Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 398 Strength Improvement

Chapter 398 Strength Improvement

Martial soul value: 17050000/4200000

Absorbing the Void Gate gives you 8 million martial soul points, and absorbing 7 million martial soul points from the Iron Book of the Martial God. However, counting the accumulated martial soul points from hunting in Guikujing, Qiao Ye has already accumulated more than 17 million martial soul points. !

Martial Soul and Ten Thousand Magic Spirit Diagram...

Qiao Ye didn't rush after thinking about it.

The grades of Qiao Ye's Martial Soul and Wanfa Lingtu are both above the normal level of cultivation, but there is no rush to improve, or in other words, there is a possibility of putting the cart before the horse.

For example, the virtual form of the demon can last for a quarter of an hour without the help of a ghost lamp.

Therefore, raising Tianmo Dazzling to the fourth rank, even if there is any more powerful ability, but the shortened use time is not worth the loss.

The same is true for the Wanfa Lingtu. Qiao Ye rarely uses Fengyun Vientiane and Earth Vientiane at the same time. It is terrifying to use both at the same time, but the consumption of mental power is also terrifying.

Therefore, first of all, it is cultivation.

"Your cultivation has been raised to the third level of Martial King Realm!"

"Your cultivation has been raised to the fourth level of Martial King Realm!"

The Martial Soul Points needed to upgrade from Tier 2 to Tier 3 are 4.2 million, and from Tier 3 to Tier 4, it is 4.7 million. After dropping almost 9 million Martial Soul Points, more than half of them are gone.


Qiao Ye set his eyes on Jiuzhuanjin.

Qiao Ye's previous guess was correct. The Nine-Turn Golden Body is very strong. It is absolutely impossible to be just a Ninth-Rank exercise. It is only a sixth-rank skill when it is completed. The reason for this is because it is incomplete. A part of it is complete, although it is still a ninth grade, but it can be a third grade if it is complete.

Since it is strong enough, there is no reason not to practice it, so Qiao Ye first set his target on Jiuzhuanjin.


After upgrading by one rank, Qiao Ye almost exhaled the fragrance directly.

To upgrade the nine-turn golden body from the ninth rank to the eighth rank only needs one hundred thousand martial soul points, which is of course a trivial matter for Qiao Ye today, but the eighth rank can be upgraded to the seventh rank...

one million!

The Martial Soul value required for this has skyrocketed tenfold...

As for upgrading from the eighth rank to the seventh rank, there is no tenfold increase, but it still needs three million martial soul points!

The hundred battle blood technique of the fourth rank only needs 3.5 million!

This demand for martial soul value is too terrifying, but...

Qiao Ye licked the corner of her mouth, even the seventh rank needs such a terrifying martial soul value, if the nine-turn golden body can be completed...

This wouldn't be a first-grade skill, would it?

Just for this possibility, after Qiao Ye gritted his teeth, he also decisively improved!

Nine-turn golden body (residual) (seventh grade) (0/5000000): The supreme skill of the ancient Xuantian sect, which can shape the body of a golden god, invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire, and can reach the third grade after cultivation.

The seventh-rank nine-turn golden body needs five million martial soul points to upgrade to sixth-rank, and Qiao Ye's remaining martial soul points are not enough. Moreover, Qiao Ye is a little puzzled, how can the nine-turn golden body be upgraded to two ranks? Not a single new ability?

It's purely...

Make yourself more resistant to beating?

Qiao Ye felt that he had to find a chance to have someone beat him up, and seeing that there were only four million martial soul points left, Qiao Ye finally set his sights on Botian Palm.

Although the three forms of Tianwu are not very rare, after all, as long as a student of Tianwu Academy can master them, the difference is nothing more than how far they can practice. But even so, as the traditional inheritance of Tianwu Academy, the three forms of Tianwu themselves are not weak. It is a second-grade martial art.

Well, the most important thing is...

