Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 852 This guy is a slut

Chapter 852 This Guy Is A Slut

Lin Ziyi looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Since when did you have the habit of eating children?"

Qin Jianchuan smiled and said, "Is the brain delicious?"

Qiao Ye spread her hands with a dazed look on her face.

However, the voice was a little familiar.

Qiao Ye said: "Let's go and have a look!"

The voice kept yelling until Qiao Ye came to the door of the cell, and then saw Zhang Li Wang squatting in the cell, grabbing the railing and cursing loudly.


Zhang Liwang was dumbfounded in an instant, and after a while, Zhang Liwang hugged Qiao Ye's calf through the gate and said, "Boss, I miss you so much!"

"Senior, open the door!" Qiao Ye said to Huang Yu, then bent down and pinched Zhang Liwang's throat, lifted Zhang Liwang and said, "Do you miss me so much? Since you miss me so much, don't you?" I should explain why it suddenly disappeared when I was in the secret realm?"

Zhang Liwang hurriedly said: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

"Hmph!" Qiao Ye looked at Zhang Liwang and said, "I think your brains are delicious."

Zhang Liwang felt that Qiao Ye's palms were tightening, and he was a little suffocated, but he didn't dare to struggle, and hurriedly said: "I'm helping you, I'm going to help you, it's definitely not running away."

At this time, Huang Yu opened the door, Qiao Ye snorted again, and let go of Tension King.

Qiao Ye said, "Have you been arrested for rioting?"

Zhang Liwang hurriedly said: "Boss, this matter has nothing to do with me at all, you must believe me, it was the grandsons who said that the alliance between you and the beast domain has collapsed, and all those who came here will be killed." The beast masters were all buried alive, and then they instigated a riot, and I just ran with them."

In fact, this matter has been found out, it is a good thing done by the magic hall, and it may also have the effect caused by Jiang Liuxue's fuel. This caused panic and riots.

Qiao Ye looked at Zhang Liwang and said, "Do you know how to sail?"

Zhang Liwang was stunned for a moment, and then said with an apologetic smile: "Boss, what you said, have you forgotten my old profession?"

Seeing the puzzled look on other people's faces, Qiao Ye explained: "This guy is a pirate leader. He is a well-known pirate in Linhai City, Beast Realm. He has his own pirate group, and his bounties are among the top ten in Linhai City!"

Of course, pirates depend on the sea for their food, and being able to be a pirate like the Tension King is actually quite capable. Moreover, this guy's strength is not bad, at least he is a beast king.

Qiao Ye said, "Is there a boat?"

Zhang Liwang timidly said: "Boss, those without boats are called bandits."

"That's the guy." Qiao Ye said to Zhang Liwang: "We are going to sea, so now we need a guy who knows how to sail, do you understand the meaning?"

Zhang Liwang immediately said: "I must perform well."

Qiao Ye nodded, then said to Qin Jianchuan, "Feed him poison!"

Zhang Liwang suddenly changed his face and said: "Boss..."

Qiao Ye patted Zhang Liwang on the cheek and said: "Don't worry, you won't die, just take the antidote once a month, so that you can be honest and obedient, and you won't have to run to rescue the soldiers again if something happens. "

Zhang Liwang shivered and said, "Well, actually, I don't know much about sailing. I think it's good to stay in the cell..."

Qiao Ye looked at Huang Yu and said, "Senior, it doesn't matter if someone dies occasionally in this prison?"

Huang Yu smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, you can save food if you die."

Zhang Liwang said seriously: "Boss, I think you need me very much, and I am very happy to work for you."

Qin Jianchuan and the others looked at each other, and came to a conclusion tacitly: this guy is a bitch!

Qiao Ye waved his hand, motioning for Zhang Liwang to follow him.

Although Qiao Ye knew very well that Zhang Liwang was a fool, this guy was muscular, and his big size was a bluff, but he was actually a thief, and he would be the first to run away if there was any danger.

But it is undeniable that Zhang Li Wang is really a very suitable candidate, because this guy is a pirate leader, and he is also a very powerful pirate leader.

Normally, pirates are actually more powerful than navies.

Because the pirates want to avoid the navy's pursuit, and the navy's ships and numbers far outnumber the pirates. In this case, if they are not wiped out and can deal with the navy, the big pirate leader must be able to crush the navy in all aspects.

Moreover, the navy does not float on the sea all year round. They have their own camps, and their daily drills are not all on board. On the contrary, because of the bounty for their arrest, although pirates will also go ashore, they spend most of their time with the sea.

Soon, Huang Yu asked someone to fetch King Zhang Li's imperial beast cage.

This guy actually has seven imperial beast cages. It can be seen that Qiao Ye has never seen Zhang Liwang's real strength. Qiao Ye already knows that Zhang Liwang has a white ape and a golden monkey.

Qiao Ye said: "Is there a royal beast of the ocean type?"

Zhang Liwang said honestly: "There are two heads, who hang around in the sea all year round, and they can't eat without sea-type beasts. This is a must."

Qiao Ye said, "Where's the boat?"

Zhang Liwang said: "Yes, my Manshen is a fifth-grade treasure, and it is in the space treasure."

Good guy, we have people and boats, this trip is worth it.

Now that he has everything, Qiao Ye is naturally ready to go.

Qin Jianchuan took out a porcelain bottle, poured out a pill and handed it to Zhang Liwang.

Zhang Li Wang is also a bachelor at this time, anyway, he will definitely not be able to run away, so just take it, grab the pill and throw it into his mouth. After swallowing it, he opened his mouth to show Qin Jianchuan.

Getting on the flying boat and going to the entrance and exit of the beast domain, Qiao Ye also chatted with Zhang Liwang about the purpose of the trip.

"Blood sea?" Zhang Liwang also looked surprised, obviously excited and said: "Is it the legendary blood sea? The blood sea of ​​the Three Realms and Beyond the Heavens?"

"Otherwise, how many seas of blood do you think there are?" It is impossible for Zhang Liwang to be completely honest just by coercion. You have a share, but if you are dishonest, or don't give me a good job, then don't blame me for turning around and sinking you into the sea."

Zhang Liwang hurriedly said: "Don't worry, I will work hard!"

While speaking, the flying boat also landed at the entrance and exit of the beast domain.

This place has been completely taken over by the guards, and no one is even allowed to enter within a radius of ten miles. Anyone who dares to break in, the guards will kill them directly.

Even Qiao Ye and the others were interrogated. However, the guards and guards must have communicated with each other before. After Qiao Ye took out Liang Zhicheng's paperwork, he didn't ask about the convenience and let them go.


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