Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 854 These guys are unreliable

Chapter 854 These guys are unreliable

Polaris has a way to deal with the wind and waves, Qiao Ye is relieved.

A moment later, Qin Jianchuan was the third to board the ship, followed by Polaris.

Qiao Ye reached out and touched Xiao Ji's head, "Are you all right?"

Xiao Ji shook her head and said, "It's okay!"

Qiao Ye actually hesitated whether to bring Xiaoji to Blood Sea. After all, Blood Sea and his party are dangerous and unpredictable, but Xiao Ji is as clingy as ever. Moreover, Qiao Ye felt that if something happened to him, he would take the It doesn't make any difference if Xiao Ji stays in the Linglong Pagoda, this little guy will become lonely again, and no one will take care of him, so take it with you!

Since he brought people out of that void, he must fulfill his responsibility.

Si Buxiang bounced around Qiao Ye, shook his body, splashed a large amount of water, then looked up at Qiao Ye, his eyes were round and big, with an aggrieved expression: Why don't you ask? Ask, is your dog okay?

Qiao Ye smiled and patted Si Buxiang's head, and at this time, Jin Shengyi also got on the boat.

Tension King braved the wind and rain and said, "Let's go first to the cabin!"

Zhang Liwang's pirate ship is not too big, but it is not too small. It is a three-masted sailing ship with two floors. The bottom floor is the cargo hold, and the floor below the deck is the room. As far as people are concerned, it is not a big problem to carry fifty or sixty people, and it is not a problem to just squeeze more.

Qiao Ye looked at the wind and waves around him and said, "Is your boat okay, can it withstand it?"

Zhang Liwang said with a smile: "This is not an ordinary boat, it's a treasure ship. This is a small scene of wind and waves."

Since King Tension said there was no problem, Qiao Ye didn't worry anymore. This guy was also on the boat, and if something happened to the boat, he wouldn't be able to escape.

After entering the cabin, the sound of wind and rain was obviously much quieter.

There are indeed many magical features of the treasure ship. When Qiao Ye and the others entered, the oil lamps in the cabin lit up one by one by themselves, and all of them were ghost fires.

In addition, the wind and waves outside are obviously not small, and the waves are constantly ups and downs, but when entering the cabin, it is as if walking on flat ground, and there is no feeling of bumps at all.

King Tension took an oil lamp, carried it forward and walked forward: "The inner wall of the ship is engraved with patterns. If the cabin is affected and rises and falls, it means that something may happen. That means there's nothing wrong with it."

Tension King led everyone to the largest cabin, and then said to Qiao Ye, "Boss, is this a sea of ​​blood?"

Qiao Ye said: "It should be. It's night, and there's wind and rain. You can't see clearly. After dawn, you can see the color of the sea."

Tension King nodded, and then said: "The most important question, now we can only follow the wind and waves, and there is no way to establish a route, but after dawn, how should we go?"


Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment. He really hadn't considered this question.

When Zhang Liwang saw Qiao Ye's expression, his heart skipped a beat, and he said cautiously, "Boss, you should have a sea chart, right?"

Qiao Ye shook his head and said, "No."

Zhang Liwang already felt a little headache, and said helplessly, "What about the destination?"

Qiao Ye thought for a while, Jiang Liuxue seemed to have mentioned the end of the sea?

"The end of the sea of ​​blood!" Qiao Ye said, "We are going to the end of the sea of ​​blood!"

Tension King asked in astonishment, "Which direction?"

Qiao Ye said: "What is which direction?"

Zhang Liwang said: "For the time being, we understand the end of the sea of ​​blood as the farthest land, but in the four directions of south, east, north and south, which end are we going to?"

Qiao Ye and the others looked at each other, and said honestly, "I don't know!"

At this time, Zhang Liwang's heart was cold, and he felt that he was cheated. These guys are unreliable.

Without a chart, you don't know the route, and now you don't even know the direction. Isn't it just floating on the sea?

These cheating bastards!

Qiao Ye was also very helpless. Looking back now, it seemed that he hadn't considered this issue, but it wasn't his fault.

It was less than a month after the first batch of explorers entered the sea of ​​blood. Apart from confirming the sea of ​​blood, they did not bring back much news. This ghost place cannot send messages, and then there was a riot, and many people entered the sea of ​​blood. .

If there is no accident, the defenders are under tremendous pressure, and sooner or later they will open the sea of ​​​​blood as a secret realm.

Although Qiao Ye and the others were not the first to eat crabs, they were still considered the vanguard. They were not familiar with the sea of ​​blood, so of course they knew nothing about it.

At this moment, Xiao Ji suddenly said, "Western."

Qiao Ye silently asked Xiao Ji's head, "Why?"

Xiao Ji said: "The sun rises from the east and sets from the west!"

So, the end is west?

Everyone laughed.

This is somewhat childish, because the sun sets from the west, so the west is the end of the sea of ​​blood?

This claim is obviously baseless, but...

Qiao Ye said: "Anyway, I don't know which direction to go, it's not bad to go west."

Qiao Ye also realized that they didn't know anything about the sea of ​​blood. What they can do now is to explore, so don't just think about Jiang Liuxue's words.

That guy Jiang Liuxue basically couldn't have any good intentions. According to what he said, go to find the end of the sea, and then something will happen.

That being the case, then ignore Jiang Liuxue and focus directly on the sea of ​​blood itself. After all, regardless of Jiang Liuxue, the sea of ​​blood itself is worth exploring.

"You need to draw a chart!" Qiao Ye looked at Zhang Liwang and said, "Is there a problem?"

Sea charts, this is the most valuable thing at the moment. As long as you have a sea chart and bring it back, the defenders will know more about the sea of ​​blood and be able to explore it better. The value of Qiao Ye and several people coming here.

Zhang Liwang spread his hands and said: "It's not impossible, but at least there is a reference to draw, right? There is nothing around, no signs, and there is no way to draw a chart."

Qiao Ye nodded. Indeed, there is no land around, so it is impossible to draw a sea chart. You must first find a piece of land, then use the land as a landmark, and then draw the sea chart by extending it outward.

Qiao Ye said: "Then wait until we see the land..."


Before Qiao Ye finished speaking, suddenly, a faint loud noise suddenly appeared, and then the ship could be felt violently shaking.

After everyone was stunned, they quickly grabbed what they could grab to stabilize their bodies.

After a while, the boat stopped shaking. Qiao Ye looked at Zhang Liwang and said, "Didn't you say that with this level of wind and waves, your boat will not have any problems?"

"There won't be any problems!" Zhang Liwang said solemnly: "We have been attacked!"


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