Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 840 Until Someone Falls

Chapter 840 Until Someone Falls

This blow was quite fierce.

In the state after being enchanted, Qiao Ye's physical strength is unimaginable, even if Dongfang Yao enters the state of martial spirit, it is difficult to match.

However, Dongfang Yao's martial soul is not the type that purely strengthens the physical body.


The moment Qiao Ye jumped forward and wanted to continue the pursuit, Dongfang Yao suddenly raised the short spear in his hand and pointed it in Qiao Ye's direction.


The sound of electric current surged around, and the thunder field formed by the power of the world was quite violent at this moment. The golden electric current moved along the ground, quickly came to Dongfang Yao's surroundings, and then landed on Dongfang Yao's short spear. gather.

With a bang, the golden thunder directly turned into a thunder column, which was launched suddenly at the moment Qiao Ye rushed to Dongfang Yao.

At such a close distance, there was no way to avoid it. Qiao Ye's body was instantly covered by the golden thunder pillar, and then pushed out by the thunder pillar.

Destroyed and tyrannical, Qiao Ye hit the ground, shattering the ground, directly dragging a terrifying dent on the ground, and even, the thunder pillar directly pushed Qiao Ye into the crowd.


The sound of the second thunder explosion sounded, the golden thunder exploded crazily, countless electric arcs flew around, and the crowd wailed.

Someone was cut off by the golden electric current.

Someone was burnt to a charred corpse by the golden electric current.

After a full ten breaths, the golden thunder gradually dissipated, and there were more than a dozen corpses scattered all over the ground.


Under a burnt corpse, an arm suddenly protruded, grabbed the corpse's head, and threw it forcefully to the side.

Qiao Ye was smoking all over his body, and there were some small wounds on his body, some were cut open by the electric current, and some were bloody and bloody due to the electric current.

However, those wounds are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and are healing rapidly...

Under the enchanted state, along with the strengthening of his physical body, Qiao Ye's recovery speed also reached an unbelievable level.


A hundred battles of blood, five styles, bloody and majestic!

The five types of blood are majestic: every injury, a layer of madness is triggered, the body is improved, the pain is weakened, the recovery speed of all trauma is increased, all poisons and illusions are ignored, and the healing elixir is taken, which can immediately digest the medicinal properties and increase the medicinal properties by 30%.

Because of the injury, the madness of the blood was also aroused at this moment, the expression on Qiao Ye's face became even crazier, and the killing intent revealed on his body became stronger, and the blood-red eyes seemed to be ready to kill at any time. Bleeding.


Qiao Ye took a sharp step, crushing the ground again, and flew forward, leaving an afterimage, and once again approached Dongfang Yao.

Dongfang Dazzling's eyes sank slightly, and he stretched his arms to the sides.

"God is calling!"


On Dongfang Yao's body, a golden electric current appeared and quickly wrapped around Dongfang Yao's whole body.

Dongfang Yao's martial soul ability is also quite versatile. Although the Thunder Domain does not strengthen the physical body, Dongfang Yao's martial soul must have more than one ability.

Entering the state called by Shenwei, a huge golden phantom appeared behind Dongfang Yao.

The phantom was four or five meters high, wearing a golden armor, holding a golden thunderbolt in his hand, and raised his hand and threw it out in the direction of Qiao Ye.

Boom, boom, boom!

The golden thunder kept hitting the ground, making loud noises, and the ground was constantly being exploded. Gravels were flying everywhere, and electric arcs were like waves.

As for Qiao Ye, the speed at this moment is unbelievably fast, completely like a night-walking ghost, unbelievably fast, running crazily forward, when the thunder strikes, Qiao Ye's figure will suddenly flash and move out. With a distance of three to five meters, he avoided the oncoming golden thunder.

The golden thunderbolts were densely packed and bombarded continuously, but they couldn't even touch the corner of Qiao Ye's clothes.

Dongfang Dazzling looked gloomy.

In Qiao Ye's current state, even though Dongfang Yao's cultivation was higher, his physical body was completely incomparable to Qiao Ye's, and Dongfang Yao obviously knew this.

As long as Qiao Ye gets close, Dongfang Yao is courting death.


A cold feeling suddenly struck, and a large area of ​​frost appeared around Dongfang Yao, and the sound of icing cracked continuously.

Extremely cold and Bingxin, this extremely yin and extremely cold cultivation technique is the bottom of Dongfang Yao's pressure box.

Dongfang Yao is also doing his best at this moment, without leaving anything behind, and has brought out all his skills, intending to fight Qiao Ye to the death.


Dongfang Yao raised his head and roared angrily, then moved his hands forward and made an empty gesture.

Qiao Ye also had to stop, because as Dongfang Yao stretched out his hand to hold him back, the frost that appeared rushed out into the air like crazy.

Like a raging tsunami, the vast expanse seems to be able to cover the world.


A towering ice wall rose from the ground, blocking Qiao Ye like that, making it impossible for Qiao Ye to move forward easily.

Even after the frost rose, it fell overwhelmingly, and the moment it passed around Qiao Ye, the sound of frost and freezing appeared quickly on Qiao Ye's body, and a large area quickly appeared on Qiao Ye's body. of Frost.

The bone-piercing chill kept penetrating into Qiao Ye's body. It felt as if countless knives were constantly scraping Qiao Ye's body. The severe pain invaded Qiao Ye's whole body in an instant.

Qiao Ye tried to lift his legs and take a step, but the heavy frost hanging on his body made every step of Qiao Ye extremely difficult.


Dongfang Yao has a hole card, but Qiao Ye doesn't?

Qiao Ye raised her head and looked at the ice wall, her frosty face was even more ferocious.

Even, there is a hint of excitement.

Come on, let's fight!

Until someone falls!


Qiao Ye stomped his feet fiercely, and a large piece of spiritual charm emerged from behind, turning into a series of spiritual lines, which were quickly outlined behind Qiao Ye's back, and drawn into a picture book!

The ten thousand dharma spiritual map, all phenomena in the universe!

Almost instantly, the Ten Thousand Magic Spiritual Diagram behind Qiao Ye burst out with destructive brilliance, and countless halos swayed towards the surroundings and scattered towards the sky, forming an extremely gorgeous light rain.

In the next moment, Qiao Ye raised his head and roared angrily, the frost hanging on his body kept cracking and peeling off.

Qiao Ye took a step forward, raised the black halberd, and slashed hard at the ice wall.


With a loud noise, thick black smoke drifted from Qiao Ye's black halberd and rose into the sky. The black smoke quickly condensed into a smoke halberd ten meters away, and then slammed into the ice wall. cut off.


A crack appeared from the top of the ice wall, and then spread crazily downwards!


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