This thing is cheap, and it doesn't take a lot of martial soul value!

It takes only 200,000 yuan to upgrade the seventh-rank Botian Palm to the sixth-rank, one million yuan to the sixth-rank to the fifth-rank, and 2.2 million to the fifth-rank to the fourth-rank. wealthy.

Breaking the Heavenly Palm (Fourth Grade) (Third Floor) (0/3600000): One of the three major inheritance martial arts of Tianwu Academy, collectively referred to as the Three Tianwu Styles, and the Breaking Heavenly Palm is the first style, with a total of five levels, which can be promoted to Second grade attack martial skill.

Unsurpassed Mahamudra: Striking out with one palm, it turns into a Mahamudra, everything is desirable, breakable, and shatterable.

Sky-covering hand: Raise the palm to cover the sky, and drop the palm to collapse the land.

Breaking Heaven Palm is promoted to the fourth grade, only one more move is the sky-covering hand. It seems that there is not much change, but the most important thing is the quantity. The supreme big handprint of Breaking Heaven Palm is only one palm each time, but when it is upgraded to four After painting, Qiao Ye can make three supreme big mudras at once. The more the number, the greater the power and destructive power will naturally be.

Although there are no new moves, Qiao Ye is quite satisfied with the strengthening of the supreme big handprint. Originally, the palm of the sky is actually very useful, and it belongs to the whole palm kung fu. I want to use the weapon myself, so it is very convenient.

Qiao Ye looked up at the light curtain again.

Host: Qiao Ye.

Combat power: 3956000

Cultivation level: Martial King Realm fourth rank.

Martial soul value: 620000/5000000

Martial Dao and Martial Soul: Tianmo Dazzling (Fifth Grade) (Variable).

Spiritual cultivation: spiritual map of ten thousand dharmas (sixth grade)

Items: Twins in One Realm, Thousand Spirit Sword, Iron Book of Valkyrie (Volume 26)

Cultivation method: No Second Sword (Visual Thought)

Martial arts: Hundred Battle Blood Technique (Level 4), Breaking Heavenly Palm (Level 4), Road to Heaven (Rank 7), Nine-turn Golden Body (Level 4) (Level 7)

The improvement of cultivation base can better support the martial soul and spiritual ability, the palm of breaking sky can improve the attack, and the nine-turn golden body can improve the defense. In general, Qiao Ye is very satisfied, this time can be regarded as an improvement in all aspects.

As soon as his eyes were closed and the light curtain dissipated, Qiao Ye threw his head up on the bed and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Closing the cracks in the void was very tiring, and absorbing the Iron Book of the Martial God was also very tiring. Qiao Ye now felt his body was hollowed out. Lying on the bed, endless exhaustion kept coming, and Qiao Ye quickly fell into a deep sleep.

After sleeping this time, when Qiao Ye woke up, it was already midnight. When he walked out of the cabin, the flying boat had already arrived at Gao Shanling's station, and everyone else had already left.

On the deck, Bai Qixing was leaning there, dragging a hookah in his hand.

"Are you awake? I saw that you were sleeping soundly, so I didn't call you." Bai Qixing smiled at Qiao Ye and said, "Have a bite?"

Qiao Ye shook his head and said, "Thank you, no."

Bai Qixing didn't force it, nodded and said: "Lin Jie must send me a message. He has some things to spare right now, so he will arrive at a later date, so you can rest at ease. Judging by your appearance, it should be a lot of consumption. .”

Qiao Ye said: "Is there any time to spare?"

Qiao Ye showed doubts, what could be more important than the Void Gate?

Bai Qixing spread his hands and said, "Lin Jiexu didn't say anything, anyway, just wait."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Okay!"

Bai Qixing took a puff from the hookah and said, "That's how it is. Gaoshanling's residence is not big, and everyone is sleeping now, so it's not convenient to find you a room. If you don't mind, you can sleep on the flying boat."


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