Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 394 Returning to Ghost Dry Well

Chapter 394 Returning to Ghost Dry Well

Qiao Ye went to the entrance of Guikujing again!

The mist floating around the entrance quickly turned into a mist walker and blocked Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye didn't talk nonsense, she just reached out and cut it!

The situation is full of vicissitudes, and one palm of the universe can call the wind!

Qiao Ye slashed forward with that palm, and immediately a gust of wind blew up all around, turning into countless wind blades and slashing forward continuously.

Those mist walkers had just condensed and formed, and the moment they were cut by the wind blade, their bodies continued to shatter!

"You killed an evil beast (mist walker), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 11500 points."

"You killed an evil beast (mist walker), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 12000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (mist walker), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 13000 points."


The moment those Mist Walkers were killed, Qiao Ye had already run through it, then jumped up, and jumped into the ghost well.

Qiao Ye inserted the black halberd into the cave wall, and cut the cave wall open continuously, so as to relieve the force of the fall. Soon, Qiao Ye came to the bottom of Guikujing.

Qiao Ye looked forward with joy on his face.

Qiao Ye did have a way to close the crack in the void, that is to use the ghost lamp and the jade card to absorb it. When Qiao Ye saw the crack in the void before, he had such a plan.

However, at that time Qiao Ye was unsuccessful.

There was so much surging mist that it almost completely blocked the area around the void rift. Qiao Ye couldn't reach the edge of the void rift at all. Those mist walkers followed suit, in order to avoid being trapped in it. , Qiao Ye could only break through the cave wall and get out of the ghost well first.

But now, due to the collapse of the ground, a large amount of mist has poured out of the ghost well, and, with the green ghost and the world mystics constantly beheading the mist walkers, in order to continuously gather new mist walkers, it is necessary to keep pouring out With new fog, naturally, the fog in Guikujing will become less.

That's why Qiao Ye needed the green ghost to help him get involved. Now that he entered the ghost well, the fog here was much thinner visible to the naked eye.

That being the case, there is hope to kill back!

Qiao Ye licked the corner of her mouth, dragged the black halberd, and rushed forward.

When Qiao Ye moved, a mist walker appeared in the mist, blocking the passage, trying to intercept Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye didn't talk nonsense, and directly stretched out her hand to press forward.

Everything is going on, and it's snowing and freezing in one thought!

Click, click!

Bingjie's voice sounded quickly, and the surrounding walls were quickly covered with a layer of frost, and then one after another, silver-white ice thorns pierced through the walls, and the fog that appeared in the passageway The walker was nailed through.

"You killed an evil beast (mist walker), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 12000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (mist walker), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 12000 points."


Qiao Ye took advantage of the trend and rushed out from the other side of the passage, but...

The front has collapsed!

A piece of rubble lay on the outside of the cave, completely sealing off the entrance and exit, obviously because of the previous ground attack, the inside of Guikujing collapsed.

Qiao Ye took a deep breath, and then raised the black halberd in his hand!

A black arc of light swept forward, slashed on the collapsed rubble, and blasted the rubble into pieces.

After forcibly opening an intersection, Qiao Ye immediately jumped forward and continued to rush forward.

In the cave ahead, the moment Qiao Ye entered, gray-white mist drifted from the other side, and then quickly condensed into the appearance of a mist walker.

Qiao Ye slowed down and turned the black halberd sideways.

Qiao Ye is actually suspicious!

Those Mistwalkers...

Seems to be blocking yourself?

Evil beasts have the characteristics of wild beasts, and they will attack humans, or attack other creatures. Therefore, after Qiao Ye appeared, it was normal for the Mist Walker to keep appearing to attack Qiao Ye.

It is also for this reason that the defenders guard the void of the broken boundary, destroy the void gate, prevent the evil beast from appearing in the broken boundary, and prevent the evil beast from entering the two realms through the broken boundary.

A group of monsters who have no thoughts and only know how to attack by instinct enter the two domains. If there are a lot of monsters, it will definitely be a bloodbath, and the lives will be destroyed.

However, Qiao Ye still felt a little weird.

Those mist walkers didn't seem to attack purely for the purpose of attacking Qiao Ye, but wanted to stop Qiao Ye from advancing and go to the crack in the void.

This is an unbelievable thing, because the evil beast has no wisdom, or in other words, the wisdom is not very high. If Qiao Ye closes the void crack and prevents the void door from opening, the fog will naturally dissipate. It can be understood that these mist walkers will Death, but if you don't have enough thinking wisdom, you won't form the idea of ​​blocking Qiao Ye.

Therefore, Qiao Ye was puzzled as to why she felt this way.

Qiao Ye's doubts did not last long, because the group of newly appeared Mistwalkers had already arrived in front of Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye directly stretched out his hand and pressed it forward with a palm.

The three forms of Tianwu, breaking the palm of the sky, and the big mudra!

Qiao Ye slammed forward with a palm, and invisible handprints appeared. With a strong pinch towards the front, several mist walkers were crushed. The body of the Mist Walker was chopped up.

"You killed an evil beast (mist walker), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 13000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (mist walker), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 12000 points."


After finishing off a group of mist walkers again, Qiao Ye rushed through the cave and continued to move forward.

The involvement of the green ghost on the ground really helped Qiao Ye a lot. After the fog in the ghost well thinned, not only the number of Mist Walkers decreased, but more importantly, the Mist Walkers needed to condense out of the fog. Time has also become longer.

Even before the Mistwalker came out of the gray-white mist, Qiao Ye was surrounded by black smoke, and after swiftly passing forward, Qiao Ye's figure disappeared suddenly, and when he reappeared, Qiao Ye had already arrived in the gray-white mist the other side, and continue running forward.

"Finally found!"

After a while, Qiao Ye found the cave with the crack in the void, smashed a piece of collapsed rubble with a halberd, and then got into the cave.

However, at this moment...


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