Chapter 853 Storm

Zhang Liwang walked and said: "Boss, we can't go like this, we still need to prepare some things."

Qiao Ye said, "What do you need to prepare?"

Zhang Liwang said: "I have a boat, and I also have some other tools used at sea, but I still need to prepare food and fresh water."

Qiao Ye said: "These are all ready, is there anything else in my space treasure?"

Zhang Liwang thought for a while and said: "There are spare sails. Although I have a boat, I don't have any spare sails. I still need some wood. The ship will be damaged during sailing and needs to be repaired in time. Medicines are also very important. I It does not refer to pills, but medicines for general illnesses, don’t think that pills can cure all diseases, sometimes, general elixir is more suitable for the symptoms, and pills are not necessarily.”

Lin Ziyi said: "You make a list, and I'll send it over."

Tension King nodded and said, "Okay!"

Anyway, Zhang Liwang saw that he couldn't run away, and besides, he was going to the sea of ​​blood. The legendary sea of ​​blood is full of precious blood. King Zhang Li has no intention of resisting now, because he also wants to go to the sea of ​​blood. go.

Zhang Liwang thinks he knows Qiao Ye very well. After all, he has been around for a while. Although Qiao Ye is hot, but as long as he is obedient, Qiao Ye is still willing to give benefits. Zhang Li Wang does not ask for meat, but drinks soup with Qiao Ye Assembly?

Therefore, Zhang Li Wang also tried his best to make a list, and then said: "It is fine to prepare according to the above items, but for the compass, at least ten must be prepared, and there must be different types. I have a treasure in my hand." compass, so these ten compasses can be ordinary.”

Qin Jianchuan asked curiously: "Isn't that thing used to point the way? What do you need so much for?"

Zhang Liwang explained: "The sea is changing rapidly, and sometimes the compass fails when it is not in order. Moreover, no one knows what is on the sea. Sometimes some sea areas will affect the compass. Therefore, you need to prepare a few more. Secondly, prepare more different ones. Materials and different types of compasses can be cross-compared with each other to determine whether there is a problem with the compass.”

Lin Ziyi said: "No problem, everything will be ready within an hour."

The items listed by Tension King are not particularly rare items, you can just buy them directly, and then have someone send them over.

After waiting for a while on the periphery of the chaotic fog, when all the things were delivered and everyone threw the things into the space treasure, they entered the chaotic fog.

The blood-colored mist mixed in the chaotic mist looks very stable, forming a fixed channel. Apart from that, there is actually nothing special about it.

At least, according to Qiao Ye's experience as a boundary guard for so long now, there is almost no possibility of changes in the entrance and exit of this beast domain, as long as there is no artificial manipulation, it should always exist.

From this point of view, Jiang Liuxue's original goal was perfectly achieved. The Beast Realm has been firmly connected to the Nine Realms Battlefield, but I don't know what Jiang Liuxue's picture is.

Qiao Ye took the lead and walked forward while thinking.

Soon, the bloody mist gradually thinned, which meant that it had come to an end. When the bloody mist cleared, Qiao Ye felt that his feet were empty, and his whole body fell downward.

Almost instantly...

The surrounding environment changed, it was completely stormy!

Qiao Yeren was in mid-air, looked down and saw a dark ocean.

At the same time, the surface of the sea could be seen faintly, with a scarlet luster.

Ordinary sea water is mostly blue-cyan gradient, and some sea areas also show a blue-gray color, while the sea water in the Blood Sea has the same color as fresh blood mixed with water, which is also the origin of the name Blood Sea.

Besides, Qiao Ye felt that he was unlucky enough.

As soon as he entered the blood sea, he encountered a storm!

At this moment, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the clouds were extremely low. There were lightning and thunder everywhere, and the hurricane was blowing against the sea, setting off huge waves.

The red sea waves rose layer by layer, slapping the surface of the sea continuously, making a loud roar.


With a splash, Qiao Ye fell into the sea first, followed by the others, who were directly blown away by the waves.

After a while, Qiao Ye jumped out of the sea first, and a black halberd appeared in his hand. He cut the sky with his halberd, and met the falling waves, and split the waves with a bang.

"Hey, this way, this way..."

at the same time……

A huge pirate ship appeared in the sea, King Zhang Li stood on the bow deck and shouted loudly: "Here it is, come quickly!"

Although the waves were terrifying, they were not enough to make Qiao Ye and the others helpless. Compared with the waves that Qiao Ye encountered when he went to the Beast Realm, it was obviously much smaller this time.

Qiao Ye immediately threw his halberd into the sea, then jumped up and jumped towards the direction of the pirate ship, turned over, and smashed into the pirate ship from the air.

As Qiao Ye boarded the boat, a large piece of light suddenly appeared in the sky, but it was Lin Ziyi's Heaven-shattering Demon Butterfly who used the beast-controlling skill to grow into a giant, its body suddenly swelled, and its wings spread, reaching seven or eight meters.

Lin Ziyi's Heaven-shattering Demon Butterfly also came from the secret realm after the gladiator plate was broken. Obviously, most of this Heaven-shattering Demon Butterfly has also been trained by the Beast God. Use beast skills.

After becoming huge, the Potian Modie dragged Lin Ziyi to the boat, and then its body shrunk continuously until it became the size of a normal palm, and then retracted directly into Lin Ziyi's sleeves. The Tiansha Modie obviously hated the rainstorm.

Qiao Ye stood at the bow of the boat and watched, and soon saw Qin Jianchuan. This guy directly slashed the sea with his sword, blasting out sword qi one after another.

Every blow of sword energy will explode a piece of the sea surface, and then with the strength of the recoil, Qin Jianchuan's body will continue to float towards the air, so that he will move towards the ship with one sword after another.

Jin Shengyi...

He used the most stupid, but also the most practical method, to use it.

A treasure cut off the sea water around Jin Shengyi, allowing the undulating sea water to be located under Jin Shengyi, and then Jin Shengyi just stepped on the water and swam over bit by bit.

What Qiao Ye was worried about was Xiao Ji. After entering the fog of chaos, Qiao Ye handed Xiao Ji and Si Buxiang to Polaris to take care of them. Looking back now, Qiao Ye regretted a little and forgot to ask Polaris if he was afraid of water.

Qiao Ye was worried when suddenly a large area of ​​aurora flashed across the sea, and then the sea around the ship was frozen by crystals, as if frozen. crystallized.


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