Chapter 810 Ambush

Qiao Ye stood on the top of a mountain, looking forward.

Qiao Ye didn't know how big this Thunder World was, but it didn't look too small at the moment, but it wasn't as big as the Eye of Hell.

Qiao Ye's method is also very simple. The void fault is not a complete world, and there are void cracks everywhere. Therefore, the outermost world boundary is actually a fault, that is, void.

This is also the origin of the name Void Fault.

Therefore, Qiao Ye released the night crow, and then explored along the boundary towards both sides. According to the width of the boundary, the size of this void fault can be roughly inferred.

Of course, void faults are not necessarily equilateral, so this method can only be inferred roughly, not 100% accurate.

At the same time, another function of this method is to help Qiao Ye not lose his way. As long as he moves towards the opposite direction of the boundary, Qiao Ye can continue to go deep into this void fault instead of spinning around the boundary.

In addition, Qiao Ye also made some records.

The first is the crack in the void. Qiao Ye walked all the way and found three places, all of which were in a stable state. Qiao Ye marked it and recorded it.

Secondly, there are five kinds of evil beasts in this void fault. Qiao Ye found five types in total, namely, Leiguang Lingyan, Leiguang Juyan, Leihua, Fengleigou and Xiaowuyun.

Qiao Ye is now quite handy with the work of the boundary guards. The collection of these information is after the new Void Fault appears. After the Void Fault appears, the Boundary Guardian accompanies the World Mystic to explore the secrets. The content needs to be recorded, so that he can better control the Void Fault in the future. .

Of course, Qiao Ye can only do so much. If the World Mystic is around, these contents can be more complete, and he will also draw maps while exploring, and even plan out areas with dense and rare beasts, and even mark out suitable areas. Where to set up camp.

As a boundary guard, he usually only collects basic information, and if he has to do the work of the world mystic directly, Qiao Ye really doesn't have such ability.

After a while, Qiao Ye put away the recorded parchment, and instead of moving forward, he looked around.

"Since you're here, let's all come out." Qiao Ye looked around and said, "Why hide?"

In order to explore this void fault, Qiao Ye has been letting the night crow hover in the sky, so Qiao Ye knows that someone is coming to welcome him.

Behind the rocks of the stone path in the mountain, a guardian of the spiritual domain came out, and a figure suddenly sprang out from the other side of the cliff, and landed firmly on the hillside.

In the distance, a guardian of the spiritual domain appeared, holding a hard bow in his hand, and directly opened the bow and set an arrow.

No communication whatsoever, just showing up and doing it!

The guardians of the spiritual domain originally wanted to hide their tracks and look for a suitable opportunity to make a move, but now that they were discovered, they showed up and made a move without saying a word.

Qiao Ye squinted her eyes, and could feel a kind of will from the guardians of the spiritual domain.

A will that must kill itself!


Just kill it!

See if you can kill me, or I can kill you!

On the short mountain opposite, that arrow was extraordinary. The moment it flew forward, the entire arrow was spinning continuously, and gusts of wind were blowing up around it, wrapping the arrow. Soon, accompanied by Shooting the arrow forward, the wind condensed and directly turned into a tornado, heading towards the mountain where Qiao Ye was.


The arrow fell to the ground, the tornado exploded, and a loud roar sounded at this moment.

Amidst the loud noise, a piece of the mountain flat on the side of the top of the mountain was shattered, and then, countless dust rolled up and covered Qiao Ye.

The opponent's first attack did not mean to attack Qiao Ye, but to attack Shanping, using broken stone chips and smoke to cover Qiao Ye's sight.

The next moment, the four guardians of the spiritual domain around the mountain jumped up at the same time and came towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye grinned involuntarily. It could be seen that these guardians of the spiritual domain were quite skilled. At least in terms of mutual cooperation, the other party said they had a tacit understanding, using destruction to cover Qiao Ye's sight to carry out cover attacks , can also be called a good strategy.

However, the other party obviously overlooked a very important thing.

Since Qiao Ye was able to spot them, of course it meant that Qiao Ye had the ability to detect and find the people who were hiding. So, is it really useful to simply cover up Qiao Ye's sight?

In the air, the flying night crows could clearly see the movements of the guardians of the spiritual realm.

Qiao Ye's ankle twisted, her body turned half a circle suddenly, and she blasted out to the side in a circle.

Behind the dust, there is a guardian of the spiritual domain!

The guardian of the spiritual domain was also taken aback. He wanted to surprise Qiao Ye, but he didn't expect that a fist had already reached him.


The guardian of the spiritual domain had no chance to react, so Qiao Ye punched him in the chest, opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, his body flew backwards, and landed hard on the ground.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the ninth level of the Spirit King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 75,000 points."

After the blow, Qiao Ye didn't stop, and quickly moved his body sideways. At the same time, during the horizontal movement, Qiao Ye's body bloomed with golden brilliance.

Nine-turn golden body!

After entering the state of the nine-turn golden body, Qiao Ye directly stretched out his hand towards the sand and dust on the other side.

After the guardian of the spiritual domain behind the sand dust entered the out-of-spirit state, the out-of-spirit power transformed into a silver sword with a dragon head. Qiao Ye could not only see the opponent's position, but even the trajectory of the sword, He could also see clearly, as soon as he stretched out his hand, he pinched the sword in his hand.

There was an ear-piercing sound of metal rubbing, and the blade rubbed against Qiao Ye's palm, but was blocked by the golden halo of the nine-turn golden body, splashing a golden spark.

The next moment, Qiao Ye grabbed the sword body forcibly, crushed it with strength, and swung the sword backwards, smearing the sword on the neck of the guardian of the spiritual domain.


The guardian of the spiritual domain stared wide-eyed, with blood continuously flowing from his throat, his eyes were filled with disbelief, his throat was wiped open by his own sword.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the ninth level of the Spirit King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 80,000 points."

Even beheading two people, the dust that rolled up finally dispersed, and the remaining two guardians of the spiritual domain around them also showed their figures.

Qiao Ye sneered and said, "Just because you cats and dogs want to kill me?"

The strength of these four guardians of the spiritual domain is actually not weak, they have all reached the peak level of the ninth level of the spirit king realm, and they are able to hit the spirit emperor realm.

However, for Qiao Ye...

not enough!

Simply because of tacit cooperation, he wanted to smooth out the gap in strength. Qiao Ye could only say that the other party was too naive, or that the other party underestimated him too much.


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