Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 848: There Are Companions Around, Enemies Surrounding

Chapter 848

Qin Jianchuan stretched out his hand and held it in the air, and actually grabbed a sword.

This hand is quite beautiful.

This is to control the sword with qi, and it is different from the general sword qi. The general sword qi uses the qi mechanism in the warrior's body, but Qin Jianchuan's hand uses the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!

This is not an easy task. You must know that this skill is exclusive to Lingyu, and it is somewhat similar to the aura of Wanfa Lingtu, but the cultivation method of Lingyu is spiritual power, and communicating with the aura of all things is cultivation. fundamental.

Not Qin Jianchuan!

It can only be said that Qin Jianchuan's swordsmanship has indeed reached a very advanced level. Being able to communicate with the world with a sword is not something that ordinary swordsmen can do.

In terms of cultivation, Qin Jianchuan's cultivation talent can only be regarded as an upper-middle posture. Although it is considered outstanding, it is much better than Qin Jianchuan.

However, when it comes to the way of the sword...

Qin Jianchuan is indeed rare in the world!

at the same time……

A large imaginary sword appeared in the sky and stabbed down from the sky.

When the giant sword fell to the ground, it immediately made a loud roar, and the ground was directly pierced into pieces. At the same time, the phantom of the giant sword shattered and turned into hundreds of sword qi, which scattered in all directions, and there were wailing sounds all around.

Qin Jianchuan proudly said: "Amazing!"

"What's so great, don't use this kind of ranged damage." Jin Shengyi said: "You hurt your own people!"

While talking, Jin Shengyi jumped up and jumped off the flying boat.

Martial Soul, Golden Armor of Hundred Battles!

Jin Shengyi's body bloomed with brilliance, and a large golden light appeared, sticking to Jin Shengyi's body like water, wrapping Jin Shengyi's body, forming a golden leaf armor.


Jin Shengyi landed straight on the ground, punched a dent in the ground, and then took out a golden knife from the space treasure, and swept it towards the side.


A head flew up, and the tip of Jin Shengyi's knife was stained with blood.

Now that Jin Shengyi had already gone down, the others naturally did not delay.

Qin Jianchuan jumped straight up, imitating Jin Shengyi's appearance, and went straight to the ground.

Lin Ziyi rose lightly, and at the moment of falling, the sky-shattering butterfly flew around Lin Ziyi's body, and powders of different colors immediately flew up beside Lin Ziyi, as if supporting Lin Ziyi, making Lin Ziyi It fell lightly to the ground.




"What is this, damn it, what is this..."

Surrounding Lin Ziyi, there were continuous wailing sounds, and then, a large number of people's faces were ashen, and they struggled in pain.

When they inhaled those powders, they were doomed.

It is highly poisonous, but it is a major symbol of the Heaven-shattering Demon Butterfly.

Qiao Ye reached out and rubbed Xiao Ji's head again, then raised her foot and pushed Si Buxiang who was holding her calf aside, turned over, and jumped off the flying boat.

About a dozen meters above the ground, Qiao Ye suddenly stretched out his arms, and the spirits and spirits flew behind him, and soon drew a magic map.

Ten thousand dharma spirit map, aura of all phenomena!

With a bang, there was a sudden cracking sound in the air, and Qiao Ye walked in the air as if he had stepped on something.

Qiao Ye was floating in the air, and an invisible road seemed to appear under her feet.


As Qiao Ye walked forward in the air, he raised his fist and blasted out.


The ear-piercing electric sound suddenly sounded.

Ten thousand dharma spiritual diagrams, everything is going on!

Qiao Ye's body was constantly surrounded by electric currents, which triggered the sky thunder.

A large black cloud suddenly appeared, and it was densely packed. Immediately afterwards, lightning flashed and thunder thundered, and thunder after thunder continued to chop down from the sky.

"You defeated a Demon King Level 7 Demon Transformer, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 52,000 points."

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the fourth level of the Spirit King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 30,000 points."

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the ninth level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 19,500 points."


As soon as Qiao Ye made a move, he suppressed many people, but Qiao Ye became a target immediately.

Leading thunder, floating in the air, both are too conspicuous.

Someone quickly surrounded Qiao Ye and jumped into the sky, trying to blow Qiao Ye down from the sky...


The air suddenly filled with the smell of blood!

The moment those people came into the air, Qiao Ye's fingertips moved slightly, as if they were manipulating something.

In the next instant, countless blood lines suddenly appeared.

Before those people could react, their bodies were cut into pieces suddenly, turning into a large pile of corpses and falling to the ground.

With a large amount of blood, the power of the white battle blood technique is naturally multiplied. Qiao Ye waved his hand casually, and the blood falling from the air suddenly squirmed.

Hundred battle blood technique, three styles, thorns!

Puff puff!

The fresh blood that fell on the ground suddenly turned into blood thorns one by one as it squirmed, and retreated towards the surroundings. In an instant, someone was pierced, and even hung directly on the blood thorns.

In the air, the strong smell of blood began to waft.

"You defeated a spirit cultivator at the first level of the Spirit King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 23,000 points."

"You defeated a martial artist at the first level of the Martial King Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 23,000 points."


at the same time……

Qiao Ye fell to the ground, withdrew the magic map, and stretched out his hand to hold it sideways. Black smoke was lingering, and a black halberd appeared in Qiao Ye's palm.

Although he is not afraid, no one likes to be targeted in the air, and Qiao Ye is not stupid!

The moment Qiao Ye fell to the ground, Lin Ziyi moved closer to Qiao Ye, leaning against her back.

At this moment, Qiao Ye was in a daze.

Just like many years ago, in front of that spiritual temple, it was like this.

I stood with Lin Ziyi.

There are companions and enemies around!

As Qiao Ye was thinking, he lowered his halberd with his hand. A demon who rushed up had just arrived in front of Qiao Ye, and his body was cut in half by Qiao Ye.

"You defeated a Demon Transformer of the sixth level of the Demon Sect Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 15,000 points."

Lin Ziyi said: "To the southwest, the defenders are gathering."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Well, let's kill them."

Lin Ziyi said: "Don't worry, I'm behind you!"

There is still a little pressure on the defenders to deal with such a situation. It has nothing to do with strength, but the number of people. Even if Liang Zhicheng arrived immediately with the defenders from the Linglong Tower, there were only three hundred.

However, there are at least three to five thousand people who have gathered in a short period of time and want to rush into the entrance of the beast realm and go to the sea of ​​blood.

With such a number, even if the defenders are stronger, it will be difficult to stop them all, not to mention that once this riot occurs, more people will rush over, wanting to fish in troubled waters and enter the sea of ​​​​blood.


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