Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 839 Killing You for the Second Time

Chapter 839 Killing You for the Second Time


Qiao Ye raised the black halberd, and slashed down toward the front in the posture of chopping Huashan vigorously.

Dongfang Yao crossed two short spears in front of his body, and then raised them forward.

The weapons of the two collided again, and there was a clear and crisp sound, and the ground under their feet also suffered a terrifying impact, and a large spider web crack appeared and shattered instantly.

After one blow, Qiao Ye and Dongfang Yao had no intention of wrestling, and they jumped back at the same time.

He was in mid-air, before Dongfang Yao's feet hit the ground, he threw the four sharp guns forward, approaching Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye directly chopped off the four divine spears, but instead of going towards Dongfang Yao, he jumped out to the side, and swept the black halberd in his hand vigorously.

Sure enough, Qiao Ye swept out the black halberd, and Dongfang Yao's figure suddenly appeared.

The moment the weapon collided with Qiao Ye, Dongfang Yao had already dropped the last two short spears on the ground and marked them.


Dongfang Yao drew out his short spear and collided with Qiao Ye's black halberd again, and the crisp chirping sound reappeared.

Qiao Ye grinned and said, "Why don't we just stop talking about the sexual battle? I've seen enough about your four sharp guns. It's just a little bit of knowledge. It's useless to me!"

Qiao Ye fought with Dongfang Yao once, and the four sharp guns were indeed troublesome, but after knowing how to use them, the four sharp guns were not indefensible.

When dealing with the Four Divine Spears, the gaze cannot be fixed on Dongfang Yao, because that is of no use. Dongfang Yao can move through the broken void by marking, so it is impossible to defend against.

So, the key is tagging.

To break the void and move, Dongfang Yao first needs to mark it with a short spear.

Then, by staring at the mark, you can know where Dongfang Yao will move. Moreover, the mark is not unlimited. Dongfang Yao only has four guns in total. Dongfang Yao had nothing to do with Qiao Ye, and it was impossible to successfully attack him.

Dongfang Yao didn't answer Qiao Ye, let go of the four sharp guns, took half a step back, then twisted his body violently, and kicked Qiao Ye's black halberd with a sweeping kick, forcing Qiao Ye back.

However, Dongfang Yao responded to Qiao Ye with actions.

Indeed, Qiao Ye seemed to be very familiar with the four sharp guns, so there was no need to test it out. If this kind of battle continued, it would be impossible to tell the winner.

So, don't decide the outcome, just divide life and death!

"Wuhun!" Dongfang Yao stretched out his hands to the sides, and two four-spirited spears flew towards Dongfang Yao, falling into Dongfang Yao's hands, and then Dongfang Yao stabbed the two four-spirited spears hard at the ground in front of him. Said: "The power of the world!"

Clap, clap, clap...

Dongfang Yao entered the Martial Soul state, and in the next instant, traces of electric current appeared on Dongfang Yao's body, at first there was only a trace, and then more and more dense, the sound of the electric current beating was extremely ear-piercing .


With a loud noise, the ground under Dongfang Yao's feet exploded as the thunder passed by.

In the blink of an eye, a large electric current wrapped Dongfang Yao's body, a piece of golden light, the pure golden electric current was extremely dazzling.

Then, the electric current on Dongfang Yao's body spread to the ground, and the electric current appeared in a circle at Dongfang Yao's feet, and then quickly pushed away in all directions.

Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes.

Dongfang Yao's martial soul is actually terrifying. This kind of martial soul that directly opens the domain when entering the martial soul state can be said to be very rare and rare.

Rare doesn't necessarily mean powerful, but powerful ones are often rare.

Qiao Ye licked the corner of her mouth, turned her head and glanced at Jiang Liuxue.

If he wanted to find Jiang Liuxue, he had to cross the threshold of Dongfang Yao first.


Just step over!

"I can kill you once..." Qiao Ye took a deep breath and said, "I can kill you a second time!"


After Qiao Ye finished speaking, he spit out the turbid air in his mouth, and two streams of black smoke gushed out from the corner of his mouth.


Qiao Ye raised the black halberd and slammed it hard on the ground in front of him.

Dazzling demons...


Becoming a demon: The world does not allow me, so I fall into a demon, enter the flesh with the power of gods and demons, shape the demon body within a certain period of time, and fight in the incarnation of gods and demons.

Almost instantly, a strong killing intent erupted from Qiao Ye's body.

Indifferent, cold.

Depressed, depressing.

At this moment, an extremely terrifying killing intent erupted from Qiao Ye's body, and that invisible feeling receded towards the surroundings. There was an indescribable feeling that made people unable to breathe.

Even the people in the outer circle who were fighting involuntarily stopped fighting for the time being.

Some people with weak cultivation felt the endless killing intent, and their bodies even trembled involuntarily. Some people were pale, and felt a sweetness in their throats, and directly spurted a mouthful of blood.

at the same time……

Amidst the endless killing intent, Qiao Ye bent her whole body and beat her arms down, as if she had fallen into dead silence.

However, in Qiao Ye's throat, the sound of whimpering like a wild animal kept ringing out. The thick black smoke wrapped Qiao Ye's body, making Qiao Ye look a little strange.

Accompanied by the black smoke, a thin black line slowly appeared from Qiao Ye's chest, at the position of the heart, and then climbed up bit by bit, spreading along Qiao Ye's body, and crawled past Qiao Ye neck, and then spread all the way to Qiao Ye's cheeks, forming obscure runes.

Qiao Ye's hanging arms gradually turned into a pitch-black color, and at the same time shone with a dark, metallic luster. Soon, fine, snake-like scales appeared on Qiao Ye's arms. pattern.

Suddenly, Qiao Ye, who had been in a dead silence, suddenly raised his head to look at Dongfang Yao, his pupils turned into golden vertical pupils, and the white of his eyes completely turned into a bright red color, which looked extremely strange ,and also……


The smell of blood!


Qiao Ye suddenly kicked her legs and rushed out towards the front.

The black halberd was dragged to the ground by Qiao Ye. With Qiao Ye's running, there were traces of slashing on the ground, and golden sparks swayed continuously.

for a moment...

Qiao Ye came to Dongfang Yao, opened her mouth, and black smoke spewed out from the corner of her mouth.

That feeling, like a beast from the abyss!

The next moment, Qiao Ye raised the black halberd and slashed towards Dongfang Yao.


Dongfang Yao raised the four sharp spears to resist, but it was only for a moment. The moment the spears collided, Dongfang Yao was directly blasted out.

bang, bang, bang...

Dongfang Yao's body continuously hit the ground, churning and smashing the ground.


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