Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 849 The overall situation has been decided

Chapter 849

The best way to deal with this chaos is to line up, guard the entrance and exit, and then wait for the arrival of the guards, who will suppress it.

The personal strength of the guardians is not seen to be higher than that of the defenders, but there is a reason why the guardians are recognized as the strongest. Apart from the fact that all the guardians can fight, there are many guardians!

In fact, guards can use the army to look at Dai. To be precise, it is the management method of the elite army. In addition to strong personal strength, what is more important is that there are many people and they understand battles.

In the current situation, we can only rely on the guards.

As for before that, it is natural to stop a batch and count as a batch, so we can only do our best.

While Qiao Ye was thinking, the black halberd in his hand swung round and swept out towards the side, directly sweeping people away, but at this moment, a knife light flickered on the other side of Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye immediately flipped his wrist, and the black halberd circled around Qiao Ye's wrist for half a circle, and then turned to the other side. Qiao Ye sent the black halberd, and stabbed the opponent the moment the blade light fell. throat.

"You defeated a warrior at the first level of the Martial King Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained a Martial Soul value: 37,000 points."

And behind Qiao Ye, because of Lin Ziyi, he was extremely stable.

Lin Ziyi rubbed his hands together, and the three-color streamers around him overflowed, looking extremely beautiful, and then in the floating halo, light butterflies flew out one after another.

The spread wings of those light butterflies are like sharp blades, flying past the crowd, immediately bringing out patches of blood splashes, and at the same time, the sky-shattering demon butterflies are constantly releasing poisonous powder, and then...


"Let me go, let me go!"

Many people in the rear screamed miserably, inhaling the poisonous powder of the sky-shattering butterfly, many people fell into hallucinations, became inexplicably mad, roared continuously, and even started to attack their companions around them.

at the same time……

Qiao Ye also had a thought, and tried his tacit understanding with Polaris.

I can feel the fighting spirit of Polaris, so can Polaris feel my own?


Boom, boom!

Two brilliant aurora beams suddenly appeared, pushed flat from the side, made a huge roar, and exploded in the crowd, blowing people away.

"You defeated a spirit cultivator at the fifth level of the Spirit King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 48,000 points."

"You defeated a fifth-level devil in the Demon Sect Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 22,000 points."

"You defeated a Demon Transformer of the eighth level of the Demon Sect Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 31,000 points."


Polaris suddenly arrived, and killed many people with two aurora beams. Immediately afterwards, Polaris turned into an afterimage and suddenly shot out from the side. Cooperating with Qiao Ye's charge, he forcibly opened a path.

Qiao Ye couldn't help being overjoyed. What Qiao Ye thought in his heart was to let Polaris detour from the side to the rear, and he and Polaris attacked at the same time, forcing a way out.

Facts have proved that Polaris has done a good job, which means that she feels her own heart.

At the same time, with the help of Polaris, Qiao Ye successfully cleared a path, and Lin Ziyi and Lin Ziyi quickly came to the front of the chaotic fog.

"Day-level Boundary Guardian Qiao Ye!" Coming to the front of the chaotic fog, Qiao Ye quickly took out his token and said, "My own!"

Lin Ziyi also took out the token and said, "My own!"

The boundary guard who was guarding the edge of the chaotic fog didn't say anything, just nodded, and then Qiao Ye and Lin Ziyi went to the other side, ready to fight.

The sea of ​​blood is indeed an extremely attractive existence. The group of people in front of them are rushing like crazy. Moreover, the defenders are indeed in a hard fight. The opponents come from all directions, and it is impossible to completely defend them. There must still be someone who can rush. into the fog of chaos.

There is nothing the defenders can do about this, and more people are crazy about it. Others can enter, why can't they enter?

Qiao Ye kept swinging his halberd, and the clothes on his body were dyed red.

Even, the collision of weapons did not know how many times, which made Qiao Ye's arms a little numb.

Lin Ziyi also looked quite embarrassed, with blood sticking her hair to her face.

Qiao Ye couldn't help stretching out her hand, and lifted Lin Ziyi's hair, saying, "If you're tired, stand behind me and rest for a while, don't be brave."

Lin Ziyi was stunned, then smiled, and whispered: "Mmm!"

This was a fierce battle, and the only thing that is thankful is that this fierce battle did not last too long.

After about half an hour, the guards finally arrived.

When the guards arrived, the disadvantage in numbers was reversed, and the situation was turned upside down.

Liang Zhicheng jumped up at the opportunity, showing the fierceness of Emperor Wu, and flew straight into the sky.

"Greedy Wolf!" Liang Zhicheng roared in mid-air, "Bite!"

Liang Zhicheng blasted forward with a punch, and dense fist shadows blasted forward. When each fist shadow flew out, it would turn into the shape of wolf heads and explode in the crowd. Qiao Ye saw it with his own eyes. It turned out that after a strong man in the Martial Emperor Realm took a hard punch, his body exploded abruptly, turning into a blood mist that filled the sky.

Liang Zhicheng's violent outburst seemed to be a signal to counterattack. The guards followed the trend and quickly charged into the crowd. His style was as fierce as ever, like a wolf like a tiger!

About half a stick of incense later, the guardians of the spiritual realm also arrived...

The overall situation is settled!

When all the dust settled, Qiao Ye also sat down on the ground, gasping for breath.

In fact, Qiao Ye didn't suffer any injuries, but this kind of continuous fighting with enemies on all sides was really tiring. Qiao Ye even felt that it would be better to let that guy Dongfang Yao live again and have another fight with him. Not so exhausting.

"It's all hard work!" Liang Zhicheng said: "The guards are stationed here, but everyone can't leave yet, go to the flying boat to rest, and be on standby at any time!"

Because news of the sea of ​​blood spread in a short period of time, the guards alone would definitely not be able to control the entrance and exit. Therefore, the guards could only be stationed on a large scale. Of course, just in case, Liang Zhicheng did not let Everyone leaves.

Back on the flying boat, Qiao Ye simply washed up, nothing happened to her left or right, Qiao Ye wiped it casually, and a light curtain appeared in front of her eyes.

Good guy, my martial spirit is enough to raise my cultivation level by one level. It is conceivable how many people Qiao Ye killed in this battle.

What Qiao Ye wants to improve most now is the Nine-Turn Golden Body. Firstly, it can confirm his guess. As long as the Nine-Turn Golden Body is perfect and able to reach the first rank, he can continue to absorb the Iron Book of the God of War. Second, it doesn't matter if his guess is wrong. , I still have a blood bodhi in my hand now!

It's a pity that the martial soul value required for the nine-turn golden body is still a bit short.


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