Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 850 Pointing at the Sea of ​​Blood

Chapter 850

After thinking about it, Qiao Ye decided to raise his cultivation to one level first.

Host: Qiao Ye.

Title: Killing a Thousand People

Combat power: 15056000

Cultivation level: Martial Emperor Realm fourth rank.

The power of the elements: the heart of the soul of fire.

State of mind: Supreme Killing Realm

Martial soul value: 25000/23000000

Martial Dao and Martial Soul: Dazzling Heavenly Demon (Rank 4) (variable variants).

Spiritual practice: spiritual map of ten thousand dharmas (fourth grade)

Items: Twins in One Realm, Nine-Turn Magic Bell Ball, Sixteen-prism Lightsword Mirror, Iron Book of Valkyrie (Volume 26), Dragon Demon Claw (Tier 2)

Royal Beast: Four Different Phases (Growing Period) Polaris (Peak Period)

Cultivation method: Fuji Sword (contemplating ideas) Bloodthirsty Maniac (Congfa)

Martial arts: Hundred Battle Blood Technique (rank three), Breaking Heavenly Palm (rank three), Ascension to Heaven Road (rank seven), nine-turn golden body (rank four)


Although it is very important to improve the nine-turn golden body, so is the cultivation base. The cultivation base has a certain relationship with the state of mind, and the supreme killing state is also very strong. After entering the fifth level of the Martial Emperor Realm, it is considered to have entered the middle stage of the Martial Emperor Realm. Qiao Ye can better understand the supreme killing situation.

As for the nine-turn golden body, there is no doubt that after accumulating martial soul points, the nine-turn golden body will be Qiao Ye's main improvement.

Cultivation is not the only one, martial arts and martial arts are still very important. Ask Liang Zhicheng if he wants to become a martial artist, but has his martial arts and martial arts fallen? Obviously not, a Martial Emperor Realm requires at least two or three martial arts skills, otherwise such a Martial Emperor Realm must have moisture.

Improving her cultivation level had some recovering effects. Qiao Ye threw another elixir into her mouth, and after telling Xiao Ji not to run around, she asked Xiao Ji to meditate and practice, while Qiao Ye herself began to adjust her breath to recover.

It is worth mentioning that……

Xiaoji once again let Qiao Ye feel what it means to be able to do whatever she wants with talent. She is now at the peak of the ninth level of the Martial Spirit Realm, and is almost able to hit the Martial Madness Realm.

Longevity, how long has it been since this girl started practicing?

The next two days are fairly peaceful, but everyone knows that the current situation is not very good, and then...

Qiao Ye received a summons from Liang Zhicheng.

"Qiao Ye, sit down!" Entering Liang Zhicheng's room, Qiao Ye found that Liang Zhicheng was also quite haggard. After reaching out Qiao Ye casually, Liang Zhicheng said, "We are going to send someone to the sea of ​​blood."

Qiao Ye was not very surprised, and said directly: "Can't bear the pressure?"

Liang Zhicheng sighed and said: "First of all, in terms of Demon Realm, King Ruyang sent us a message to discuss, asking him to send people into the sea of ​​blood. There are quite a few people entering the sea of ​​blood in the demon hall. King Ruyang can't sit still anymore. It is possible to watch the people sent by Jin Shangshen find something, especially the inheritance of the founding emperor of the Dagan Dynasty. He also doesn’t want to gamble, so he wants to send someone.”

Qiao Ye said: "All the countries in Wuyu, including the four major academies, also want to go to the sea of ​​​​blood. We are also under great pressure. The most important thing is that the beast domain is not affected by us. They came from the ruins of Linhai City. You can go to the sea of ​​​​blood by the entrance and exit. King Ruyang is an ally after all in the Demon Realm. The current situation in the Demon Realm is still not very stable. Since King Ruyang is an ally, of course we have to help him. However, people from the Beast Realm and the Demon Realm are all bloody It's sea, we can't just wait, can we?"

Qiao Ye explained the current situation in advance, and Liang Zhicheng also nodded. This is the current headache for the defenders.

The defenders are obviously a little bit stuck in this regard, and continue to block the entrance and exit under pressure? To be honest, because of this chaos, many people entered, and opposition voices began to appear among the defenders.

Especially the Beast Realm cannot be stopped. Although King Ruyang is negotiating, if the defenders disagree, King Ruyang will definitely not let it go. At that time, the benefits will be all at the expense of the Demon Realm and the Beast Realm?

the most important is……

The defenders can't stand the pressure, and what's more troublesome is that Wu Yu can't stand the pressure. What if Ling Yu can't stand it?

Good guy, everyone ran to the sea of ​​blood to search for things later, and the people from Wuyu were watching?

Liang Zhicheng said: "So, the decision now is to send people first, and then count as long as they can suppress."

Qiao Ye nodded. This line of thinking is correct. Since it cannot be suppressed, priority should be given to the defenders to make their own profits.

Liang Zhicheng said: "You can be the first batch, would you like to?"

The first batch to go, in fact, there are good and bad.

The advantage is that they are one step ahead, and of course there will be more opportunities. The disadvantage is that the first batch must be more dangerous. There is actually very little information about the sea of ​​​​blood at the moment. It is still in the groping stage, and there is really not much helpful information.

However, could Qiao Ye back down at such a time?

This kind of situation has both advantages and disadvantages, Qiao Ye can only say that God only favors the brave.

Besides, it’s not like if you enter later, you’ll be fine.

Qiao Ye said directly, "When shall I leave?"

Liang Zhicheng handed a handwritten letter to Qiao Ye and said, "Hold my handwritten letter, you can go there at any time. Also, it's best not to go alone this time. You can pick some people. No one knows what's going on in the sea of ​​blood. It’s always a good thing to have people around you who take care of each other.”

"Okay!" Qiao Ye stood up and took the warrant, "Then I'll go first!"

Qiao Ye didn't exchange too many pleasantries with Liang Zhicheng. Liang Zhicheng was also very tired recently about the matter of the sea of ​​blood. He still had a lot of things to deal with right now. After taking the paperwork, Qiao Ye left.

After going out, Qiao Ye pondered for a moment who she should go with.

But Qiao Ye didn't think about it for too long, because...

Qiao Ye found that he didn't seem to have many people to find.

Qiao Ye took out the spiritual paper and quickly contacted Qin Jianchuan. Jin Shengyi and Lin Ziyi met at the bow of the flying boat.

"Can you go to the sea of ​​blood?" After meeting Qiao Ye, Qin Jianchuan was the first to get excited and said, "This is a good thing!"

Jin Shengyi was as mature and prudent as ever, pondered for a while and said: "I think we need to make some preparations."

Qin Jianchuan immediately said: "I am always ready, I have a sword and it will be done!"

Jin Shengyi rolled his eyes, and said, "First, we need a boat..."

Qin Jianchuan said: "Can't the flying boat work?"

Jin Shengyi said helplessly: "Can you shut your mouth first?"

Qiao Ye said: "Flying boats should not work. I remember hearing about this before. It seems that according to historical documents, there are many places in the sea of ​​blood that are called restricted areas, and treasures will become invalid and cannot be used."

The flying boat is of course also a treasure, and if the treasure cannot be used, of course it means that the flying boat cannot be used.

"The second is the weather!" Lin Ziyi added: "I have also seen some records about the blood sea in historical documents. The weather in the blood sea is unpredictable, and there will be storms from time to time. flight."


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