Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 393 I'm a Guardian

Chapter 393 I am a Boundary Guardian

Qiao Ye looked around coldly.

Accompanied by the continuous thunderbolts, Qiao Yeqing killed a large number of surrounding Mist Walkers, but in fact, the number of Mist Walkers did not decrease.

Because, the gray-white mist keeps appearing, and then continuously condenses into the Mist Walker, and the speed of killing the Mist Walker can't keep up with the speed of the Mist Walker's appearance!

It can't go on like this!

After thinking about it in her mind, Qiao Ye came to this conclusion.

The mist can no longer be stopped!

The ghost dry well collapsed, and the two consecutive attacks by the giant mist hand caused a large area of ​​the station to collapse, and the location of the ghost dry well was actually below the station.

After the ground was shattered, the mist continued to emerge from the cracks in the broken ground. If this continued, the mist walkers would only appear endlessly, and no matter how they were killed, they would not be able to be completely killed.

more importantly……

If it is delayed any longer, I am afraid that the Void Gate will be formed.

There are two ways to destroy the void gate. The first is to discover and destroy the void gate before it is fully formed. This is the most common and safe method. Sometimes, if the mutation of the void crack is not serious, you can force it The void crack is closed, and the void fault is preserved.

The second is that the void gate is formed, and the entire void fault will be affected. At this time, if you want to destroy the void gate, you can only enter the space on the other side of the void gate, which has unimaginable dangers, and even requires It is a situation that all defenders do not want to face, because every time they enter the void gate, it means that a large number of defenders die.

The current situation is evolving towards the second situation!

Qiao Ye looked at Qing Gui and said, "How long will it take for the defenders of Gaoshanling to arrive?"

Qing Gui said: "The boundary guard station in Gaoshanling is about an hour away from here."

Qiao Ye frowned and said, "It may be too late!"

The green ghost also frowned and said: "Is it so serious? When I left, although the void crack was already very unstable, it should take some time before the void gate is formed."

Qiao Ye said: "It's hard for me to say this, the change of the void crack has not been grasped so far, but judging from the situation of Guikujing, it should be at night, the void crack will be more stable, so , these fogs will not appear, but they will be extremely unstable during the day, and these fogs will also appear from the cracks in the void. During the day, if the Void Gate is not formed, the Void Crack will stabilize, so it drags on day after day, again and again."

As Qiao Ye spoke, he swung his halberd, chopping up the body of a Mistwalker.

"But I'm afraid it won't last this time." Qiao Ye said: "The ghost well collapsed and the mist leaked out. It must have an impact on the cracks in the void. I'm afraid it won't last long."

The green ghost frowned and said, "Then what should we do now? Do you have any ideas?"

Qiao Ye said: "I'm going to close the void door, but I need you to help me get involved with these things!"

The green ghost was taken aback for a moment, then asked in surprise, "You?"

Qiao Ye is outstanding, Qing Gui also admits this, but this kind of excellence is evaluated based on Qiao Ye's age and current cultivation base.

But Qiao Ye is just a gradeless boundary guard after all, and to deal with the mutated void cracks, even the void cracks before turning into void gates, still needs day-level boundary guards to take action, even night-level guards. None of the defenders had such qualifications, let alone Qiao Ye, who was gradeless.

Therefore, Qing Gui didn't think Qiao Ye could do it!

"Trust me!" Qiao Ye said seriously: "I have a way to deal with it, and, instead of gambling on luck and waiting for the defenders of Gaoshanling to arrive in time, why don't you let me try first."

The green ghost hesitated for a moment and said: "Then you need to re-enter the ghost well, which is very dangerous."

Qiao Ye laughed, looked at the green ghost, and said with firm eyes, "I am a guardian!"

Qing Gui understood Qiao Ye's meaning.

Yes, Qiao Ye is the defender!


This is what Qiao Ye should do, regardless of whether it is dangerous or not!

"Okay, I'll get involved!" Qing Gui nodded in agreement, and then said: "Be careful!"

Qiao Ye nodded seriously.

The next moment, the green ghost suddenly gave a low shout, and his figure flashed forward before rushing out.

The green ghost's body is like a ghost, and his body has completely turned into a black figure, heading directly forward, constantly shuttling among the group of mist walkers.

After a while, the green ghost stopped...

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang...

The Mist Walker, who had passed by the green ghost before, was making abnormal noises continuously at this moment, and then one after another, the bodies began to shatter continuously, turning into clusters of mist and dissipating.

The next moment, the green ghost raised his head and looked at the huge foggy palm that was shattered by Qiao Ye's thunder before, and was constantly recondensing at this moment, and then the green ghost went straight into the sky.

The green ghost's movement technique is very strange. Not only can it turn into an afterimage on the ground and move quickly, but it can also move in the air. After turning into a human-shaped black shadow, the green ghost rushed out into the air, constantly Jumping left and right, it was approaching the big mist hand!

After a while, the green ghost came to the front of the misty big hand, and hit it directly like a cannonball. With a bang, it directly knocked out a hole in the misty big hand.

After one blow, the green ghost opened his cloak, and on both sides of the cloak, there were dense inner pockets, and each inner pocket was filled with various blades, as many as a hundred .

The green ghost let out a low cry, and swept the cloak forward fiercely, and all the blades flew forward, turning into little silver lights.

"The sky is full of stars!"

The flying blades turned into dense silver, and flew across the air continuously, like a large silver star, the moment they hit the big hand of the mist, they continuously pierced the big hand of the mist.

In the blink of an eye, numerous large holes appeared on the misty big hand, and it became dilapidated!

However, this is obviously not enough to completely destroy the big misty hand. The surging mist is constantly re-condensing, but at this moment, the green ghost directly crashes down from the air.


Before the misty big hand was completely re-condensed, the green ghost broke the arm of the big hand with one blow!

Just at this very moment...

Qiao Ye's figure flashed, and he rushed forward quickly.

It's now!


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