Chapter 847

Under Liang Zhicheng's dispatch, the defenders in the Linglong Pagoda quickly dispatched and boarded the flying boat to catch up with the entrance and exit of the beast realm.

at the same time……

The town guards were summoned immediately and went to suppress them. Strictly speaking, this matter was actually the responsibility of the town guards.

Standing on the flying boat, Jin Shengyi came to Qiao Ye and said, "This matter may be messy."

Qiao Ye nodded.

The riot in the beast domain and the attack in the demon domain, on the surface, both of them just want to enter the entrance and exit of the beast domain, but in fact this matter is not that simple.

In terms of Demon Realm, King Ruyang has been under tremendous pressure, and the same is true for Lingyu and Wuyu.

Since the news of the sea of ​​blood came out, Wu Yu, headed by the Twelve Kingdoms, jointly put pressure on the defenders, hoping that the defenders would treat the sea of ​​blood according to the attitude of the previous secret realm opening.

There are even gossips that slander the defenders, saying that the defenders want to monopolize the qualifications to explore the sea of ​​blood, and the production of cultivation resources that monopolize the sea of ​​blood, so they prohibit entry and exit, and do not let anyone approach them.

Moreover, even the most loyal allies of the defenders, the four major academies representing the four major inheritance places of Wuyu, had an ambiguous attitude this time. Although they did not speak out, they also did not stand on the side of the defenders.

You must know that more than 50% of the core members of the guardians, guards, and world mystics were trained by the four major academies.

There is no way, the temptation of the sea of ​​blood is too great.

As for the Lingyu side, it’s actually the same. Headed by the three major divisions of the Lingyu, they have forced the palace twice to the 16th General, the guardian of the Lingyu. in and out.

This time, the guardians of Lingyu and Wuyu had a tacit understanding, and they were also under tremendous pressure, but at least they survived.

It's just that, once Moyu does this, such persistence is meaningless.

Because it will definitely cause sequelae.

It's like a fuse.

There is no way to stop the entrance and exit of the Beast Realm, because the other entrance and exit is in the direction of the Beast Realm, and the Demon Realm has already rushed in by force, so the people from the Wu Realm and the Ling Realm can still sit still?

Sure enough, Jin Shengyi's prophecy came true. When he arrived at the entrance and exit of the beast realm, he heard the sound of killing from a long distance away.

In front of the entrance and exit of the beast domain, there has long been a mess, and people are fighting everywhere.

After the news spread that the Demon Realm forcibly attacked the entrance and exit of the Beast Realm, the demonizers, spiritual monks, and warriors who could almost come here all rushed here immediately, wanting to take advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, enter the fog of chaos, and head to the sea of ​​blood.


There were more and more people, and in the end, it directly turned into a fight, forcibly attacking the entrance and exit of the beast domain.

Liang Zhicheng came to the bow of the flying boat, and said straight to the point: "Leave the repression to the guards. You guard the entrance and exit in front of the chaotic fog. Anyone who wants to go in will be killed without mercy. Do you understand?"


A group of defenders agreed and jumped directly from the top of the flying boat.

Qiao Ye rubbed Xiao Ji's head and said, "It's too messy this time, you and Si Buxiang will stay on the flying boat, okay? I'll be back in a while."

Xiao Ji tilted her head, as if she was thinking, and then agreed in a childish voice: "Okay!"

Qiao Ye smiled and pinched Xiao Ji's face, then got up and walked towards the bow of the ship.

Polaris followed closely behind Qiao Ye, and his eyes showed a bit of excitement on his frosty face.

After Polaris became Qiao Ye's Beast Familiar, he hadn't really fought, because Qiao Ye's order had always been to protect Xiaoji.

The practice method of the beast master is indeed very interesting. The spiritual connection with the beast master allows Qiao Ye to clearly feel the fighting spirit of the North Star at this moment.

This feeling makes Qiao Ye a little happy, because Qiao Ye still can't achieve the beast soul symbiosis, but Qiao Ye has been working hard for it.

Being able to feel Polaris' heart means that the compatibility between the two has increased significantly. Of course, it also means that the symbiosis of beast souls has taken a step forward. This is definitely a joke.

"This time..." Qiao Ye looked at Polaris and said, "You can play whatever you want, just remember two points, first, don't get hurt, and second, distinguish the enemy clearly!"

Polaris nodded, such an order naturally made her even more delighted.

next moment...

Polaris tapped his toes directly, turned over in the air, and landed on the railing of the airship.

After spreading his arms, Polaris entered a fighting state, with crystal armor emerging from his body, and then his body fell backwards, and the whole person hung upside down from the airship and fell downwards.

At the moment of falling, a crystallized hand crossbow appeared in Polaris' hands, and then his body twisted violently, and he writhed in the air.

While his body was writhing, Polaris also pulled the trigger continuously, firing downward.

The two crystallized crossbows roared instantly!

Aurora beams shot down from the sky one after another, and through the tumbling of Polaris' body, the aurora beams fell in different directions and blasted to the ground continuously.

Boom, boom, boom!

The sound of explosions resounded continuously, and every bombardment of the aurora beam would continuously shatter the ground and send people around flying out.

However, Polaris also kept Qiao Ye's order in mind. In order to avoid accidental injury, the range of the aurora beam bombardment was the rear of the battle circle, not the center of the most intense battle.

After a while, the Polaris landed on the ground, and as soon as his hands were loosened, the crystallized crossbows glowed with silvery white light, countless halos scattered, and then the two crystallized crossbows became crystallized long swords!

Polaris tapped his toes and rushed directly into the crowd, twisting his ankles lightly, as if dancing, his figure fluttered like a frightened bird, and the long sword danced out, crystal shards would sway down every time he struck, looking extremely gorgeous and beautiful.


Blood splattered, embellishing this gorgeous dance.

"You defeated a Demon Transformer of the ninth level of the Demon Sect Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the Martial Soul value: 31,500 points."

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the ninth level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 32,000 points."

"You defeated a martial artist of the seventh rank of the Martial Ancestor Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 25,000 points."


Polaris finally had a good time fighting this time. With Polaris entering the battle, Qiao Ye also continuously absorbed the martial soul value, and the number continued to rise.

Although Qiao Ye didn't make a move, Polaris was Qiao Ye's imperial beast, so they were naturally regarded as one.

Therefore, Qin Jianchuan stepped on the railing of the flying boat, and said with a smile: "Qiao Ye has already made a move, so we should also show our hand?"

As Qin Jianchuan spoke, he stretched out his hand and shook it in the air.

Come the sword!


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