Chapter 809 He Comes Again

Generally, when new void faults appear, whoever discovers them will take over.

Of course, sometimes there are some exceptions, such as the Eye of Hell that Qiao Ye has been to before, that place was actually discovered by people from the Lingyu first, but the Eye of Hell is obviously too large and requires a lot of manpower, so , Lingyu and Wuyu took over together, and then divided the area. As the party who discovered it, Lingyu also got some benefits, that is, the authority to divide the area first.

As for the matter of the relic maze, it was purely Lingyu's own bad luck.

Therefore, there is really no treasure in this thunder world, and there is no need for Lingyu to hide it. Let me tell you about Wuyu, it is enough to hide what is in the void fault. Normally, if the scale is not large, Wuyu will not ask for it. stationed in the investigation.

This is the first doubt.

The second doubt is the region.

The entrance and exit of the Thunder World is located in the hinterland of the Wuyu territory. How can the guardians of the Spiritual Domain discover this place first?

Because of these two doubts, Qiao Ye didn't feel that his speculation must be correct.

However, it is certain that there is a problem here, otherwise the Lingyu side will not make a move, and the performance of the three of Xie Jia also shows some problems.

No one is not afraid of death!

But some things are more important than death. In other words, the three of Xie Jia knew that if they answered Qiao Ye's question, the matter would become very serious. At that time, they might be worse than death, so they chose to fight.

Now that this was confirmed, Qiao Ye felt that she wanted to check it out.

For warriors in Wuyu, as long as the spiritual monks in Lingyu are not happy, that is the happiest thing, and vice versa. The entanglement between Wuyu and Lingyu cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

Qiao Ye naturally reported this matter to Lin Jiexu first. Qiao Ye couldn't handle this problem, even if it was replaced by a boundary guard at the level of the boundary guard, it was useless, so he could only rely on a big boss like Lin Jiexu to negotiate. up.

After the interrogation, Qiao Ye waved at Polaris, intending to explore the world of thunder and see what the guardians of the spiritual realm were up to.


at the same time……

A black mountain stands tall, and although it is surrounded by mountains, none of them can be higher than that black stone mountain, which makes that black stone mountain stand out from the crowd.

The azure electric current surrounds the mountain all the time, causing the entire Black Rock Mountain to continuously flash with azure thunder.

In the sky, there were occasional thunderclaps across the sky, chopping on the Black Rock Mountain, but the Black Rock Mountain would not be shattered by the thunder's impact, on the contrary, the mountain seemed to be able to absorb the thunder, and the black stone mountain that fell from the air was smashed. The thunder was absorbed into the mountain and turned into countless thunder arcs.

And on the top of the mountain, a large number of guardians of the spiritual domain gathered here, constantly busy, and in the middle of the mountain top, there was a huge pool of water.

It's just that what's in the pool isn't water, but...

Blockbuster Thunder!

The dense thunderbolts churned continuously in the pool, like water.

This is an extremely rare mine pool!

A guardian of the spiritual domain came to the edge of Lei Chi, and in front of him was a man wearing a cloak and a hood, staring at Lei Chi.

"Just received a summons." The guardian of the spiritual realm bowed his head and said, "Someone from Wuyu broke in, it's Qiao Ye!"

"Qiao Ye?" The man in the cloak turned slightly sideways, "Which Qiao Ye?"

"Lone Star Qiao Ye!" The guardian of the spiritual domain gritted his teeth, "That bastard with our spiritual blood."

"Is it him again?" The man in the cloak slowly turned around, took off his hood and said, "It's really haunting, it ruins my good deeds every time."

The man in the cloak slowly lifted the hood to the rear, and the exposed face was impressively...

Jiang Liuxue!

It was Jiang Liuxue again, and this time, Jiang Liuxue's identity seemed to be the guardian of the spiritual domain.

"Get out of the way, everyone out of the way, whoever dares to stop me, I will kill him!"

At this time, an angry voice sounded, and a guardian of the spiritual domain furiously pushed the people around him away, and walked towards Lei Chi.

"Let me kill him!" The guardian of the spiritual domain came to Jiang Liuxue and roared angrily, "He killed my brother, I will kill him!"

The surrounding guardians of the spiritual domain wanted to stop him, but they were roughly pushed away.

Jiang Liuxue laughed and said, "Xie Yi, do you want to kill Qiao Ye? You should know his record, right? Many people in your Heavenly Demon Department wanted to kill him, but they all died in his hands."

Xie Yi gritted his teeth and said: "Don't compare me with those trash, he killed my brother, I want him to pay in blood!"

Xie Jia is Xie Yi's younger brother.

Xie Yi didn't see Qiao Ye kill Xie Jia himself, but after the three of Xie Jia summoned him, no matter how they summoned him, they couldn't be contacted anymore. Does the result need to be said? Naturally, there is more bad luck than good luck!

"You can't kill him." Jiang Liuxue shook her finger, then came to Xie Yi and said, "However, I can help you."

Jiang Liuxue took out a box from his arms and handed it to Xie Yi.

"You want to kill him? I agree." Jiang Liuxue said: "If you can't beat him, you can eat the contents. However, the price is not small, are you willing?"

Xie Yi glanced at the box and said, "Okay!"

Xie Yi picked up the box directly, turned around and left without looking back.

Watching Xie Yi leave, Jiang Liuxue said to the guardian of the spirit realm beside him, "Let Lin Yutian take people to Thunder Tribulation Valley, and then let Lan Feng go back to Leishan."

The guardian of the spiritual domain was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "What do you mean?"

Jiang Liuxue said: "Speed ​​up the progress, quickly fill the Thunder Pond, and do the things that need to be done. At that time, let alone Qiao Ye, even if all the guardians of Wuyu come, it will be useless. Let them procrastinate for now, it is best to kill that guy, if not, at least don't let him appear before my eyes before the end of the matter here."

The guardian of the spiritual realm bowed his head, already understanding what Jiang Liuxue meant.

Jiang Liuxue didn't care about the lives of those three people at all. Whether it was Xie Yi, Lin Yutian, or Lan Feng, these three were all in the Spirit Emperor Realm, and they were the only ones who were capable of fighting Qiao Ye. If they could It would be best to kill Qiao Ye. If you can't kill him, even if it can delay Qiao Ye's progress, it's okay.

To Jiang Liuxue, these three were just pawns that could be discarded at any time, but before abandoning them, Jiang Liuxue hoped that they could be of some use.

The guardian of the spiritual domain remained silent, a trace of unwillingness, resentment, and anger flashed in his eyes, but in the end he accepted his order.

Because, he knew that he could not resist Jiang Liuxue.


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