Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 835 Did you ask me if I agreed?

Chapter 835 Asked if I agreed?

The representatives of the three domains naturally had no objection. The previous politeness and pleasantries were just passing through, and the most important thing was after that.

Entering that camp meant the official start of the alliance!

Under the guidance of two beast masters, everyone entered the camp.

Of course, Huimeng has a dedicated tent, except for those who serve tea and water, other people will rest in the camp.

Beast Realm arranged very thoughtfully. The camp was filled with tables with various delicacies, and a banquet was set up for everyone, so that the accompanying people would not wait.

But just as he was about to enter the camp...

Many people stopped suddenly.

Qiao Ye was among them.

At that moment, Qiao Ye inexplicably felt a dangerous aura, which made people feel uneasy.

And Qiao Ye felt it, and those big bosses who were preparing to join the alliance naturally felt it too. At least they were all at the Emperor Realm, so how could they not feel anything abnormal.

Almost instantly, he raised his head and looked towards the sky.

The originally clear sky gradually turned gray at this moment, the clouds were extremely low, and it was dark and oppressive, revealing a low and depressing feeling.


"If you spoil my good deeds, then I will spoil yours!" A voice suddenly sounded in the sky, "You want the alliance to proceed smoothly? Did you ask me if I agreed?"

Above the cloud layer, a figure slowly sank down, stepping on a jade tablet, overlooking the ground from a high position.

Qiao Ye's pupils shrank!

Jiang Liuxue!

Jiang Liuxue looked down and said, "I think it's better to cancel this alliance first."

Most people are baffled by Jiang Liuxue's appearance, because they don't know who Jiang Liuxue is, but there are always people who know Jiang Liuxue in the venue.

For example, Qiao Ye's first thought was: Jiang Liuxue escaped? Or another Jiang Liuxue appeared?

Lin Jiexu was even more straightforward. After a little surprise, he said directly: "Take him down for me!"

Regardless of whether Jiang Liuxue escaped or another Jiang Liuxue appeared, it was always right to take the person down first.

The forest community must give an order, and the warriors in the martial arts domain will naturally take the lead.

Jiang Liuxue sneered, and without talking nonsense, she stretched out her hand and waved forward.

Suddenly, a large crack appeared in the clouds behind Jiang Liuxue. There were hundreds of dense cracks, and then...

Coffins appeared one by one!

From every crack in the cloud, a coffin would float out, densely packed all over the air.

next moment...

Bang, bang, bang!

The coffins floating in the air kept making loud noises, and the coffin boards were constantly bounced off. Countless people appeared in the coffins, and they jumped out of the coffins and came towards the bottom.

Ye Liao, the ghost general of Lingyu, was wearing a black ghost mask, held a ghost head gun, raised the gun and stretched his hand into the air and said, "Meet the enemy!"

King Ruyang put his hand in and glanced at the sky.


The demon hall crowd behind King Ruyang didn't need to be ordered by King Ruyang, and rushed forward quickly.

The two Beast Venerables in Beast Realm are the most confused. Why did they fight after a good alliance?

But the people from the other three domains have already made their moves, and the guy who emerged from the coffin has also come to the ground, rushing directly without any words. Then, in this sudden battle, the camps can be easily distinguished.

The two Beast Masters in the Beast Realm didn't think too much, and directly sent an order: "Take down those troublemakers first!"

Qiao Ye stood still, and people around kept rushing out.

But at this moment...

"Zhang Linyuan, this is Zhang Linyuan, why, isn't he dead?"

At this time, a knife light filled the front.

The saber was extremely ruthless, and its power was terrifying. It felt like it could cut through the sky and cut everything into pieces.

The silver-white sword light is like snow, but it looks extremely beautiful, but it is also extremely beautiful and dangerous. The sword light that fell like snow flew past the crowd, and then...

Puff puff……

The sound of the blade piercing into the flesh was heard immediately, and immediately after, bright red blood splashed out, the air was filled with a strong smell of blood, and a faint mist of blood began to continuously drift towards the surroundings.

The one holding the knife was a middle-aged man with a beard, his body was full of vigor, and he was alone with the knife, directly entering the formation.

On Wu Yu's side, after seeing the swordsman clearly, someone shouted out in horror.

Zhang Linyuan, a world-defender of the martial domain, was born in Tianwu Academy. He was also known as the King of Tianwu Swordsman at that time, and his cultivation at the peak of the ninth level of Emperor Wudi Realm is rare in the world in terms of swordsmanship!

However, Zhang Linyuan is dead!

This well-known swordsman among the guardians of the military domain died ten years ago.

dead in...

Dragon Cave!

Zhang Linyuan was one of the defenders who explored the Dragon Cave, and died in the Dragon Cave.

No one could understand why Zhang Linyuan appeared here, he had already become a dead person, did he come back from the dead? Or they look very similar, but that terrifying saber technique cannot be faked.

The people in Wuyu here are still surprised, and the people in Lingyu over there are also suddenly in a mess.

A beautiful woman walked over.

The woman is very beautiful, tall and tall, wearing a short white mink fur skirt, her long legs are exposed, and she walks step by step.

And with every step the woman took, there would be a "click, click" sound of freezing on the ground.

The next moment, to meet the crowd, the woman waved her arms lightly, and a storm was blowing up behind her.

Lingyu, Tianlubu, Ice Queen, Xiao Qiangwei!

This person is also a well-known figure in the spiritual realm, from the Tianlu tribe, one of the three major tribes in the spirit realm, and is also the daughter of the head of the Tianlu tribe.

However, also add a "past tense" word, that is, once!

Because, five years ago, a great battle broke out between Wuyu and Lingyu. In order to compete for the fortress of Guimen Valley, the battle lasted for seventy-two days. Xiao Qiangwei was in the lineup of Lingyu. At that time, Xiao Qiangwei Fighting against Wuyu Iron Arm God Fist Zhao Junxian, the two fought hundreds of rounds in Guimen Valley. In the end, the Ice Queen lost and was beheaded by Iron Arm God Fist Zhao Junxian, and Zhao Junxian was also cold The invasion went too far, and after a few years, the old injury relapsed and died.

Compared with Zhang Linyuan, there are more people who knew Xiao Qiangwei. After all, Zhang Linyuan died earlier, ten years ago, while Xiao Qiangwei was five years ago. The time is shorter on the one hand, and on the other hand, Xiao Qiangwei She is the daughter of the head of the Tianyao tribe, and she is still in power now, so anyone who is from the Tianyao tribe in the Lingyu realm knows Xiao Qiangwei.

And when the people in Wuyu and Lingyu were surprised, there was also trouble in Moyu.

Even Qiao Ye looked horrified when he looked towards the Demon Realm.


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