Chapter 834

At first, the boundary guard just felt a little itchy on his body. After scratching, he didn't pay much attention to it, but soon, the itching feeling gradually turned into pain.

Soon, the defender felt something was wrong.

"You..." The guard growled at Jiang Liuxue, "What did you do to me?"

Jiang Liuxue just smiled, and casually threw the last piece of braised pork into his mouth.

"The food for you defenders..." Jiang Liuxue said with a smile, "It's quite delicious!"

"Ah, ah, ah..."

On the other side, the boundary guard was already struggling in pain, his body was constantly shaking, and he kept bumping towards the surroundings, hitting the stone wall of the cave.

Holding his arms with both hands, he quickly scratched out bloodstains one after another.

All over the body of the boundary guard, bulges kept swelling up one by one. Under the bulges, it seemed that some insects were crawling, and they kept moving along the body.

Arms, thighs, chest, waist, even face, everywhere!

Accompanied by the continuous wriggling of the bulge, the bones of the boundary guard also made a sound of "click, click", and the body is gradually changing. Even, not only the body shape, but also the appearance of the boundary guard is also due to the bulge. Creeping, began to gradually change.

After a while, the boundary guard suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a large number of black insects, round and carapaceous, which seemed to be dead at the moment, piled all over the ground.


When the boundary guard raised his head, his appearance and figure had completely changed, as if he was a different person.

If Lin Jiexu were here, he would definitely know the man in front of him!

One of the twenty-eight stars of the guardian, the northern virtual sun mouse, Wang Xiangyou!

Wang Xiangyou looked at the body and said, "This body is average."

"It's good to be alive."

Jiang Liuxue raised her hand casually, and the shackles on her hands were untied by herself. Then Jiang Liuxue grabbed the broken dragon nails on her body and pulled them out one by one.

Every broken dragon nail would bring out a stream of blood, Jiang Liuxue also grinned in pain, but finally held back.

After all the broken dragon nails were pulled out, Jiang Liuxue walked forward. Facing the formation and the restriction, Jiang Liuxue bit her finger and slashed randomly in the air. A blood line appeared in the air, and then drew A bloody rune landed on Jiang Liuxue's forehead.

The next moment, Jiang Liuxue raised her leg, stepped directly over the formation pattern, and then stepped over the restriction. The formation pattern did not respond to the restriction at all, and Jiang Liuxue just let Jiang Liuxue walk over.

Jiang Liuxue looked at Wang Xiangyou and said, "Do you know where this is?"

"Familiar breath!" Wang Xiangyou showed a nostalgic expression, and then said: "It's Longlin Gap!"

Jiang Liuxue said: "That's right, there should be two guards on duty at the moment, twenty-eight stars, can you take me out?"

"Yes!" Wang Xiangyou said after a moment of silence: "I didn't feel Yan Feiyu's aura. He should not be in the Longmen Courtyard. As long as he is not there, no one else will care. Even if I can't beat them, I can hold them back."

Jiang Liuxue said: "Then let's go!"


Nine Realms Battlefield, the entrance to the Beast Realm.

Going to the beast realm again!

The entrance and exit of the beast domain is a large fog, just like the fog of chaos that will pass through when entering and exiting the broken world.

Through the fog, there is the beast realm!

The team from the three domains moved forward in an orderly manner, and Qiao Ye followed the carriage with Xiao Ji in his arms.

After a while, Lin Jie had to lift the curtain of the carriage, and couldn't help but said, "Qiao Ye, why don't you let that girl ride in the carriage?"

Lin Jiexu felt a little uncomfortable. It wasn't that he didn't like Xiaoji, but it just felt weird. I hadn't heard that he dragged his family around at such a time.

Didn't you see that the people in the Lingyu and Moyu motorcades were all looking at Qiao Ye?

Qiao Ye said, "Xiao Ji, are you going to the car?"

Xiao Ji put her arms around Qiao Ye's neck directly, expressing her will with actions.

Qiao Ye said helplessly, "She's not happy."

Lin Jie must curl his lips, he's lazy!

The convoy did not travel for too long before passing through the fog, and what appeared in front of them was a large area of ​​ruins.

Qiao Ye has a familiar feeling. From some buildings that have not collapsed, it can be vaguely seen that this is indeed Linhai City.

It is extremely embarrassing that the once prosperous city has turned into such a dilapidated state. It can also be seen how much impact the gladiator plate was destroyed.

As for the location of the alliance, it was on the outskirts of the ruins of Linhai City.

Beast Realm has built a temporary camp specially for the alliance. Of course, if Beast Realm is to enter the Nine Realms Battlefield in the future, Linhai City will definitely need to be rebuilt. Before that, the outer camps will also serve as fortresses that govern the entrances and exits.

Qiao Ye followed the convoy, and soon saw the camp of Beast Realm. Many people also came to Beast Realm, standing at the gate of the camp, looking like they had been waiting for a long time.

The people from the three domains got out of the carriage, and the leading bosses stepped forward.

The next step is naturally to go according to the process, greetings are indispensable, and after presenting gifts, the alliance will begin.

The situation of the Nine Realms Battlefield has already been exchanged in the letters. The core of the alliance lies in the opening of the entrance and exit between the Beast Realm and the Nine Realm Battlefield. What is the attitude of the Beast Realm?

Continue to rest on your laurels?

Qiao Ye thinks that this possibility is not great, since the Beast Realm will definitely enter the Nine Realms Battlefield, then, there must be a charter on the surface, such as trade regulations, there must be an explanation.

And the core of the core must be the void fault. Just like Moyu has begun to form defenders, Beast Domain must also have an attitude.

Or more directly, if Beast Realm didn't say so, then Wuyu, Lingyu and Demon Realm would not welcome Beast Realm's presence. The Void Fault would directly affect the Nine Realms Battlefield, and then through the Nine Realms Battlefield, it would affect all domains.

Since Beast Realm now has an entrance to the Nine Realms Battlefield, it must be within the scope of influence. If Beast Realm is not willing to contribute, then why should people from the Three Realms come to any dangerous matter, and Beast Realm can enjoy the benefits?

However, this has nothing to do with Qiao Ye. Qiao Ye is just an entourage for supporting the row. The reason why Lin Jie has to bring Qiao Ye is that Qiao Ye has been to the Beast Realm. As for what Qiao Ye needs to do after coming here Well, Lin Jiexu actually didn't know, anyway, use it if you can use it, and don't use it if you don't need it, anyway, you must bring someone over anyway, and there are not many Duo Qiaoye.

As for the alliance itself, it was an exchange between several big shots.

After exchanging pleasantries and courtesies, the two Beast Masters sent by the Beast Mountain Hezhong Alliance also smiled heartily and stretched out their hands towards the camp.

"Everyone, please, no matter what you have, we will discuss it in detail after entering the camp. What do you think?"


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