Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 846 Something Happened

Chapter 846 Something Happened

Lin Jiexu nodded and said, "What do you think about this matter?"

Qiao Ye hesitated for a moment and said, "Then the rumor can't be true?"

Lin Jiexu and Liang Zhicheng looked at each other, and then showed helplessness.

Lin Jiexu said: "You guessed it right. In the early hours of this morning, I got accurate news. If there is no accident, the passage formed by the bloody mist leads to the legendary sea of ​​​​blood."

Qiao Ye was stunned and said: "But, this is unreasonable. Didn't the news about the sea of ​​blood spread out a few days ago?"

Lin Jiexu said: "So, the news was definitely not revealed by us defenders."

The joint team responsible for the exploration has a total of twenty-five people, and it is not impossible for the news to be revealed. After all, it is a three-domain alliance, and it may not be selfish and secretly sent messages.

However, in the early hours of this morning, the three defenders returned to the Nine Domains Battlefield. Two Guardians of the Spiritual Domain and one Guardian of the Wuyu Domain contacted and reported immediately.

The reason why the three came back was not that they were in danger, but that there was no way to send messages to the outside world within the sea of ​​blood, so the three could only leave the team and return to report the situation.

This means that it is impossible for someone to send a private message to reveal the matter of the blood sea, rather than the person in charge of the exploration. Even Lin Jiexu and Liang Zhicheng only knew the news not long ago, but the news of the blood sea was actually a few days ago. The day spread out!

Qiao Ye hesitated for a moment, and then said, "I think, could Jiang Liuxue do it?"

Lin Jiexu and Liang Zhicheng looked at each other with wry smiles on their faces.

They thought so too!

Originally Jiang Liuxue made the announcement during the alliance, and everyone felt it was inexplicable, but now that the matter has developed to this point, it is almost a lot clearer, and some things are almost certain.

First, Jiang Liuxue's words seemed to be directing everyone to the sea of ​​blood.

Second, Jiang Liuxue provoked the battle, firstly to tamper with the entrance and exit of the beast domain, and secondly, it may be just to announce those words. The battle itself does not have much meaning, but it may also be a deliberate display of strength. After all, Amao and Agou jumped out and said, I know that no one believes where the beast master is in the legend of the beast realm, but what if a human supreme said it?

Of course, Jiang Liuxue is not the supreme being in the world, but he used another method, which is to show unimaginable means. After all, such a thing as death and resurrection is too miraculous, which makes Jiang Liuxue's sense of mystery even stronger , and his words will thus enhance their credibility.

Third, if the first and second inferences are correct, then Jiang Liuxue's purpose is almost certain to guide everyone to the sea of ​​blood. Then, the recent rumors about the sea of ​​blood are likely to be Jiang Liuxue deliberately spread out.

Qiao Ye said: "The most important thing is that the rumors are not limited to the Nine Realms battlefield, there are rumors in the Demon Realm, Spirit Realm, and Martial Realm, and I heard that the same is true in the Beast Realm."

The entrance and exit were banned, and Beast Realm lost contact for the time being, but Beast Realm also sent people to Xuehai, which meant that they must have received some news.

Qiao Ye said: "That guy seems to have clones in every domain, and only he can spread such news everywhere at the same time."

Liang Zhicheng said: "The question now is, why did he do this? What is the significance of guiding us to the sea of ​​blood?"

Qiao Ye babbled, but Qiao Ye couldn't answer this question.

This is why Jiang Liuxue's behavior is so unpredictable. You can know what this guy wants to do, but you can't guess what he is doing it for.

Simply put, you can guess his goal, but not his purpose.

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "So, should we intercept it? Don't let people enter the sea of ​​blood."

Lin Jiexu nodded and said: "I do have such an idea. After all, although I don't know what Jiang Liuxue is going to do, if he is actively promoting this matter, then he must have no good intentions. We have to guard against it!"

Lin Jiexu finished speaking halfway, and suddenly paused, then made a "wait a moment" gesture, and then took out a summoning spirit paper to look at.

In the next instant, Lin Jiexu's expression changed drastically.

"Something happened!" Lin Jiexu raised his head and said, "I can't stop it."

Lin Jie had to throw the spiritual paper of summons to Liang Zhicheng.

Liang Zhicheng took a look at the spirit paper of the summons, and immediately got up and said, "I will call the defenders of Linglong Tower to suppress it now!"

Qiao Ye quickly followed the two bosses, and couldn't help but ask, "What happened?"

Liang Zhicheng handed the message spirit finger to Qiao Ye and said, "Look for yourself!"

Qiao Ye just glanced at it, and her expression changed.

The Beast Masters in the Beast Realm rioted!

All the members of the Devil's Hall join forces with the Night Demons of the Devil's Realm to raid the entrance and exit of the Beast Realm!

Qiao Ye didn't have time to read the passage, but after seeing these two sentences, she knew something serious had happened.

Qiao Ye quickly unfolded the spiritual paper of communication and looked down.

About half an hour ago, the beast masters who were stranded on the battlefield of the Nine Realms suddenly rioted, rushed out of the city forcibly, and attacked the entrance and exit leading to the beast realm.

The riot came out of nowhere, but the people from Moyu followed closely behind, and the attack was obviously premeditated.

At that time, after the riot in the Beast Realm, the demon hall members rushed out from all directions immediately, without any intention of fighting, and quickly entered the entrance and exit of the Beast Realm. Obviously, there was a command, and they had figured out the defense cloth of the entrance and exit. Array.

Even, the riot of the beast masters may have something to do with Moyu, maybe it was instigated by the people of Moyu, otherwise it would not be such a coincidence.

Qiao Ye squeezed the spiritual paper of communication and said, "Jin Shangshen!"

The master of the magic hall, Jin Shangshen!

Qiao Ye felt that that guy made a move!

After King Ruyang ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, Jin Shangshen's life was not easy.

On the bright side, King Ruyang was able to ascend the throne, and Jin Shangshen's rebellion played a vital role, but those who can rebel once may rebel a second time, and King Ruyang does not trust Jinshangshen.

Now, in the Daqian Dynasty, the status of Jin Shangshen can be said to be below one person and above ten thousand people, but although the status has been improved, the real power has been cut a lot by King Ruyang.

Therefore, Jin Shangshen had long been dissatisfied with King Ruyang.

This time, Jinshangshen also took the lead in forcing the palace, threatening that the inheritance of the founding emperor should not be neglected and that he should act immediately, but he was suppressed by King Ruyang. King Ruyang knew what Jinshangshen wanted very well. The Dagan Dynasty brought back the inheritance, but Jinshangshen played repeatedly, and he led the demons to the sea of ​​blood. This is completely Sima Zhao's heart, and everyone knows it.

King Ruyang indeed has a great talent and great strategy, but after all, it has not been long since he regained control of the Dagan Dynasty. It is not an easy task to suppress Jinshangshen, so...

In the current situation, in all likelihood, Jin Shangshen surpassed King Ruyang and acted directly!


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