Chapter 811 A Dead Man


With one foot on the ground, Qiao Ye crushed a piece of the ground under her feet, and then rushed forward with all her might.

So fast!

The two guardians of the spiritual realm were shocked.

Qiao Ye's speed was so fast that the two of them felt that Qiao Ye was already in front of them in a blink of an eye.

next moment...

Qiao Ye directly grabbed the head of a guardian of the spiritual domain, pinched the opponent's cheek, and smashed the person to the ground.


The back of the spiritual domain guardian's head hit the ground, and after a loud noise, the ground was instantly torn apart. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye raised his left hand high, his five fingers folded into a knife, and stabbed down forcefully.

The armor transformed by the spiritual power of the guardian of the spiritual domain was so vulnerable that it was pierced by Qiao Ye's blow, and Qiao Ye's palm opened a bloody hole in the opponent's chest.

After one blow, seeing the opponent's mouth open and spitting out blood, Qiao Ye directly pulled out his arm, and swung it vigorously to the side, and the blood on the palm of his hand was swayed to the other side.

Hundred battles blood technique, two-style beheading!

The blood that was spilled turned into dense blood lines that criss-crossed in an instant, like a big net, and fell towards the other guardian of the spiritual domain.

The reaction of the guardian of the spiritual domain was also quick, and he jumped towards the rear immediately.

Unfortunately, his reaction was fast enough, but not fast enough!

The oncoming bloodline caught up with the guardian of the spiritual domain, and wrapped the opponent's body in the blink of an eye, tightening it tightly.

Qiao Ye sneered, clasped her five fingers into claws, and made a false grip gesture.

In just a split second, as Qiao Ye closed his fingers, the blood line was tightened instantly, and it was directly embedded in the opponent's body, and then...


The sound of flesh and blood tearing suddenly sounded, and in the next moment, the blood mist all over the sky drifted away. Almost instantly, the body of the guardian of the spiritual domain was directly cut to pieces by the blood lines, turning into a pile of pieces The body parts are horrible.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the ninth level of the Spirit King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 75,000 points."

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the ninth level of the Spirit King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 80,000 points."


All four spirit realm defenders were killed. Qiao Ye turned around and looked across the mountain.

On the short mountain opposite, the guardian of the spiritual realm with a bow suddenly shuddered, turned around and ran away, but at this moment, Polaris raised his hand crossbow without Qiao Ye's order, and pulled the trigger towards him.

The guardian of the spiritual domain seemed to have a feeling. Looking back, he immediately raised his bow and set up an arrow, and shot it out.

The guardian of the spiritual domain is obviously a good hand with the bow, the arrow flew out, rolled up a large wind current to form a tornado, and directly hit the aurora beam, trying to shoot down the aurora beam shot from the North Star.


The accuracy is enough, but the power is not enough!

With a bang, the moment the tornado collided with the aurora beam, it was directly pierced by the aurora beam. Immediately afterwards, the aurora beam crossed the cliff and appeared directly in front of the guardian of the spiritual realm, piercing through the opponent chest.

With a bang, the huge momentum even flew the other party's body out, smashing it hard on the side cliff, and then the spirit realm defender stuck to the cliff like a painting, slowly Sliding down, dragging a bright red bloodstain on the cliff.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the ninth level of the Spirit King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 82,000 points."

The five guardians of the spiritual realm were wiped out, but Qiao Ye still had no intention of leaving.

"The five of them are already dead." Qiao Ye looked sideways and said, "Aren't you going to come out?"

It's not been a day or two since Qiao Ye has stepped into the Martial Emperor Realm, and this is not a secret, and the Lingyu side will not be unaware of it.

Therefore, sending five spirit realm defenders at the spirit king level wanted to take him down, and Qiao Ye felt that the leader of the opponent should not be so stupid.

These five guardians of the spiritual domain cannot be all of them!

Crack, crack, crack...

At this time, the sound of applause sounded.

On the side of the hillside, a man in his early thirties slowly walked out.

"Lonely star Qiao Ye, well-deserved reputation!" The man lowered his arms, his eyes gradually became ferocious, and he looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Ling Yu, Lan Feng, the guardian of the Nine Heavens Department, was ordered to kill you here!"

"Tian Dao Lan Feng?" Qiao Ye frowned and said, "You should be dead!"

Lan Feng, from the Nine Heavens Department of the Spiritual Realm, is a day-level guardian and a third-level cultivation of the Spirit Emperor Realm. Among the guardians of the Spiritual Realm, this is quite a well-known name.

Lanfeng became famous ten years ago. At that time, there was a battle between Lingyu and Wuyu. At that time, Lanfeng was not as good as he is now. Of course, he was much younger. Lingyu was still highly anticipated and talented. newcomer.

At that time, Lan Feng led his team to travel 3,000 miles to the Jiuyu battlefield, cut off eleven food roads in Wuyu, and allowed Wuyu to break through two passes in a row, thus becoming famous in one battle.

At the age of twenty-five, Lan Feng became a guardian of the world, and he has repeatedly made outstanding achievements. In just five or six years, he became a guardian of the day level. Among the defenders, the focus of training.

Unfortunately, Lan Feng died!

As for why Qiao Ye knew that Lan Feng was dead, because Lan Feng died in Tianliang Mountain!

When the secret realm of Tianliang Mountain was opened, Lan Feng was in it, and fought against the master of the Demon Realm and Demon Hall, but lost and was beheaded by the opponent.

Because the opening of the Tianliang Mountain Secret Realm caused a lot of trouble, the news would spread quickly when anyone with a reputation fell, and Qiao Ye had also heard about Lan Feng's death. After all, Lan Feng was a spiritual realm One of the most important objects to be cultivated by the defenders is indeed worthy of the word "little reputation". The news of his death spread quickly at that time.

How could a dead person appear in front of him?

Qiao Ye was puzzled, but he didn't care too much.

Originally, this kind of news belonged to gossip, and it was spread in places like teahouses and restaurants, and it belonged to after-dinner conversation, and sometimes it was really inaccurate.

Firstly, this kind of news is sometimes purely for fun, and secondly, whenever such a big event happens in the secret realm of Tianliang Mountain, the people in Wuyu wish that all the people in Lingyu would die, and Lingyu wished that all the people in Wuyu would die. Sometimes deliberate rumors are also common.

Besides, if Lan Feng didn't die, he didn't die, and it wasn't a big deal.


Qiao Ye looked at Lan Feng, raised the corners of her mouth and smiled, showing a bit of evil spirit and ferocity.

Great, I can send Lan Feng to see Hades now.



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