Chapter 845 Rumors

Everyone is looking forward to this exploration more and more.

Moreover, some news came out soon.

The exit of the bloody mist leads to...

Sea of ​​blood!

Blood Sea is located at...

The Three Realms Beyond the Heavens!

Above the Nine Realms is the Three Realms. This is something everyone knows. Now that the Three Realms and the Nine Realms are broken, there is nothing to say. However, before the Three Realms and the Nine Realms were broken, everyone yearned for the Three Realms.

The reason is simple, the Three Realms are called above the Nine Realms, and at the same time, the Nine Realms are called the Human Realm, and the Three Realms are the world of gods. The domain requires at least a spirit god, the beast domain requires a beast god, and so on for other domains.

The Three Realms represent more precious cultivation resources, stronger cultivation methods, more powerful exercises, and more brutal martial arts, which of course make people yearn for it.

The sea of ​​blood is located in the outer sky of the Three Realms.

Strictly speaking, the Blood Sea is not within the territory of the Three Realms, but it is not considered the Nine Realms. To be precise, it should be in the gap between the Three Realms and the Nine Realms. It is somewhat similar to the Void Fault, which can be understood as the Blood Sea. One of the places connecting the Three Realms and the Nine Domains.

In addition to the sea of ​​blood, there are also the Dry Tomb Wilderness and the Great Tianshan Mountain, which can lead to the Three Realms in historical documents.

Of course, with the shattering of the Three Realms and Nine Domains, these places have long since disappeared.

The defenders have always been very concerned about collecting the secret stones of the blood sea, why?

Because, through the place where the blood sea secret stone appears, you may be able to find a way to the blood sea, and the fundamental meaning of going to the blood sea is of course to go to the three realms.

But now, news came out that the passageway at the entrance to the beast domain turned out to lead to the sea of ​​blood. Naturally, countless people couldn't sit still.

What Jiang Liuxue said before, everyone was skeptical, but if he could really go to the sea of ​​blood, or even go to the Three Realms through the sea of ​​blood, the things Jiang Liuxue said might not be there.

Taking a step back, even if you can't go to the Three Realms, the sea of ​​blood is still a treasure land, and there are countless treasured things in it.

The cultivation resources produced by the Blood Sea itself are already unimaginable. Take the Blood Sea Secret Stone as an example, although it is not a common commodity in the Blood Sea, it is not a very cherished thing either.

Secondly, before the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken, it was the dream of many people, and many people tried their best to cross the bloody sea.

Some people succeeded, but more people failed, and the things on them were all in the sea of ​​blood.

Many people even rioted because of this, and even began to co-sign to extract confessions from the defenders, demanding that the entrances and exits be opened.

Qiao Ye also knew the news, but she was not happy.

Because, there is something wrong with this matter.

The person who explored the channel hasn't come back yet, why is there such news?

Moreover, this kind of gossip usually does not have much credibility, but this time it seems to be conclusive, and even made many people start to protest against the defenders.

maybe only one...

Someone is fueling the flames!

Moreover, what is even more frightening is that it is not only in Wuyu, but also in Lingyu and Moyu. Even King Ruyang has not fully controlled the Daqian Dynasty because he has just ascended the throne, and he is almost unable to suppress those people.

Jin Shengyi broke the mystery with a single sentence: "Don't treat everyone as a fool, maybe no one thinks this is strange, but so what? The temptation of this matter is too great!"

Lin Ziyi and Qin Jianchuan nodded in agreement. Why didn't they have any ideas in mind?

At this time, Qiao Ye suddenly glanced at his waist, took out a spiritual paper, looked at it and said, "You guys help me take care of Xiao Ji, Lin Jie and Liang Zhicheng want to see me."

Lin Ziyi patted Xiaoji's head and smiled, "Just go, it's in the Linglong Tower, can something happen?"

Watching Qiao Ye leave, Qin Jianchuan said enviously: "Qiao Ye is the only day-level class that can directly talk to the twenty-eight stars of the boundary guard, right?"

Now, not only Qiao Ye, Lin Ziyi, Qin Jianchuan and Jin Shengyi have also entered the daytime class.

This can also be regarded as a microcosm. They all symbolize the younger generation of defenders, and the best of this generation of defenders have already begun to emerge.

However, there are still very few people who can get Qiao Ye's treatment.

Jin Shengyi said: "If you don't envy him, he has already reached the Martial Emperor Realm. We are still worrying about this matter. I think back then, when I first met him, he was just my primary school boy. The most worthy What is commendable is that he has a lot of ruthlessness, what about now? Not only is he ruthless enough, but his cultivation base is higher than mine."

Qin Jianchuan nodded and said, "We have to work harder!"

We are all young people, so there is naturally envy, but just envy, the three of them are not jealous, on the contrary, young people should naturally have the spirit of not admitting defeat, and the presence of Qiao Ye can also make them stronger motivation.

Qiao Ye climbed all the way up the Linglong Tower and went to Liang Zhicheng's room. As soon as he entered the door, he found Liang Zhicheng and Lin Jie must be frowning.

"Come here?" Seeing Qiao Ye enter the door, Lin Jiexu stretched out his hand and said, "Sit!"

Qiao Ye sat down at the side, Liang Zhicheng said: "Qiao Ye, I'll cut to the chase, because you were the one who caught Jiang Liuxue last time, so I think I need to tell you something."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Say."

Liang Zhicheng said: "That Jiang Liuxue really escaped from Longxijian, because he revived one of the twenty-eight guardians, Northern Xuri Rat, Wang Xiangyou!"

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows, of course Qiao Ye knew about Wang Xiangyou, but it was said that she died in battle, because it happened a few years ago, so no one has taken over the position of the Northern Void Rat.

Liang Zhicheng continued: "Wang Xiangyou used to be the twenty-eight-star guardian of the boundary, and he is very familiar with Longxijian. He can't be bothered by formations and restrictions. Moreover, he desperately protects each other. He fights alone against the two guardians on duty. Although Eighteen Stars died in battle, they helped Jiang Liuxue win the chance to escape."

When Liang Zhicheng said this, he showed a bit of helplessness. No matter how strong the city wall was, he was afraid of being destroyed from the inside. Although Wang Xiangyou's incident was not caused by an internal problem among the defenders, the effect was similar. Some of the arrangements made by Jiang Liuxue became meaningless in front of Jiang Liuxue.

Qiao Ye said: "This is a non-war crime. No one thought of it. Moreover, since it happened, there is no point in thinking about it."

"En!" Liang Zhicheng nodded, and Lin Jiexu said, "There is another thing, Qiao Ye, you should have heard the recent rumors, right?"

Qiao Ye said: "As for the entrance and exit of the beast domain, can it lead to the world of the sea of ​​blood?"

Everyone has been discussing this matter hotly recently, and this is the only rumor that Lin Jie has to say!


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