Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 397 Picking the Moon with One Hand

Chapter 397

After Bai Qixing said this, Qing Gui was completely relieved.

The three left Guikujing, and everyone was still doing some finishing work.

The garrison has been completely destroyed, but there is no need to clean it up, mainly the corpses of the companions. Moreover, since the gap in the void has been closed and the ghost well has almost collapsed, the garrison is actually useless.

After finishing some finishing work, Bai Qixing said, "Let's go to Gaoshanling's station first!"

The green ghost nodded and said, "Okay!"

After boarding the flying boat, Bai Qixing gave Qiao Ye a wink, and then Bai Qixing asked his deputy to arrange for everyone to rest, and he and Qiao Ye walked into the depths of the cabin.

After entering the cabin, Bai Qixing said, "Come on, let's go and see the corpse."

The body Bai Qixing mentioned was of course Jiang Liuxue's, and it had already been placed deep in the cabin.

Bai Qixing said: "You and Jiang Liuxue have seen each other directly, so let's see if there is anything wrong with that corpse."

Qiao Ye nodded, and then followed Bai Qixing into a room where Jiang Liuxue's body was placed on the bed.

Qiao Ye stepped forward, untied Jiang Liuxue's clothes casually, pondered for a while and said, "The cause of death is a mystery!"

There were no wounds, he was not stabbed to death by a sharp object, there were no strangle marks on his throat, and there was no blood on the surface of his body, which meant that he was not killed by a blunt object.

Bai Qixing stretched out his hand and pressed it against the corpse's chest, his palm slightly emitting white light.

Bai Qixing said: "It's really strange that the internal organs are intact, how did he die?"

Qiao Ye shook his head.

Bai Qixing said: "This is indeed Jiang Liuxue, right?"

"It does look exactly like the ones I've seen before, both in face and figure." Qiao Ye looked at Jiang Liuxue's body and said, "Isn't there still a living imprisoned in Tianwu Academy, come here Compare it and you will know."

"I can't decide this matter, wait for Lin Jie to come over." Bai Qixing said: "Let's call it a day and go to rest first."

Qiao Ye nodded, then followed Bai Qixing out of the room.

After finding a room to rest, Qiao Ye sat on the bed, and a light curtain gradually appeared in front of his eyes.

This time the Void Crack was indeed more unstable than that of Moye City, and the more unstable the Void Gate was, the stronger it was. Qiao Ye gained more martial soul points than that of Moye City, a total of 8 million.


This Martial Soul value is like inflation. Eight million can only raise one level of cultivation, two levels are not enough, not to mention the need to improve the Martial Soul, Ten Thousand Laws, and martial arts. It seems that Void Sect is not rich these days.

But thinking about it this way, Qiao Ye remembered something.

Valkyrie Iron Tome Volume 26!

This thing is a good thing. Qiao Ye has only absorbed a small corner. Moreover, the Martial God Iron Book is not so easy to absorb, so Qiao Ye dare not touch it on weekdays. The last time he absorbed it was enough for Qiao Ye. The item itself suffers a lot of wear and tear, so I can only take the time to do nothing and try to absorb it in a safe environment.

Now Qiao Ye felt that he could give it another try. The two Martial Emperor Realm powerhouses next to him were staying there, and, for the time being, there was nothing wrong with it.

"Discovering Absorbable Items: The Iron Book of Valkyrie (Volume 26)"

"Is it absorbed?"

"You have absorbed the Iron Book of the God of War (Volume 26), and you have obtained a martial soul value of 7,000,000."

"You have absorbed the Martial God Iron Book (Volume 26), completed the visualization, and the skill has been promoted: Nine Turns Golden Body (disabled)."

Qiao Ye tried to absorb the Iron Book of the God of War, and then...


As soon as the absorption here was completed, Qiao Ye hit his head on the bed board, covered his head, and rolled around on the bed.


The moment he absorbed it, Qiao Ye felt as if his head was being torn apart, eroded by incomparable pain, as if countless needles were constantly stabbing his forehead.

Almost instantly, Qiao Ye's back was soaked with sweat, his face was extremely pale, and even, because his teeth were clenched too tightly, the corners of his mouth involuntarily overflowed with blood.

Even, for a moment, Qiao Ye's Wuhun and Wanfa Lingtu were out of control.

Black smoke was continuously released from the body, and then retracted into the body continuously, and then released continuously, and then retracted quickly.

Behind Qiao Ye, the Wanfa Spiritual Diagram suddenly appeared, and then flickered on and off, constantly flickering.

At last……

As soon as Qiao Ye's body softened, she fell limp on the bed.


It was an overlapping mountain range.

The rolling hills have no vegetation, nothing but a piece of rock.

In the dark night sky, a bright moon hangs high, and the moonlight falls from the sky, making everything around it appear extremely hazy.

Suddenly, on the top of a mountain, a man in white stood proudly, his long gown fluttering in the wind.

The moonlight was dim, and the man's face could not be seen clearly.

But also at this moment...

The man suddenly raised his head, stretched out his hand and grabbed it towards the sky.

That palm seemed to be able to cover the sky and the earth, and grabbed the sky with one hand, unexpectedly grabbed the moon hanging high in the sky, fell from the sky, and hit the ground.

Bigger and bigger, bigger and bigger...



Qiao Ye opened her eyes suddenly, raised her body, then slipped and fell off the bed.

Qiao Ye didn't even get up from the ground, just leaned against the edge of the bed, gasping for breath, and wiped her neck, which was sticky and covered with sweat.

After a long time, Qiao Ye calmed down and looked inside her body. Sure enough, her body became empty again, and her mental power was quite unstable.

Picking up the Iron Book of the God of War and looking at it, there is still a corner missing, but it is obvious that the missing corner is much larger than before.

Qiao Ye put away the Iron Book of the God of War.

First of all, the last time was not an accident. The second time I absorbed the Iron Book of the God of War proved that absorbing this thing would cause a lot of damage to the body.


The last time he absorbed the Iron Book of the Martial God, the value of the martial spirit he absorbed was five million, but this time it was a bit more, reaching seven million.

Therefore, how much to absorb each time seems to be determined by how much Qiao Ye can bear.

Anyway, Qiao Ye's body is limp at the moment, and it is obvious that he has reached his limit, but his cultivation level is higher than before, so he can bear more.


And that hallucination...

The hallucinations this time are different from the last one, but what is the meaning of these hallucinations, or...

What does it mean?

After resting for a while, Qiao Ye got up from the ground, found a bathtub, filled it with hot water, and soaked in it.

Although absorbing the Iron Book of the Martial God took a lot of damage, and the inexplicable hallucinations made Qiao Ye feel uneasy.

However, the benefits are real!


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